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Grasshopper. Grasshopper. Cooper Union. Prof. Ludger Hovestadt, Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design, Departement for Architecture, ETH Zürich. Graduate School of Design - Homepage. AA School Homepage. Master in Advanced Architecture - Educational Programs. The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia offers a 1 year and a 2 year Masters program in Architecture accredited by the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development.

Master in Advanced Architecture - Educational Programs

MAA01 (1 year, 75 ECTS)MAA02 (2 years, 130 ECTS) The Self-sufficiency Agenda - central to all research lines developed in IAAC - establishes the responsibility for confronting the process of global urbanization from multi-scalar operations and through prototypes that promote environmental, economic and socialsustainability. Directors of the program plus the academic staff, are committed to a long-term prospectus of creating an international research and academic centre in Barcelona, bringing together international students, professors and researchers from different fields in order to materialize experimental forms of communication, inhabitation and planning.