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PhpGedView News - Online genealogy at its best. PhpGedView: Repost: Download "SVN" versi... Webtrees - Home page. About webtrees webtrees is the web's leading on-line collaborative genealogy application. It is open source software, and costs $ zero - yes, that means totally FREE! All you need to use it is a website with PHP and MySQL installed. It works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application; and it aims to be efficient and effective by using the right combination of third-party tools, design techniques and open standards. Transferring from PhpGedView Moving all your important data and configuration settings from an existing PhpGedView ("PGV") setup to webtrees is a quick and painless process. webtrees has an easy-to-use "wizard" to transfer most of your information, assuming your PGV install meets certain requirements.

See our WIKI page for further details and the few exceptions. So why not give webtrees a try? Download 1.5.2 and 1.4.6 released 09 Feb 2014 webtrees version 1.5.2 is now available for download. See the wiki site for upgrade tips! Wikipedia API - Wikipedia-Lab. Overview "Wikipedia API beta" allows users to access a number of valuable services such as Wikipedia Thesaurus and Wikipedia Ontology (coming soon). WSDL can be accessed from the following URL. Now, English and Japanese are supported. The WSDL is available on the WWW, thus it lets you embed the power of our Wikipedia Thesaurus in your own applications (both Web-based and non-Web-based) with our XML-Web service. API list Getting Started (Visual Studio, C#) First of all, you should open the WSDL dialogue by selecting 1)Main menu -> 2)Project -> 3)Add a Web service.

Next, type the following URL into the text box and push the "Add the reference" button. Now, everything should work well. The following code example shows the basic code to extract a list of related terms for the query "Microsoft" by using Wikipedia Thesaurus. If you want to access to Japanese thesaurus, you should replace "English" into "Japanese". Quite simple. MediaWiki API. MediaWiki API Result. Creating a bot. Robots or bots are automatic processes that interact with Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects) as though they were human editors.

This page attempts to explain how to carry out the development of a bot for use on Wikimedia projects and much of this is transferable to other wikis based on MediaWiki. The explanation is geared mainly towards those who have some prior programming experience, but are unsure of how to apply this knowledge to creating a Wikipedia bot. Why would I need to create a bot? [edit] Bots can automate tasks and perform them much faster than humans. If you have a simple task that you need to perform lots of times (an example might be to add a template to all pages in a category with 1000 pages), then this is a task better suited to a bot than a human.

Considerations before creating a bot[edit] It is often far simpler to request a bot job from an existing bot. Will the bot be manually assisted or fully automated? How does a Wikipedia bot work? Overview of operation[edit] DISTANCE ENTRE 2 VILLES, PROXIMITÉ distance, villes, proximité, calcul, Source N°27655 SQL. Le but est de rechercher pour une ville donnée les villes les plus proches, la base de donnée des villes avec les coordonnées latitude et longitude (en degré décimal) peut être trouvé sur le net - - LIEN HS - - alors, demandez moi, car j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à trouver un fichier assez complet Le seul inconvénient c'est que ça ne donne pas le code postal (si quelqu'un trouve une telle base, qu'il me le fasse savoir, ça m'interresse) SELECT `ville`. `FULL_NAME_ND`,(6366*acos(cos(radians($LAT))*cos(radians(`ville`. `LAT`))*cos(radians(`ville`. `LONG`)-radians($LONG))+sin(radians($LAT))*sin(radians(`ville`. `LAT`))))as Proximite from `ville` where `ville`.

`CC1`= order by Proximite limit 1,5; explications (derrière --)--commande de sélection SELECT --nom complet de la ville `ville`.