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Agnès Sorel

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Agnès Sorel. Deutsch:Agnès Sorel (* um 1410 oder 1422 ; † 9. oder 11.

Agnès Sorel

Februar 1450), auch Dame de beauté genannt, war die Mätresse des französischen Königs Karl VII. English:Agnès Sorel (1421 – 9 February 1450), known by the sobriquet Dame de beauté, was a mistress of the French King Charles VII. Français :Agnès Sorel (environ 1420, † 9 février 1450) était la favorite du roi de France Charles VII.

Paintings and drawings[edit] Jean Fouquet: Mary and child (Agnès Sorel), c. 1452-1455Close up of the previous imagePortrait by an anonymous artist, 15th century Sculptures[edit] Tomb of Agnès Sorel in the Logis Royal of the Château de LochesTomb of Agnès Sorel, collegial church Saint-Ours, LochesTomb of Agnès Sorel, collegial church Saint-Ours, LochesTomb of Agnès Sorel, collegial church Saint-Ours, LochesGisant du tombeau d'Agnès Sorel, détail du visage, collégiale Saint-Ours de Loches. Category:Madonna lactans by Jean Fouquet. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).

Category:Madonna lactans by Jean Fouquet

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Agnès Sorel. Agnès Sorel (1422[1] – 9 February 1450), known by the sobriquet Dame de beauté, was a favourite mistress of King Charles VII of France, by whom she bore three daughters.[2] She is considered the first officially recognized royal mistress.[3] She was the subject of several contemporary paintings and works of art, including Jean Fouquet's Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels.

Agnès Sorel

Life in the royal court[edit] The daughter of soldier Jean Soreau and Catherine de Maignelais, Sorel was twenty years old when she was first introduced to King Charles.[3] At that time, she was holding a position in the household of Rene I of Naples, as a maid of honour to his consort Isabella, Duchess of Lorraine. Sorel then went on to serve as the lady-in-waiting for Marie d'Anjou, Charles VII of France's wife. She would soon become his mistress.[3] The King gave her the Château de Loches (where he had been persuaded by Joan of Arc to be crowned King of France) as her private residence.[4] Suspicious death[edit] Agnès Sorel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Agnès Sorel

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sorel. Agnès Sorel Portrait d'Agnès Sorel d'après Jean Fouquet, BNF, Rés. Na 21, f. 28. Agnès Sorel est née au début du XVe siècle, vers 1422 selon le père Anselme. Jeunesse[modifier | modifier le code] Agnès Sorel est née en Picardie, à Coudun, près de Compiègne[2]. À la cour[modifier | modifier le code] Portrait d'Agnès Sorel d'après Jean Fouquet, Château Royal de Loches La jeunesse et la beauté d'Agnès Sorel, entrée au service de la maison angevine , la font très rapidement remarquer par le roi de France, Charles VII, de vingt ans son aîné[7]. Pierre de Brézé, qui a remarqué les regards de son suzerain pour cette nouvelle venue à la cour, présente à Charles VII celle qui sera regardée comme la plus jolie femme du royaume.

Portrait d'Agnès Sorel datant du XVe siècle Le dauphin, futur Louis XI, ne supporte pas la relation d’Agnès avec son père.