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Subreports! By Giulio Toffoli A subreport is a report included inside another report. This allows the creation of very complex layouts with different portions of a single document filled using different data sources and reports. In this tutorial we want to create an address book printing for each person in the address book the name, the list of phone numbers and the list of email addresses. The layout we want to obtain is the one in figure 1. Figure 1 A master report will be used to select the persons from the address book and render the main page and the person details.

To fill the report, we will use the following database script. create table PERSONS ( ID int primary key, NAME varchar(30), CITY varchar(30) ); insert into PERSONS values(1, 'ETHAN', 'NEW YORK'); insert into PERSONS values(2, 'CALEB', 'SAN FRANCISCO'); insert into PERSONS values(3, 'WILLIAM', 'LONDON'); create table EMAIL_ADDRESSES ( ID int primary key, ID_PERSON varchar(30), EMAIL varchar(100) ); Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5.

iReport Guide. AspectJ PointCut Expressions. The intention of this blog is to explain AspectJ Pointcut Expressions in Spring Applications. In Aspect Oriented Programming, a pointcut is a set of joinpoints. A joinpoint is a point in program execution where you can add additional behavior. Spring applications only support method based joinpoints. So, you can use AspectJ pointcut expressions to define method pointcuts in Spring 2.x applications.

Lets discuss some AspectJ pointcut expressions patterns. Method Signature Patterns The most typical pointcut expressions are used to match a number of methods by their signatures. Expression(<method scope><return type><fully qualified class name>. method scope: Advice will be applied to all the methods having this scope. Examples Type Signature Patterns These pointcut expressions are applied to all joinpoint of certain types. Within(type name) Here type name is either the package name or the class name. Bean Name Patterns. Learn CSS Layout. Spring的jar各包作用 - sky7034. 除了spring.jar文件,Spring还包括有其它13个独立的jar包,各自包含着对应的Spring组件,用户可以根据自己的需要来选择组合自己的jar包,而不必引入整个spring.jar的所有类文件。

spring的jar各包作用 - sky7034

(1) spring-core.jar 这个jar文件包含Spring框架基本的核心工具类,Spring其它组件要都要使用到这个包里的类,是其它组件的基本核心,当然你也可以在自己的应用系统中使用这些工具类。 人人 (2) spring-beans.jar 这个jar文件是所有应用都要用到的,它包含访问配置文件、创建和管理bean以及进行Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection(IoC/DI)操作相关的所有类。 (3) spring-aop.jar 这个jar文件包含在应用中使用Spring的AOP特性时所需的类。 (4) spring-context.jar 这个jar文件为Spring核心提供了大量扩展。 (5) spring-dao.jar 这个jar文件包含Spring DAO、Spring Transaction进行数据访问的所有类。 (6) spring-hibernate.jar 这个jar文件包含Spring对Hibernate 2及Hibernate 3进行封装的所有类。

(7) spring-jdbc.jar 这个jar文件包含对Spring对JDBC数据访问进行封装的所有类。 (8) spring-orm.jar 这个jar文件包含Spring对DAO特性集进行了扩展,使其支持 iBATIS、JDO、OJB、TopLink,因为Hibernate已经独立成包了,现在不包含在这个包里了。 (9) spring-remoting.jar 这个jar文件包含支持EJB、JMS、远程调用Remoting(RMI、Hessian、Burlap、Http Invoker、JAX-RPC)方面的类。 Network Configuration. Setting up network components for FTP is not trivial for use outside your LAN (Local Area Network).

Network Configuration

Since so many firewalls and routers exist, it is impractical to give detailed step-by-step instructions suitable for every user. It is important to understand the basics of the FTP protocol in order to configure FileZilla and the routers and/or firewalls involved. This documentation describes the history of the FTP and how some aspects of the protocol work.

Reading it carefully will save you a lot of trouble setting up FTP. Background This section provides an overview of the historical and technical background of the FTP protocol. Historical Background In the fast living world of the internet, the File Transfer Protocol is not just old, it's ancient. Back then, the Internet was mainly used by universities and research centers. A lot has changed since then. Several attempts have been made to address these problems: NAT (Network Address Translation) routers. Technical background NAT routers.
