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jQuery Maps

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Google Map Icons, Location Pins, Location Markers, POI, Map Application Design Kit. Gmaps.js — Google Maps API with less pain and more fun. gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery. Yahoo! Weather Feed Plugin for jQuery - Zazar Online Website Builder. This plugin will read the current weather for a location using Yahoo!

Yahoo! Weather Feed Plugin for jQuery - Zazar Online Website Builder

Weather. It produces structured HTML with in-built CSS classes for styling. Google Map Plugin for jQuery - Zazar Online Website Builder. This plugin simplifies the adding Google Maps via the Google Map API (v3) and plots custom locations with pop-up descriptions.

Google Map Plugin for jQuery - Zazar Online Website Builder

Simple and easy to use. Features Choose map type: road map, satellite, hybrid or terrain.Add locations via an address, without long/lat values.Enable/disable tool tipsAdd clickable locations with pop-up descriptions.Define map size and initial zoom level. Maplace.js - A small Google Maps Javascript helper.