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G Active: Water Made Active. To launch Gatorade’s new electrolyte water G Active, in collaboration with TBWAChiatDay, we made a true-to-life water athlete, animated it in mid air, and caught it on camera. The Rain Rig Our custom-made “rain rig” dripped water in complete sequence and harmony. It recreated the figure of a real athlete in a liquid animation. Each unit contained 64 litres of water, with 8 units running at any one time. This meant we used half a tonne of water to bring the whole system together. Data & Motion-Capture To make the water character true-to-life, we motion-captured a human athlete running, jumping and kickboxing. 2,048 Water Switches The water droplets turned on and off using a series of 2,048 switches. Camera Positioning We had to take each frame and process it in two ways.

To have the camera positioned at the right angle for the shot, we programmed the water rig to sync with our motion control team. The Team. Stop motion !! How.png 800×706 píxels. Nieve simulada. Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling. Note: This article is included in our year-end storytelling advice round-up.

Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling

A while back, now-former Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats tweeted a series of pearls of narrative wisdom she had gleaned from working at the studio. This list of 22 rules of storytelling was widely embraced as it was applicable to any writer or anyone who was in the business of communicating (which is pretty much everyone, including software developers). And much of its advice (e.g. "You gotta keep in mind what's interesting to you as an audience, not what's fun to do as a writer. They can be very different") is still as applicable as ever. Last week, Dino Ignacio, a UX Director at a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, created a series of image macros of the 22 rules, posting them to Imgur.

Have a look through more of them in the slides above. TUERRSCHMIDTSTRASSE 24. Top 100 animated movies list. 1 Que es la animacion. Festival Winners - Watch Festival Winning Short Films on FILMS short. Vertical Menu with CSS3 Festival winners are not always great short films (in my opinion) but across these pages are some of the best short films that have won major awards.

Festival Winners - Watch Festival Winning Short Films on FILMS short

Omnibus by Sam Karmann (1992) (France) (8m) Omnibus , co-written by Sam Karmann & Christian Rauth, won the Best Short Film Oscar , Palm d'Or and BAFTA during the 1992/1993 awards season (that's a grand slam in my British-biased books). It is a comedy about a man on a non-stop train desparately trying to convince first the conductor and then the driver to let him off at an intermediate station. Karmann is now best known as an actor on French TV, for which he also continues to direct.

The Chubbchubbs! Written by Jeff Wolverton and directed by Eric Armstrong, The Chubbchubbs! Sniffer by Bobbie Peers (2006) (Norway) (10m) * Sniffer was written and directed by Bobbie Peers, a Norwegian filmmaker with a string of short films under his belt. Pixilation Ilha Design 2008. Disney's 'Paperman' Short Floats Online (Video) The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. (Oscar a mejor cortometraje de animación 2012) 5 Great Sites for Student Animation. Online animation is one of the most exciting advances in education technology, allowing students the opportunity to be endlessly creative in designing their own comic strips, movies and more.

5 Great Sites for Student Animation

It’s a fantastic way to liven up the classroom and is guaranteed to be a big hit with young and older students alike, due to the great range of websites available and their ability to both cater to simplicity and accommodate more complex creations. With the advent of this plethora of great new sites, art and drawing are no longer only for the art class – they can be brought to bear on almost any subject and can be particularly useful for lightening otherwise dry topic material. You can make a cartoon or an animation out of any topic, from creating your own animated version of a Shakespeare play to a virtual model of ionic and covalent chemical bonding!

Best of all, the excitement of creating their own project is guaranteed to animate (sorry couldn’t resist!) 1. 2. 3. 4. Film Skillet. Ron Kurer's Toon Tracker. Don Markstein's Toonopedia.

Stop Motion

Joguines òptiques. Animation.