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HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting. Descriptions are provided by the Actions directly via e-COST.

HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting

The natural world presents our eyes with a wide range of colours and intensities from moonlight to bright sunshine. We can see detail in regions that vary significantly in luminance. Current imaging techniques are incapable of accurately capturing or displaying such a range of lighting. Some areas under-exposed and others over-exposed. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging can capture, store, transmit and deliver real-world lighting. Widespread uptake of HDR requires common interface standards. Websites* How to Create High Dynamic Range Images. Have you ever seen a landscape or cityscape that looked hyper-realistic, or even fantastical -- a shot with amazing detail in the shadows, midtones, and highlights all at the same time?

How to Create High Dynamic Range Images

It may have been perfect shooting conditions in the field, with a graduated neutral density filter or some other filter stacking combo, or maybe it was painstakingly crafted in Photoshop with tons of dodging and burning and layer masking. Or it may have been a High-Dynamic Range Image (HDR), such as the lead image for this story. Often explained as "seeing more like the human eye," HDR imaging combines several shots of a given scene to overcome the exposure range limitations of traditional single-shot photography -- and the final results have much more detail from shadows to highlights, and everywhere in between. The High Dynamic Range (HDR) Landscape Photography Tutorial. Trouble Signing In?

The High Dynamic Range (HDR) Landscape Photography Tutorial

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Packed with articles, tips, workshop news, store coupons, sales alerts and more! We respect your privacy—your email address will not be shared or sold. HDR Photography HowTo and Link Roundup. After reading about HDR, I decided to do a bit more research into HDR photography before I try it out.

HDR Photography HowTo and Link Roundup

I’m going to be expanding this as I go along so check back for updates. So here are a few basics: You need a Digital SLR that you can manually set exposure on, mine’s a Canon EOS 300D. A guide to the 300D can be found here. You can do this with SLRs but why bother, just get a DSLR. You need a tripod as the camera has to stay still between shots. You need a remote for your camera. Your subject needs to be static. You need to take at least 3 shots, ideally 5. The images then need to be combined and, not surprisingly, the king of this is Photoshop CS2. HDR Software overview. Certainly one of the most interesting upcoming technologies for photographers is High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI), allowing work with the full real world levels of illumination.

HDR Software overview

While standard image formats utilizes 8 or 16 bits with applied gamma and color space, the HDR image format extends the bit depth up to 96bit in a linear color space. On this overview we will focus on the currently available GUI-based software packages that are able to create and process HDR images. I want to thank all authors of the respective software packages for their support during the creation of the overview, especially Geraldine Joffre, Andreas Schömann, Paul Nolan, and Thomas Lock. Aside from the windows based GUI packages Bernhard Vogl has evaluated, command line tools are also available and have been added to the table below. The following software packages have been tested: Software overview As you can see,there is a wide variety of fees you have to pay for the different software packages.

HDRI News. If you haven't seen Tim's Vermeer yet, go see it!


It's about using technology to make great art. It's about persistence and plowing through an insane project one day at a time. Things every photographer and 3D artist can relate to. My friend Bob Groothuis, maker of the famous Dutch Skies 360 collections, actually played a vital part in this movie and was at the movie shoot in the Vermeer museum. He talks about this close encounter here, and he shot this panorama with Tim and all the cast and crew. Bob's been very busy. He just published Vol.5 of his Dutch Skies collection, with ... wonderful new HDRI containing all the golden light and fluffy clouds the dutch painters - including Vermeer - were famous for.

We had a little chat about techniques and how he has streamlined his approach, and the result is that Bob sponsored this month's free sIBL-set and wrote this sweet tutorial for us.