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ReSharper. Sign in to write a review Sort by: Must have! Полезное и нужно расширение для Visual Studio. "Hey Hello! " "Hey Hello! " If you came here from a Jetbrains tweet, say "Hey hello! ". I've been using ReSharper for five years and it's the best productivity tools that ever have been made for Visual Studio. Makes me a lot more productive. It works really well and makes some of the tedious coding stuff go away.

I'm more productive with Resharper. By alieg | January 13 2014 Great work guys, more than a 5 years using it, a must have for all .net developers. PS: For all the developers using it in a daily basis and complaining it's resource hungry, I think is time to review the hardware. ReSharper is the first thing I install after VS. WARNING: Damages Visual Studio error highlighting when uninstalled (possibly other side-effects as well). [edit for reply posted by Jetbrains] I did in fact find a description of how to correct the problem in an old posting on StackOverflow. ReSharper :: Features - The Most Intelligent Add-in to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET for professional software developers offers support for C#, Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET, XML, and XAML, and provides refactorings, unit testing, and many more features. Joe White’s Blog » Blog Archive » Blog event: The 31 Days of ReSharper. Note: This is about ReSharper version 2.5.

R# is currently up to version 6, and has loads more stuff than I talk about here. So think of this as just the briefest introduction to what ReSharper can do. ReSharper is a Visual Studio add-in that adds refactorings (many more than VS 2005 ships with), code cleanup, and a bunch of other conveniences. I tried downloading it a couple of years ago, opened the project we’d been working on, and it crashed. A few months ago, we looked at it again, and we liked what we saw. JetBrains, the guys who make ReSharper, have a lot of info on their Web site that shows off some of the ReSharper features. Yes, I know there are only 28 days in February.

All our Visual Studio work is in C# (except for a tiny bit of C++, but ReSharper doesn’t do much for C++). Here’s the list of the articles so far: ReSharper :: Documentation.