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OpenTransact vs PaySwarm part 2 - yes it's still mostly out of scope - Stake Ventures. Generally this post will again reflect the differences in approaches. OpenTransact is a single layer simple pragmatic standard for performing payments nothing else. PaySwarm is a fully featured idealistic multi layered approach where you must buy into a whole different way running your business.

A Facebook friend suggested that OpenTransact vs PaySwarm is like Libertarianism vs Socialism. I don’t quite buy that in practice as I know that PaySwarm is not about forcing anyone to do anything. However the basic PaySwarm philosophy of wanting to design a whole world view is very similar to central planning or large standards bodies like ANSI , IEEE etc. Anyway here is my rundown of the sections I missed. Extensible Machine Readable Metadata Manu’s section We specify JSON for responses. I don’t think it would help the standard by specifying how extensions should be done at this point. Transactions I don’t like the term transaction as Manu is using it here. Currency Exchange Verifiable Receipts EG. Retour sur le BarCampBankParis7. The Future of Online Banking. This series is brought to you by TurboTax Federal Free Edition. Last September, The American Bankers Association (ABA) announced that, for the first time, most Americans aged 55-years and older prefer online banking as opposed to visiting a branch or ATM.

According to the study, 57% of bank customers in that age group noted that Internet banking was their preferred means of managing their money, compared to only 20% in 2010. Among all age groups, 62% said they prefer online banking, up from 36% on the previous year. In the UK, the numbers of registered online banking users pretty much doubled between 2006 and 2010, meaning that 43% of the adult population is signed-up to side-step bank queues. Of course, there’s still a long way to go. The High Street bank isn’t yet consigned to the history books, if it ever will be. However, there’s little question that digital banking is the future for everyone.

The future of online banking: It’s all around us Well, no. Banking without walls?


Les conclusions du 1er livre blanc sur l’innovation dans l’immobilier. WordPress Crowdfunding Plugin | Crowdfunding On Your TermsIgnitionDeck. Gartner: Next, Social Networks Will Sell Insurance, Become Banks. A recently published business development analysis by research firm Gartner looked into social networks' need for a more structurally sound revenue stream, and came to the conclusion that to maintain viability and competitiveness, they will soon enter the financial services industry.

One Gartner analyst, Juergen Weiss, went so far as to predict that by the end of 2014, one of the major social networks - by implication, Facebook - would enter the business of property and casualty (P&C) insurance. "Offering insurance products to their communities would be a natural extension of social media providers' financial services strategies," reads Weiss' conclusions, "and would allow them to capitalize on their extensive set of information they constantly collect about their users.

" The predictions appear in the latest of a Gartner series of "Top Industry Predicts 2012" reports, using data compiled late last November. Here's where Juergen Weiss takes over.

Relation client

Moyens de paiement. Paiement Mobile. BarCampBankSF3. Economie. Bank as a utility. Visible Banking: Social Media & Digital Engagement in FinServ. eBanking 2.0. La bataille de l’innovation sur le marché des paiements. Le parcours client À quoi ressemblera dans un avenir proche le parcours client lors d’une transaction de paiement ? À en croire les initiatives lancées et les réflexions en cours des différents acteurs sur le marché des paiements, la façon de régler un bien ou un service ne ressemblera plus en rien au parcours de paiement actuel. Alors que les indicateurs suivis par les émetteurs de cartes de paiement tournent autour du taux de pénétration de cartes, du taux d’équipement par porteur ou encore la notion de « top of the wallet », le consommateur de demain risque fort de n’avoir aucune carte dans son portefeuille… voire de ne plus avoir de portefeuille du tout. Ainsi, notre consommateur de demain, que nous appellerons Éric, pourrait très bien couvrir tous ses besoins de paiement via son seul smartphone, équipé d’une puce NFC, d’une application mobile et d’un appareil photo.

Les facteurs contribuant à l’évolution Le cadre réglementaire Les nouvelles technologies Le comportement client.


Bienvenue au pôle de compétitivité mondial FINANCE INNOVATION. The Future of Digital Finance - 24th Nov 2011, Hong Kong - Sitecore Content Management System (CMS) Paiement. BarcampBankParis7. Agrégation bancaire: qui des banques ou des plateformes va gagner le match? par Didier Louvet – Chronique Economie. Les banques, les plateformes indépendantes ainsi que les plateformes VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) s'attaquent désormais au sujet sensible de l'agrégation des données bancaires.

Qui est le mieux armé pour offrir aux particuliers le meilleur service possible? Les services apportés par les espaces clients des "vendeurs" se développent et s'enrichissent. Des services experts, indépendants des vendeurs voient le jour et des plateformes VRM apparaissent. Le tout sans concertation ni collaboration entre eux. Mon analyse m'amène à penser que seul le partenariat sera créateur de valeur. Pour démontrer ma position, j'ai décidé de vous exposer ma réflexion sur un exemple concret: celui des informations bancaires (données essentielles pour tous les particuliers qui constituent la clé de voûte du pilotage de la consommation). A ce titre plusieurs constats on pu être établis: - Les premières plateformes VRM développent ou réfléchissent à développer l'agrégation des données bancaires. A. B. C. The coming revolution in banking | Queen Street Commons. Retail Banking is broken Why and what can we do?

This graphic (HT Harold Jarche) tells us most of what we need to know to answer these questions. In the last 100 years we have lived through 2 paradigms for how society and an economy works. We are living in the transition to the third paradigm right now. Understanding these transitions will enable us to navigate to the next paradigm. Each paradigm has unspoken but real rules. A new context Transactional retail banking is very new. But now fewer and fewer of us have a pay cheque or a job. The new economy will be made up of many ultra small businesses organized in powerful networks. ( See this link for more on this point) The “banks” that will thrive in this new context will mirror their customer base.

They will have to learn how to apply these rules in the new network context. So let’s now look at the old eternal rules for banking and sense how the old may apply to the new. Deja Vu all Over Again Most of our customers are small and personal. Banking Strategies | Marketing & Sales | Marketing and Promotion | Digital Banking Gets Personal. A bank is a digital business and, as a digital business, can be broken down into pure bits and bytes. More than that, a bank can be seen as three digital businesses in one: a manufacturer of products; a processor of transactions; and a retailer of services. In this context, the digitization of banking becomes more interesting at a strategic level. First, the products have been deconstructed. Every bank product can be deconstituted into its lowest common denominator of components and then reconstituted into new forms of use and structure.

This component-based bank demands that every bank capability be put into a basic widget form, or object form if you prefer, and then offered to customers to put together as they see fit. In other words, there are no integrated product sets any more, just banking as apps that customers put together to suit their needs. Moving onto processing, we build upon the app-based product view and begin to consider processes as open source code. Mr. BarcampBank sur G+ (amorçage en cours) Finance 2.0. Stanjourdan. Reinventing financial services (Lift11) by Sean Park on Prezi. Les prêts entre particuliers en pleine expansion avec la crise, Actualités. Open Bank Project - Home.


Monnaies libres. TEDxConejo - Brett King - Bank 2.0: Modality Shift.