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Find your people. Komunikace s lidmi v souladu s fungováním mozku - Online kurz na Poznejte principy komunikace, která je v souladu s fungováním mozku, zlepšete své sebeovládání a dosáhněte většího porozumění s ostatními. Slýcháte občas od lidí věty, které vás štvou? Stává se vám, že druzí něco slíbí, neudělají to a potom se vymlouvají? Během kurzu se naučíme na tyto a podobné situace reagovat tak, abychom neprohlubovali konflikt a zároveň vedli druhé k odpovědnosti za jejich chování.

Osvojíme si konkrétní principy vědomé práce se vztahovými signály v komunikaci (nehodnotit, nevěštit, nedávat nevyžádané dobré rady, nepopírat to, jak vidí svět druzí, používat popisný jazyk a pátrat po porozumění), které snižují počet hádek a vedou druhé lidi k sebeřízení. Obsah kurzu je vystavěn na základě poznatků o fungování mozku (práce Davida Rocka) a poznatků o fungování vztahových signálů v komunikaci (práce Paula Watzlawicka). David Rock se dlouhodobě zabývá výzkumy v oblasti reagování našeho mozku na signály, které do něj přichází.

Cíle kurzu: Kurz zahrnuje: Psychomotorické hry pro malé i velké - Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání FSpS. Akreditace MŠMT v rámci DVPP č.j. MSMT 9517/2014-1-298 Naučte se pomocí psychomotorických her poznat sami sebe a své okolí. Pod vedením kvalifikovaných lektorů se dozvíte, jak úzce je spjata psychika s pohybovým projevem nebo kterou psychomotorickou aktivitu zvolit právě pro vaši cílovou skupinu, aby co nejlépe vyhovovala jejím potřebám. Pojďte si s námi hrát, cvičit, komunikovat, relaxovat.. Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno Psychomotorika zahrnuje pohybové aktivity zaměřené na poznávání vlastního těla, okolního světa a na prožitek z pohybu. Cílem programu je seznámit účastníky s metodou psychomotorických aktivit a her. Pedagogičtí pracovníci – učitelé mateřských, základních, středních škol a odborných učilišť, pedagogové volného času, učitelé speciálních škol, speciální pedagogové, vychovatelé školských zařízení, trenéři sportovních škol Mgr.

Osvědčení o absolvování kurzu s neomezenou platností 2.200,- Kč. Registration form for Life is Great conference. Training and Events for Teachers. IATEFL Conference Couldn't make it to IATEFL 2015? Find out what you missed in Manchester and visit our archive to catch up with past conferences.Our Online Conference The Macmillan Education Online Conference is now over. Thank you so much to everyone who attended! Teacher Training Continue your professional development with our teacher training resources, from methodology titles to free webinars.Webinar Archive Missed any of our webinars? Catch-up with the recordings for all of our biggest talks in our webinar archive from 2010 - 2015. Events | Cambridge University Press. Archive. Speaking classes don't always need to be fun. ESL Speaking doesn’t always need to be fun When you’re new to teaching, there is the temptation to always be a constant entertainer and make your speaking classes always fun.

I call these people edutainers. However, edutainer mode is hard to keep up, week after week, month after month, and year after year. While it’s good to have a laugh and a joke once in a while, learning English is not easy so it is okay to have more serious kinds of speaking activities that do not involve a game of some sort. For example, partner conversation activities or surveys are extremely valuable because that means that every single student in your class is either listening or talking in a very active way for the duration of that activity. Teaching With Technology and Inquiry: An Open Course For Teachers. *Note - This is an Archived course.* INQ101x is designed with primary and secondary school teachers in mind, though teacher candidates, higher education instructors, and other educators may also find it relevant.

This course explores STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning and discusses some of the major themes and challenges of integrating inquiry and technology as a community of practitioners. Throughout this course, we will collect and share resources and exchange ideas about what works for specific topics and age groups. We also support design groups to collaboratively develop a new lesson. In six weeks, this course will cover the following topics: Inquiry and student-centered pedagogy; designing lessons and assessments; collaborative learning, Handheld and mobile devices; knowledge co-construction; and inquiry enactment. Participation options INQ101x offers two parallel participation options: Foundations strand and Design strand. Marisa Constantinides: Creating Creative Teachers. June is creativity month on EnglishAgenda and TeachingEnglish, in the lead up to our livestreamed launch event which brings you a brand new and exciting teacher resource book, 'Creativity in the English language classroom' edited by Alan Maley and Nik Peachey.

We are therefore delighted to bring you our webinar this month, which explores teacher creativity with Marisa Constantinides. Date: Wednesday 17 June, 2015 Time: 16.00 UK time. Find out the time of the event where you are. Theme: Creativity is a topic which has received much attention lately, especially after Sir Ken Robinson's famous TED talk, with many conference talks, articles and blog posts giving us new and exciting ways of including creativity in our educational objectives and including activities to promote it. In this webinar, I want to focus on helping teachers, rather than learners, with developing their own creative thinking skills so that they, in turn can do a great job with their learners. About the speaker. Tracy Dumais - Children's apps you can trust | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC. About the webinar Using the design and development of the British Council’s mobile app LearnEnglish Kids Playtime as a starting point and taking a look at some other apps along the way, this webinar will examine the ideas that lie behind the concept of trust including issues like: access to purchasing opportunitiesexposure to advertisingquality contentaddictive fun & habit formationfreedom to exploreintegrated creativityanalytics privacy and data protection We will conclude by discussing the steps we can take to ensure the children in our care (as parents and / or educators) can safely enjoy this exciting world of digital learning.

Date 18 June 2015 Time 12pm UK time (click here to see what time this is in your country) Register for the event Click the link below to register for the event. Important Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. About the speaker. Online semináře ZDARMA. Free Webinars on ELT. Events. Upcoming Events | Oxford University Press. Home Upcoming Events Find out what's happening in your area Digital Day Tablets and computers are becoming more commonplace in our classrooms and Oxford Learner’s Bookshelf brings you Oxford University Press coursebooks and workbooks in tablet ready form. However do tablets benefit the teaching and learning process? Archiv Akcí Fotografie a videa ze seminářů a konferencí Get involved Find out how Oxford University Press is bringing English language teachers and trainers together with Social Networking.

Webinar Resources Archive Have you missed any of our Global webinars and would like to catch up? Webinars Watch the tutorial "Webinars: A Short Introduction". Find out how to solve technical problems and where to go for Technical Support. Get more information on what happens when you take part in a Professional Development Webinar. Materiály ze seminářů a konferencí | Oxford University Press.