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Africa. Chile Elects First Female President. Bite Me: Teeth. Comics. Video games activate reward regions of brain in men more than women, Stanford study finds. Public release date: 4-Feb-2008 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Michelle 650-723-0272Stanford University Medical Center STANFORD, Calif. - Allan Reiss, MD, and his colleagues have a pretty good idea why your husband or boyfriend can't put down the Halo 3. In a first-of-its-kind imaging study, the Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have shown that the part of the brain that generates rewarding feelings is more activated in men than women during video-game play.

"These gender differences may help explain why males are more attracted to, and more likely to become 'hooked' on video games than females," the researchers wrote in their paper, which was recently published online in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. More than 230 million video and computer games were sold in 2005, and polls show that 40 percent of Americans play games on a computer or a console. Reiss, senior author of the study and the Howard C. . [ Print | E-mail. Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex - Life - Just in case you thought the route to sexual bliss was straightforward, here's a list of things to avoid.

They're all pretty much guaranteed passion killers for a woman - and if your check list contains more than ten of these, you've got some serious work to do on your sexual etiquette! 1) Going straight for the naughty bits You've got to be sensitive to the fact that a woman is more likely to be irritated than aroused when a man dives for her breasts and vulva after a few minutes' perfunctory kissing. While you might get to feel the goods, you're not going to be invited back. 2) Not knowing how to kiss sensitively Passionate or sensitive, firm or gentle, good kissing is an art form which lubricates the wheels of sex and gets everyone in the mood for more intimacy. 3) Being too rough when you touch her erogenous zones Men like a firmer touch than women, especially when it comes to our penises. 4) Not stroking and caressing her A woman's second biggest sex organ is her skin.

There you go! New brain-chemistry differences found in depressed women. Public release date: 6-Nov-2006 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Kara 734-764-2220University of Michigan Health System ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- A new brain study finds major differences between women with serious depression and healthy women in a brain-chemical system that's crucial to stress and emotions. The study adds further evidence that depression has its roots in specific alterations within the brain -- specifically in the endogenous opioid system that is a central part of the brain's natural pain and stress-reduction system.

The findings also show significant variation between individuals with depression – variation that seems to be linked to whether or not the patients respond to an antidepressant medication. The study, performed by researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School affiliated with the U-M Depression Center, is published in the November issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry. Reference: Arch Gen. . [ Print | E-mail. Spacesuited Women. Purity Ball. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: An Open Letter to James Randi Regarding His "One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge." Women 'sense qualities in a man' Women are fine tuned subconsciously to detect the qualities they are looking for in a man - just by looking at his face, US research suggests. Women can spot subtle signs of interest in children in a man's face, and accurately assess his level of the sex hormone testosterone, it claims. Child-friendly men were rated as good long-term bets, masculine men as ideal for a more short-term fling.

Details feature in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. The study was carried out by researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Researcher Dr Dario Maestripieri said: "Our results show that women are surprisingly accurate in judging a man's masculinity and his interest in infants by looking at his face. "Our results also show that women value masculinity as a desirable trait for short-term relationships and interest in infants as a desirable trait for more stable long-term relationships. " Lots of information. Nasty new verb: to napoli. Napoli (not to be confused with the proper noun, which indicates the Italian city) Function: verb Inflected Form(s): napolied Pronunciation: nA'poli 1.

To brutalize and rape, sodomize as bad as you can possibly make it, a young, religious virgin woman who was saving herself for marriage. 2. To hella rape somebody. Etymology: From State Senator Bill Napoli's (R-SD) description of an acceptable rape that would merit an exemption from South Dakota's abortion ban. Example of usage: "Did you hear? (via Smart Bitches, Trashy Books) Tags: politicsCurrent Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: Ayumi Hamasaki, Fly High. Big Study Finds No Clear Benefit of Calcium Pills. (Name Here) Is a Liar and a Cheat. Abulia Savant » Blog Archive » Are You Bi? Male birth control pill soon a reality. SEATTLE, Oct. 1, 2003 — — Forty-year-old Scott Hardin says he’s glad that men may soon have a new choice when it comes to birth control.

But, he adds, he would not even consider taking a male hormonal contraceptive. Hardin is like many men who are pleased to hear they may have a new option but are wary of taking any type of hormones. “I would rather rely on a solution that doesn’t involving medicating myself and the problems women have had with hormone therapy doesn’t make me anxious to want to sign on to taking a hormone-type therapy,” says Hardin, who is single and a college administrator. For the first time, a safe, effective and reversible hormonal male contraceptive appears to be within reach. Several formulations are expected to become commercially available within the near future.

“It largely depends on how funding continues. “I never had any real noticeable side effects. Brown has been taking hormonal contraceptives for more than a year. But will men take it? © 2013 The Top 10 Myths about Girl Gamers. The Top 10 Myths about Girl Gamers By Mercurial Girl gamers. Evidently, we’re difficult to figure out. Lucky for you, I’ve compiled this nifty little handbook to give you some hints.

We want to control the entire game... and you. You think we want control of such a rag-tag group of guys? We’re there because you’re there. A girl gamer, a REAL girl gamer, is there because she wants to be. We make an effort to date every gamer in the group. You got us there. We should be in charge of dinner and/or cleanup. The next time you think about saddling the girl gamer with dinner preparations, consider her character first. We’re only interested in playing sex kittens or innocent ingénue-types. Hello, Pot. Sure, girl gamers have schticks. We are utterly incapable of understanding the rules. Once, I heard a gamer comment, “Hey, man, she’s a girl.

We flutter our eyelashes at GMs to get our way. I did that once. We hate other girl gamers. Well, sure! We don’t appreciate a good combat. Adventures of Buffy and Lara see female sci-fi viewers outnumber males. Hormone levels predict attractiveness of women. Feminine beauty, the subject of philosophical and artistic musings for millennia, can be predicted by something as basic as hormones - in women, but not men. Researchers at the University of St Andrews in Fife, UK, have found that women's facial attractiveness is directly related to their oestrogen levels.

Miriam Law Smith and colleagues photographed 59 women, aged between 18 and 25, every week for six weeks. On each occasion, they provided a urine sample for hormone analysis and gave information on where they were in their menstrual cycle. None of the women wore make-up, nor were they taking the contraceptive pill. The researchers then selected the photograph of each woman that had been taken at the time of her highest urine-oestrogen level.

The group also rated two composite face images. Facial formation The amount of oestrogen produced by a person's body during the average seven-year-long puberty is largely determined by heredity. Of course there may be an easier way - faking it. Japan panel wants women on throne. Japan should change its succession laws to let women take the throne, a government panel has concluded. The 10-member panel has been debating the issue since January in response to a crisis facing the Imperial Household. Japan's 71-year-old ruling emperor, Akihito, has two sons and a daughter, but none of them have so far produced a male heir to ensure the succession. A change to the Imperial Household Law requires approval by Japan's parliament.

"We agreed that from next meeting we will proceed with putting together a report that recommends expanding imperial succession to include females and their descendants," Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, head of the advisory panel to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, told journalists. The Imperial Household's main succession hopes lie with Akihito's eldest son Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife Masako.

If the rules were changed, her three-year-old daughter, Princess Aiko, could succeed instead. Public support. Science & Nature - Sex ID. The Top 10 Unusual Things Women Look For In A Man. Quest to become 'UK's first female imam' The BBC World Service "I Challenge" series looks at individuals around the world who have challenged authority, traditions and beliefs in the face of enormous odds. Here, Salma Qureshi, a computer programmer and British Muslim, tells the BBC of her ambition to become one of the UK's first female imams.

Like many young women in their thirties, computer programmer Salma likes shopping, aerobics and yoga. But her personal mission to be a religious leader poses one of the biggest challenges to the Muslim world today. "I'm quite religious but at the same time I'm quite a liberal person myself," she says. "What I'm doing at the moment is something new. "They never think about females as imams, and what I'm about to do is very challenging.

" Passing on knowledge Taught by her father, Ms Qureshi had read the Koran by the age of seven. "It's only afterwards I realised that this is all cultural - religion doesn't really stop women doing anything," she added. "So why can't it be done now? " 'Baby steps' Ffff0vu.jpg (JPEG Image, 346x293 pixels)

Iraqi Constitution May Curb Women's Rights. Women gear up for gaming invasion. Women are about to invade the male dominated gaming world, a games conference in Scotland is to be told. Games consultant Ernest Adams will say the stage is set for an explosion of women gamers, especially in the area of massively-multi-player online gaming. There needs to be a sea-change in the industry, with more female developers and more games for women, he believes. Mr Adams is to address the 2005 Women in Games Conference being held in August in Dundee, Scotland. Puzzling games The games that are likely to appeal to women are not the traditional "hack and slash" ones or time-consuming strategy games that men prefer. "Women don't have free time even to set up a game.

The fact that women also tend to be more social means multi-player games will appeal more than single-player ones. "We are soon going to be seeing massively-multi-player online games that are dominated by female players," he said. Equal split Online games such as Yohoho! Majority in Korea. Bare Breasts: Naked Menace Or Equal Right? Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced.