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Comprendre et maîtriser SSH. Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre ensemble les fondamentaux pour comprendre, utiliser et maîtriser le protocole et les outils SSH.

Comprendre et maîtriser SSH

Depuis que l’informatique existe, il est nécessaire de se connecter régulièrement sur différentes machines pour y effectuer des configurations, exécuter des traitements, ou plus simplement pour les utiliser. Nous avons aujourd’hui l’habitude de nous trouver face à un écran, avec notre souris et notre clavier pour cela. Néanmoins, nous ne pouvons pas nous trouver en face d’une machine, qu’il s’agisse d’un ordinateur ou d’un serveur à chaque fois que l’on veut y effectuer des opérations. Parfois, et même souvent, un administrateur système ou un utilisateur va devoir, avec son ordinateur, se connecter à distance à un autre ordinateur, ou plus souvent à un autre serveur. Dans ce cours, nous allons étudier SSH, un protocole, mais aussi un ensemble d’applications qui permettent d’effectuer des connexions distantes d’un ordinateur à un autre. SSH and Basic Commands. Tutorial by Matt Doyle | Level: Intermediate | Published on 14 May 2007 Categories: Learn how to connect to your Web server via SSH, and issue some basic UNIX commands.

SSH and Basic Commands

In this tutorial we'll introduce you to SSH - a tool that allows you to send remote commands to your Web server - and show you some simple UNIX commands to help you manage your website. Not all Web hosts give you SSH access to your Web server. This is often for security reasons, or because the host is running a non-UNIX server such as Windows. What is SSH? SSH is a protocol that allows you to connect to a remote computer - for example, your Web server - and type commands to be carried out on that computer, such as moving and copying files, creating directories (folders), and running scripts. SSH client on your computer - see below - and you also need three pieces of information:

[SsH] Commandes utiles. Common SSH Commands - Linux Shell Commands. Updated: May 23, 2011: Added some new commands for the linux shell.

Common SSH Commands - Linux Shell Commands

We've put together some of the more frequently used linux shell commands, and organized them by name so you can easily find a command, their description and how to use it. This guide will continue to be updated and should not be considered a complete list of linux shell commands, but commands, we found, often used. If you would like to add to this guide, please email us and let us know. We know that these themselves are bash commands and not actually SSH commands but it is what most Linux newbies are looking for when searching for 'SSH commands'.

Common Linux Shell Commandsls : list files/directories in a directory, comparable to dir in windows/ -al : shows all files (including ones that start with a period), directories, and details attributes for each file. cat filename.txt : cat the contents of filename.txt to your screen Usage: chmod numberpermissions filename :q!