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Emerging Tech Trends That Will Impact Social Business in 2012. While social media remains one of the single largest demographic changes of our time, over the last year or so the field has been accompanied by an entire generation of new technology advancements that are starting to reshaping the industry.

Emerging Tech Trends That Will Impact Social Business in 2012

In 2012, we’ll see many of these tech changes — some merely evolutionary, others more revolutionary — becoming firmly entrenched in the way our organizations will need to deal with the social world. In general, what holds true for social media also holds true for social business. Certainly, some organizations will struggle with adoption of the latest trends, typically those already having challenges metabolizing the more significant ramifications of social media up until now.

Social Media B2B: Exploring The Impact Of Social Media On B2B Companies. Maya Grinberg: Measuring the Business Impact of Social Media. Social Media's Evolving Impact On How Businesses Buy Tech. Meet Generation C: The Connected Customer. InShare976 Marketers, educators, parents, it seems that almost anyone in the Generation X or Boomer demographic is scratching their heads trying to figure out Generation Y aka the Millennial. After all, it’s the first generation to seemingly possess digital prowess as part of their DNA. And, it’s the first generation to receive both a birth certificate and a social profile or presence upon delivery into this world. A study published in 2011 by security company AVG and Research Now surveyed 2,200 mothers from around the world and found that 81% of children under the age of two currently have some type of digital footprint. 92% of U.S. children have an online presence created for them by the time they are 2 years old. In many cases, a digital presence is born before the child, with sonograms (23%) actively published and shared on social networks and blogs.

With every day that passes, Gen Y becomes far more important to the economy than we can realize. How well do you know Gen Y? 1. 2. 3. 4. Music, Film, TV: How social media changed the entertainment experience. InShare511 Social media is more than a digital water cooler for TV and movies.

Music, Film, TV: How social media changed the entertainment experience

The global conversation that takes place around events and the experiences people share based on what they watch teaches us about consumer preferences. More importantly, their activity influences behavior. Behavior counts for everything. Studying it is just the beginning of course. The Hollywood Reporter recently published an exclusive poll about social media led by market research firm Penn Schoen Berland. According to the study, 88% of respondents view social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as a new form of entertainment. Hours Spent Each Week Doing Online Activities Social networking and listening to music top the activities for Generation-C and each is greater than the time spent watching full-length movies or television shows on a weekly basis. How Social Networking Impacts Entertainment Choices The report found that 79% of connected television viewers visit Facebook while watching TV.

Tags: The Path from a Social Brand to a Social Business. InShare706 I’ve been a long-time supporter of MediaTemple’s (MT)Residence program along with Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, and many others whom I respect.

The Path from a Social Brand to a Social Business

I wanted to share my “7 questions to answer to become a social business” with you here.. Social Media is pervasive and is becoming the new normal in corporate marketing. Brands who get this right are starting to build their own media networks rich with customer connections numbering in the millions. Right now, Coca-Cola has over 34 million fans on Facebook, but they’re hardly alone. Sounds great right? We’re already approaching the first of many crossroads that new media will present. It’s a tough decision to make right now especially at a time when all we read about is how much success many businesses are finding without having to answer this very question. The report also highlighted exactly where social fits in the marketing mix today and as you can see, despite all of the hype, it’s not a dominant focus yet.

30 Social Media Predictions for 2012 From the Pros. How will social media impact businesses in 2012?

30 Social Media Predictions for 2012 From the Pros

We sought expert opinions from a wide range of pros you’re likely familiar with. We are grateful for the dozens of social media professionals who have written over 600 articles for us since we started Social Media Examiner in October 2009. To give you a glimpse of what we can expect in the next 12 months, we decided to tap their knowledge and expertise. How Social Media Analysis Can Impact the Business World and So Much More. By Rod Smith, Vice President of Emerging Technologies, IBM Companies have long known the value of business analytics to improve costs and business efficiency.

How Social Media Analysis Can Impact the Business World and So Much More

Now, using new big data analytics technology & solutions, businesses can gain new insights into customer perceptions via social media on endless topics from football and baseball - to movies and retailing.