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Social Degradation

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Well-Being News – Health Data, Well-Being Index, Workplace Wellness, Behavioral Economics. Gay Rights. Cleaning up the Religion Debate. Lately there have been a few articles on Disinfo that eventually, either immediately or after a few days, spurred an argument that rears its head fairly often here.

Cleaning up the Religion Debate

The debate between atheism and religion is one in which I usually enjoy taking part, and I like that it pops up on Disinfo with a certain regularity. What I don’t like, what I suspect many of us don’t like, is that they often devolve into, if not begin as, something along the lines of: Poster A: religion is stupid. Three Myths About World Hunger. Myth one: OVERPOPULATION Actually there is plenty of food in the world.

Three Myths About World Hunger

Production of cereals (wheat, rice, millet etc) last year reached 1799.2 million tons, enough to offer everyone in the world well over the recommended minimum of 2.500 calories per adult per day.