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LinkedIn Tips - Hey, Baby, what's your URL? Posted by Irene Koehler in LinkedIn on December 30, 2008 | 10 responses You meet someone at a conference or a networking event and want to stay in touch. You exchange business cards and decide to connect on LinkedIn.? She asks for the link to your profile on LinkedIn so she can send you an invitation to connect. If you reply begins with, “Uh, well…” don’t worry. Help is on the way. Each LinkedIn profile is given a default URL, which is a combination of the LinkedIn domain and a bunch of numbers.? Now that you are the proud owner of a customized LinkedIn URL, use it for personal branding purposes. Side note: Unlike most sites, what you see in the address field of your browser when viewing your own profile is not the link to your profile.

If you’d like to learn more about kicking your efforts on LinkedIn into high gear, be sure to subscribe to Almost Savvy through RSS or email. Additional comments powered by BackType. LinkedIn Tip - Mom was Right, Manners Matter. Posted by Irene Koehler in LinkedIn on December 31, 2008 | 15 responses Let’s give a quick shout-out to Mom, who taught us many important lessons. Even though she may have exaggerated a bit when she said we’d ruin our eyes if we held them cross-eyed for too long and that sitting too close to the TV would rot our brains, she was right about a lot. Remembering the value of using good manners and being respectful of others were two of the lessons which have stood the test of time. Even as we move much of our communication online, these lessons are no less applicable. One small example of this relates to the LinkedIn invitation.

If you’d like to heed your mother’s advice and demonstrate your good manners when inviting others to connect on LinkedIn, I recommend that you take a moment to customize the text in the invitation. Suggested language you might want to consider including in the invitation: Anyway, I think you get the idea. This concludes your etiquette lesson for the day. Why Does LinkedIn Still Have Facebook Envy? - ReadWriteWeb. Commentary on this week's management changes at LinkedIn implied that a shake-up was needed to make LinkedIn more like Facebook. As somebody who has used LinkedIn extensively and spoken to many people who have also found it very useful, this is a plea to listen to users and not the Valley cognoscenti.

Sure, when Facebook was "valued" at $15 billion, a bit of envy was understandable. But now that we're in the real world... LinkedIn: une première : Tout sur le Reseau en recherche d' C'est une première pour moi: j'ai enfin rencontré un chercheur d'emploi qui a trouvé son nouveau job grâce à LinkedIn! Flashback: Adrien est un ingénieur qui, à près de cinquante ans, dispose d'une belle carrière internationale. Comme beaucoup d'autres, la crise le pousse en dehors de son entreprise malgré de longues années de très bons et très loyaux services. Comme beaucoup, il entame ses premières recherches d'emploi alors qu'il est encore en poste et se rend vite compte qu'il n'est pas prêt et donc pas bon. Fort de ce constat, il consacre plusieurs semaines à peaufiner son objectif, sa communication et son ciblage.

Résultat: dans quinze jours, Adrien quitte la France et prend la direction du sud pour prendre un poste de dirigeant à l'étranger. Ce premier exemple n'est qu'un début.