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Mindful Momma. The Anthropik Network. Hippie Couture Blog | Fashion - Art - Music - Culture. Cage Free Family. The Hermitage. BlogCatalog. Homeopathicelements Weblog. Current (and Useful) Astrology Blogs | The Mountain Astrologer. | March 29, 2010 I don’t mean to pick on the Catholic Church, but I can’t help but notice that the Pope seems to be in big trouble.

Born on April 16, 1927, Pope Benedict XVI has natal Uranus at 0°51′ Aries, square the nodal axis. (The North Node is at 0°09′ Cancer, directly on the infamous — and currently very “hot” — Aries Point.) This places Uranus “at the bending,” that critical place where a planet squares the nodal axis. The native’s ability to integrate the planet becomes a key theme in keeping the life on track. (Please go here for an explanation of planets “at the bending” from my previous article.) (Midpoint watchers may also be interested to see that Pope Benedict has the natal Mars/Uranus midpoint at 15°09’ Taurus, also on the Aries Point.) The Astrology of Location and Pope Benedict XVI’s Destiny at Vatican City , written by Scott Wolfram before the Pope’s current troubles, looks at the Pope’s A*C*G and local space connections to Vatican City. Have a good week, everyone!

EARTHWORKS. South Node Astrology. Ancient Tides. Frank Don — Frank Martin Don LLC – Professional Intuitive & Astr. ~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~ Saturday, 13. February 2010 The Origins Of Myths And Superstitions TimelessMyths was formed to offer a unique reference point on old urban myths, legends & tales. Ancient gods, elusive monsters, bad luck and roach eggs in envelope glue; what do all of these things have in common? All of them have a basis in stories that are part myth, part legend, and in some cases part truth. Each article on TimelessMyths takes a topic under the heading of God & Goddesses, Myths, Old Wives Tales, Superstitions or Urban Legends, and covers it in detail.

Why is a black cat crossing your path considered bad luck - or is it? Take a quick tour down ancient mythical streets on your tea break, or spend an afternoon collecting stories for the next time you need an icebreaker at a party. Old Urban Myths, Legends & Tales at Timeless Myths Category: Thursday, 07. The Real El Dorado? Satellite technology detects giant mounds over 155 miles, pointing to sophisticated pre-Columbian culture. Tuesday, 11. Friday, 31. Ms.