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Money 101 - Financial Advice & Lessons Made Easy by Credit and Your Consumer Rights. People use credit to pay for education or a house, a remodeling job or a car, or to finance a loan to keep their business operating.

Credit and Your Consumer Rights

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because you get public assistance. Creditors may ask you for most of this information in certain situations, but they may not use it when deciding whether to give you credit or when setting the terms of your credit. Not everyone who applies for credit gets it or gets the same terms: Factors like income, expenses, debts, and credit history are among the considerations lenders use to determine your creditworthiness. Here’s a brief summary of the basic provisions of the ECOA.

List of national parks of the United States. Criteria for the selection of National Parks include natural beauty, unique geological features, unusual ecosystems, and recreational opportunities (though these criteria are not always considered together).

List of national parks of the United States

National Monuments, on the other hand, are frequently chosen for their historical or archaeological significance. Twenty-seven states have national parks, as do the territories of American Samoa and the United States Virgin Islands. California has the most (nine), followed by Alaska (eight), Utah (five), and Colorado (four). Get Hired. Can we get a counter point article written by job interviewees?

Get Hired

This article comes across as slightly arrogant. I've noticed that a lot of interviewers treat me as if they are giving me some amazing life changing opportunity by agreeing to talk to me, even though most of the time they're the ones who approached me. It's incredibly irritating, and a lot of hiring managers forget that the interview is a two way street.

