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Damdam : In color since 2004… #ipodmini... Coffee Time: Market Share vs Profit - journal - minimally minimal. Followers of my blog probably know that this blog is photo heavy. I get many compliments for posting them but I wanted to expand into posting my thoughts and observations on design and the industry. Of course, they will be complimented with graphics and photos. I'll be calling these Coffee Time. I'll post on a frequent basis. Most of them will be short (hence the name). These numbers have been creating quite a buzz recently. What many people have failed to associate is that Apple dominates in terms of revenue. . - Yes, in terms of a pure number of shipped products, Android rules all.- If you look at the amount of money being made, Apple dominates.- Android has many manufacturers using their OS, iOS devices are only made by Apple.

This is how I like to illustrate this whole scenario. These are the phones Samsung currently sells in the US. I truly feel that a simple, focused and powerful product line is what's not only better for the company but also consumers. Is Netflix killing DVDs like Apple killed floppies? | Media Maverick. Big Champagne CEO Eric Garland has seen Netflix's price hike in many different forms over many years. Industry leaders change directions with a product or service and stunned customers revolt. It's a scenario that played out when Facebook overhauled the social network's interface and in 1998 when Apple released the iMac G3 without a 3.5-inch floppy-disc drive.

People called Steve Jobs crazy. But Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, like Jobs before him, is now trying to move the market into the future, says Garland. For over a decade, Garland's Los Angeles-based company has tracked digital-media consumption over the Web and much of the data he collects he sells to the major film studios and record companies. Q: What was your reaction to Netflix's price increase? What does Reed Hasting see that a lot of people complaining or us in the media can't see?

That's not what's likely to happen tomorrow. But Netflix's streaming selection is thin. You ask, what about all those DVD titles?


Vara Software : ScreenFlow. Highest Quality Recording ScreenFlow has the best screen recording available – whether you are recording multiple screens at once, or using retina displays. Built in Stock Media Library Spice up your videos with access to over 500,000 unique images, audio & video clips and more directly from within your ScreenFlow projects. iOS Recording Record your iPhone or iPad screen for high quality app demos.

Easy to Learn, Easy to Use ScreenFlow’s intuitive UI allows everyone to create amazing content in minutes. Powerful Video Editing Tools Add pro touches to your videos with transitions, text animations, video animations, freehand annotations, multi-channel audio and more. Professional Animations & Motions Graphics Animate graphics, titles and logos with built in video and text animations.

Better Tools for Software Tutorials Use Styles and Templates to make editing a series of Software tutorials quicker and easier. Streamlined Media Management Closed Caption Support More Publishing Options. The Evolution of Websites: How 10 Popular Websites Have (And Hav. I was in high school in the mid-nineties when I first encountered the ever-expanding world of websites.

At the time, I didn't realize that my future career would rely on this industry -- one which did not exist when I was in elementary school. Now in the year 2008, having created websites for over half my life, I look back and see how much websites have changed in the last decade and a half. At the same time, I can see how little they've changed as well, and I've realized that the internet as we know it today is only a teenager, with many years of growth still ahead. So in the vein of change, let's look at ten popular websites and their evolution throughout the last many years. Apple Today / 5 Years Ago / 10 Years Ago Apple has always championed simplicity and their websites have followed this axiom. Amazon Today / 9 Years Ago Amazon has changed very little over the years. Adobe Today / 5 Years Ago / 9 Years Ago / 12 Years Ago CNN Today / 5 Years Ago / 8 Years Ago ESPN Today / 8 Years Ago. Apple transforme l’iPhone en home cinéma… et plus.

[Translate this article] Aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître, l’information est passée totalement inaperçue jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il faut dire que la demande de brevet dont il est question faisait partie d’un groupe de 80 qui décourageait d’avance toute velléités d’exploration approfondie. Or donc, alerté par @thomesss de l’existence d’un article du Telegraph, quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de constater qu’une demande de brevet d’Apple (US 20100079356) portant sur des un système de montures pour iPhone avait été publié voilà plus d’une semaine ! Portant le titre "HEAD-MOUNTED DISPLAY APPARATUS FOR RETAINING A PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH DISPLAY", ce document ne propose rien de moins que d’intégrer un iPhone (ou un iPod, n°400 ci-dessous) dans une monture de type "lunettes" munie d’une prise dock (342 à 344 ci-dessous).

Sur le plan des commandes, les capteurs de forces sont envisagés, de même que des boutons physiques, des commandes vocales ou une télécommande. Like this: