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Amark/mongous. Genghis, the single-file MongoDB admin app. Labs. PhpMoAdmin - MongoDB GUI administration tool for PHP, built on Vork. PHP Language Center. Install PHP 5, Apache 2 and MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.10 and test it out. I created a clean install of Ubuntu 10.10 on VMWare Workstation.

Install PHP 5, Apache 2 and MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.10 and test it out

The VMWare free player will work as well. Once I had Ubuntu 10.10 installed and ran the patch update I proceeded to install Apache 2 from the terminal: Next step, install PHP 5. Please note I’m installing some additional packages I’ve found useful – you don’t need to install all of these if you choose just be careful you don’t remove a dependent package, ex: php5-dev is needed for MongoDB.

Pick and choose what you need. Mongo. SQL to Mongo Mapping Chart. In addition to the charts that follow, you might want to consider the Frequently Asked Questions section for a selection of common questions about MongoDB.

SQL to Mongo Mapping Chart

The following table presents the various SQL statements and the corresponding MongoDB statements. The examples in the table assume the following conditions: Create and Alter The following table presents the various SQL statements related to table-level actions and the corresponding MongoDB statements. For more information, see db.collection.insert(), db.createCollection(), db.collection.update(), $set, $unset, db.collection.ensureIndex(), indexes, db.collection.drop(), and Data Modeling Concepts.