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Responses to EU crisis 2012

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How to End This Depression by Paul Krugman. The depression we’re in is essentially gratuitous: we don’t need to be suffering so much pain and destroying so many lives. We could end it both more easily and more quickly than anyone imagines—anyone, that is, except those who have actually studied the economics of depressed economies and the historical evidence on how policies work in such economies. The truth is that recovery would be almost ridiculously easy to achieve: all we need is to reverse the austerity policies of the past couple of years and temporarily boost spending. Never mind all the talk of how we have a long-run problem that can’t have a short-run solution—this may sound sophisticated, but it isn’t.

With a boost in spending, we could be back to more or less full employment faster than anyone imagines. But some readers will wonder, isn’t a recovery program along the lines I’ve described just out of the question as a political matter? And isn’t advocating such a program a waste of time? Nothing Succeeds Like Success. You don’t need to be a lefty to support Krugman. Emmanuel Todd : "Annulons la dette du Vieux Monde !" Attali - After the Brussels Summit, an action plan to save Europe. European elections: if the left doesn't lead revolt against austerity, others will | Seumas Milne. Revolt against austerity is sweeping Europe. The election of François Hollande has not only opened up the chance of a change of direction in France, but even in the citadels of fiscal orthodoxy in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin. In Greece, Sunday's electoral earthquake has all but destroyed the political establishment that dominated the country for 40 years.

From the Netherlands to Romania, governments are falling under the weight of cuts and tax rises required by the eurozone's new permanent deflation treaty. In Ireland, the anti-austerity tide is swelling support for a no vote in this month's treaty referendum. By rejecting renegotiation of either the treaty or the impossible terms of Greece's bailout, Angela Merkel has meanwhile turned the struggle over Europe's economy into a battle for democracy. The Greeks and French have now unequivocally voted to reject a programme the German chancellor insists they will have to swallow regardless. The Greek inferno: First the unravelling, then the rupture – - Left FlankLeft Flank. SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras at a pre-election rally in Athens Read mainstream accounts of the massive electoral realignment in Greece and you notice a strange use of terminology.

The pro-austerity parties — especially conservative New Democracy and centre-Left PASOK — are called “pro-bailout” and “moderate”, while the parties that oppose austerity are called “extremist” and “hard-line”. And there’s a tendency to portray the rise of new forces on the Left and Right as part of exactly the same phenomenon — an electorate driven to irrational choices by austerity. So here is the “moderate” path, of “necessary” restructuring, that the “extremists” and “hardliners” are getting in the way of: Just short of two years after the Greek government signed its first memorandum of understanding with the so-called “troika” (IMF/EU/ECB), the radical restructuring programme accompanying it has had some cataclysmic effects.

This has been justified ideologically in a number of ways. Opinion polls 2009-12. Espagne: la cure d'austérité qui tue à petit feu. SANTÉ PUBLIQUE • Sept milliards d’euros en moins pour la santé publique. Le nouveau plan de rigueur annoncé il y a un mois par le gouvernement de Mariano Rajoy vient frapper un secteur public déjà bien affaibli. La médecine privée, elle, se porte comme un charme. L’hôpital Rey Juan Carlos a été inauguré le 21 mars à Móstoles, au sud de Madrid, en présence du couple royal et de la présidente de la Communauté de Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre. Deuxième hôpital de cette ville de banlieue, il compte 260 lits et 1053 personnes vont y travailler. «La santé est un bien précieux pour les citoyens et les responsables doivent contribuer à le préserver à tout moment», a déclaré Esperanza Aguirre, l’une des figures de proue du Parti populaire (PP), lors de l’inauguration. La réalité du système de santé publique espagnol n’a plus grand-chose à voir avec le tableau idyllique de la ville de Móstoles.

Du privé dans le public Retour à l’hôpital Rey Juan Carlos de Móstoles. Trois questoins à... Blockupy Frankfurt Euro Crisis and Debt in Europe. EuroMemo Group - European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe. EURO MEMORANDUM 2012 (ESSENTIAL) pdf. Trevor Evans the_so_called_crisis_of_the_euro.pdf. Group - EuroMemorandum 2012. This EuroMemorandum seeks to set out a critical analysis of recent economic developments in Europe and to present the basis for possible alternative policies. It is intended as a contribution to the critical discussion in intellectual and social movements in Europe, and in solidarity with all those struggling against the impact of the deeply regressive, anti-social policies of the European authorities.

Please download the new EuroMemorandum here. More than 450 economists and social scientists from all over Europe and beyond have declared their support for the new EuroMemorandum (click here for the list of signatories). Long versions of the EuroMemorandum are also available in French: L'intégration européenne à la croisée des chemins German: Europäische Integration am Scheideweg Greek: Η ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση σε σταυροδρόμ Spanish: La integración europea en la enrucijada Summaries of the EuroMemorandum are available in several European languages: Trevor Evans EU crisis: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses. Trevor Evans on the new EU fiscal treaty. Trevor Evans @ EU in crisis conference. 5 explanations to Fin Crisis (2010) Finance-dominated_capitalism_in_crisis Global Keynesian New Deal. Crisis Causes exxplanations. The sorrows of young euro EHES political trilemma. Crisis in Europe: Greek Bailout the ‘Mother of all Mistakes’ | Asia Pathways.

The crisis in the eurozone is critically important for Asia. At a distinguished speaker seminar at ADBI on 1 December 2011, three eminent European economists examined the crisis and put forward tentative solutions. In a post based on the seminar transcripts, one of the speakers, Charles Wyplosz, identifies some of the mistakes that have been made in the response to the crisis and puts forward three scenarios for its resolution. Since late 2009 the European debt crisis has worsened because of the wrong policy responses by European politicians. Some progress has been made but we are not yet there. We have a historic disaster with global implications on the way and unless a miracle happens I am pretty pessimistic about the future. At each European summit the leaders reveal that they have a total misunderstanding of the problem and that’s the drama of the crisis: at the very top—both in Berlin and Paris—nobody understands what is going on.

Europe faces three scenarios. US congress overview Policy resp. IMF Banks+Sovereigns joined at hip. Crise de l’Euro 2012 : Comprendre les réponses de l’UE avec l’IIEA. Maurice Obstfeld VID policy responses in Eu IIEA. Nomura (bank view) Strategic choices for EU ahead. European Debt Crisis. European sovereign debt crisis : Timeline of key events in the European sovereign debt crisis. Grand débat sur la réponse européenne à la crise le 6 mars 2012. La Représentation en France de la Commission européenne, avec l'appui de 8 partenaires (voir ci-dessous), a organisé le 6 mars 2012 un grand débat ouvert à tous sur la réponse européenne à la crise crise économique et financière.

Alors que l'Union Européenne fête en 2012 les 10 ans de la mise en circulation de l'euro, il paraissaît indispensable de saisir cette occasion pour prendre le temps d'analyser et d'expliquer ce qui a été fait pour répondre à la crise, de débattre des options possibles pour prolonger ces solutions et de donner des perspectives pour redynamiser l'économie européenne. Liste des intervenants et programme [103 KB] Télécharger les ACTES (Document de 44 pages) [9 MB] Télécharger la synthèse des débats [523 KB] Résultats du sondage Eurobaromètre flash 52% des Français estiment que c'est surtout au niveau européen que devraient être apportées les réponses à la crise, contre 38% qui privilégient le niveau national.

Couverture Partenaires. Crise en Europe: l'heure du débat a sonné! (première partie) · UEfrance. Crise en Europe: l'heure du débat a sonné! (deuxième partie) · jaralive. Reste une question: comment s'y prendre? La question du traité budgétaire se profile à nouveau : certains y sont clairement favorables - Michel Barnier en fait une clé de voûte pour la confiance au sein de l'UE et entre l'UE et ses partenaires; certains y sont clairement opposés - Trautmann considère, à l'instar de Guigou lors du premier panel, que nous n'en avions pas besoin; enfin, certains pensent qu'il faut le renégocier (toute similitude avec un quelconque candidat à la présidentielle n'est pas fortuite) pour inclure quel mot déjà?... Ah oui, nous y revenons la croissance. Mais au fond, pourquoi est-elle si nécessaire cette croissance, au-delà de son impact économique? Là encore, on revient à un autre mantra repris inlassablement : la confiance.

La croissance semble être indispensable pour résoudre la crise de confiance des Français à l'égard de l'UE - c'est en tous cas ce que chacun des intervenants a souligné. . + The European Union’s Response To The Euro Crisis. The Euro Crisis Infographic_Flat.png (PNG Image, 2700×4100 pixels) Unfolding Euro implosion