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CSS3 @font-face Design Guide. Although CSS3 @font-face is supported by most major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), but not all. When it doesn't, your custom fonts might break the layout or come out with undesired results. In this article, I will explain the common issues with using custom fonts, picking the matching fallback web safe fonts, and how to create a perfect fallback font style with Modernizr. Common Mistake One common mistake that most people make when implementing custom fonts is not specifying the fallback fonts or picking the wrong fallback fonts. Web Safe Fallback Fonts When using custom fonts, it is important to include the web safe fonts as fallback. Layout Issues Because every font face has its own width, height, weight, kerning (letter-spacing), etc., some fonts are not substitutable with the web safe fonts. This might causes layout issues as shown in the image below where the fallback font extends off the boundary.

Modernizr Fallback Font Styles With Modernizr (demo) Including Modernizr. CSS Cross Browser Fonts using CSS3 @font-face. For years, web designers and bloggers have been limited to a select number of "web-safe" fonts. With the Jun 30th release of FireFox 3.5, it's now possible for cross-browser font embedding using the CSS3 @font-face selector. Here's a tutorial to show you how Expand Your Font Palette Using CSS3 In a tale involving proprietary font formats and a week-old release of FireFox, I'm here to say that using the CSS @font-face selector to spice up your website typography is an easy, light-weight, valid and cross-browser solution. Finally, fancy fonts for the masses! Can this be true? History: The Web as a Typographic Wasteland For the past decade, web designers have been limited to a selection of about 13 or so "web-safe" fonts.

While it's theoretically possible to utilize any font you want for a web site, in order for it to display properly, each visitor must have that particular font loaded on their computer. CSS3 @Font-Face Embedding to the Rescue How @font-face Works: Easy Peasy Code: That's it! Scalable Inman Flash Replacement. Scalable Inman Flash Replacement (sIFR) is an open source JavaScript and Adobe Flash dynamic web fonts implementation, enabling the replacement of text elements on HTML web pages with Flash equivalents. It was initially developed by Mike Davidson and improved by Mark Wubben. It is a scalable variety of HTML text-to-flash replacement pioneered by Shaun Inman. Overview[edit] CSS support in web browsers did not, at the time of sIFR's creation, allow webpages to dynamically include web fonts, so there was no guarantee that fonts specified in CSS or HTML would show as intended, as the browsing user may or may not have had the specified font installed in their system. sIFR embeds a font in a Flash element that displays the text, pre-empting the need for a font to have been manually pre-installed on a user's system.

A common technique is to use raster graphics to display text in a font that cannot be trusted to be available on most computers. Criticism[edit] Alternatives[edit] Trivia[edit] Ttf2eot on the web! Use this tool to convert a TrueType (TTF) font file into an OpenType (EOT) font file, for use with Internet Explorer for embedded fonts. After using this tool, you will be able to embed fonts on your web pages that can be seen on Internet Explorer 4 and higher, and all current modern web browsers that support embedded fonts via CSS3 (Firefox 3.5 and higher are among such browsers).

See the Restrictions that are in place for this web application. There are some known issues with the ttf2eot binary this application uses and certain TTF files won't work on IE when converted to EOT. If your font doesn't work on IE after conversion, try this other font converter instead. To keep this program from consuming too many resources on the server, the following restrictions are in place: This program will only accept a TTF file that is less than 2 MB (or 1024*1024*2 bytes).

If this program isn't working for you, feel free to contact me. Upload a valid TrueType Font file and click the button. Create Your Own @font-face Kits. ☙ Mobile browser support for WOFF at 24.15 % | Editorial article on Kombinat-Typefounders ❧ → While the mobile browser usage share is only at a total of 11.78% this is a rapidly expanding segment of the browser market.

The introduction of iOS 5 on October 12th, 2011 marked a major turning point for WOFF on mobile devices. As expected the introduction of iOS 5.1 catapulted WOFF support on mobile devices from a meager 0.35% to 24.15% in just two months time. The impact of Safari Mobile is mainly due to the Apple’s massive usage share. Updates (Sept. 9, 2012): Usage share of all browsers → by Hannes Famira created Sep. 09, 2011 updated Jan. 26, 2014 Safari (66.43%) 48.66% WOFF support → version 5.1 and up since October 2011 Android (20.87 %) WOFF support → Firefox version 5 and up since June 2011 Opera Mobile 0.27% WOFF support → version 11.0 and up mobile browser version supporting WOFF old mobile browser version for which an update supporting woff is available mobile browsers not supporting WOFF Last updated Sept. 9, 2012 Recommended read • DevOpera: Introducing WOFF.

☙ Desktop browser support for WOFF at 57,11 % | Editorial article on Kombinat-Typefounders ❧ → As of July 20, 2011 all major desktop browsers are now represented with a GA (General Availability) version offering WOFF support. This means all eyes are on the mobile browser market now. It is worth mentioning though that specs for the WOFF format have not even been finalized yet. The WOFF specification was published as Candidate Recommendation on August 4, 2011. Updates (September 9, 2012): Usage share of all browser by Hannes Famira created Aug. 15, 2010 updated Jan. 26, 2014 Total usage share (100%) - September 2011 InternetExplorer (53.6%) 18.4% WOFF support → version 9 and up since March 2011 Firefox (20.05%) 19.5% WOFF support → version 3.6 and up since October 2009 Chrome 18.72% WOFF support → version 5 and up since April 2010 Safari 4.09% WOFF support → version 5.1 and up since July 2011 browser version supporting WOFF old browser version for which a new version supporting woff is available The graphic above represents the state of affairs for the month of August, 2012.

Recommended read. The Art Of Font Embedding - Web Fonts. Google Web Fonts API 增加“text=”参数节约请求量. Nice Web Type – IE10 supports OpenType features via CSS. Internet Explorer 10 has joined Firefox 4+ in supporting OpenType font features via CSS vendor prefixes. To explain how these features work, Microsoft commissioned demo pages from Font Bureau, Monotype, and FontFont (reminiscent of another demo/announcement from Microsoft). First WOFF support in IE9, and now the beginnings of OpenType feature support in IE10.

The demos are nicely done, and they each come with code samples that are worth studying. The way OpenType features are presently implemented is somewhat complicated. For instance, here’s how to enable small caps in IE and Firefox: That’s the CSS font-feature-settings property, which is the most specific of font feature property settings. But simpler rules are in the spec draft too: It’s too bad font-variant-caps and similar font-variant-based properties are not yet supported in any browser. Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents (Browser safe fonts) - Web design tips & tricks. Last updated: 2008/06/03 Return to the main page Introduction Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as "browser safe fonts".

This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too. If you are new to web design, maybe you are thinking: "Why I have to limit to that small set of fonts? I have a large collection of nice fonts in my computer". If you want to know how the fonts are displayed in other OS's or browsers than yours, after the table you can find several screen shots of this page in different systems and browsers. The list First, a few introductory notes: The names in grey are the generic family of each font. 1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are bundled with Windows 2000/XP and they are also included in the IE font pack (and bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems. How the fonts look in different systems and browsers. CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing.

CSS is ten years old this year. Such an anniversary is an opportunity to revisit the past and chart the future. CSS has fundamentally changed web design by separating style from structure. It has provided designers with a set of properties that can be tweaked to make marked-up pages look right—and CSS3 proposes additional properties requested by designers. Article Continues Below Many CSS properties, both old and new, deal with text: they describe text color, position, style, and direction.

Consider the fine designs in the CSS Zen Garden. A background image! There are many reasons why background images should not be used to convey text. There is a way: web fonts. A brief history of web fonts#section1 This is not a new idea. Better news#section2 It’s a pleasure for me to announce that web fonts are back! Screenshot of web page using real TrueType fonts. Screenshot of web page using real TrueType fonts. Screenshot of web page using real TrueType fonts.

Web fonts: the code you’ll use#section3. CSS3 Transforms & @font-face Experiment | neography. Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 This is the first of what I hope are num­ber of exper­i­ments I plan on work­ing on over the next few months, all in an effort to get acquain­ted with some of the new CSS3 fea­tures out in the wild that seem to be gain­ing some traction.

The last few months have been pretty excit­ing, with all the talk about new CSS3 fea­tures and how browsers are adding sup­port for them, it’s a great time to be a designer for the web. It’s a lot easier these days to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent typefaces, lay­outs and tech­niques pre­vi­ously not available. Take a look at the image below: No, it’s not a poster. How’s it done? Pretty easy actu­ally, I used basic CSS pos­i­tion­ing and some of the newer CSS3 fea­tures to put it together. @font-face Trans­forms -webkit-transform: rotate(1deg); -moz-transform: rotate(1deg); -o-transform: rotate(1deg); Text-Shadows & Box Shadows text-shadow: 2px 8px #b5c1b8, -1px -1px #fff; box-shadow: 4px 6px #b5c1b8; Works in these browsers Indeed.