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How Your Meat Eating Habit is Destroying Biodiversity. Open Food Network - Food Hubs. Pathways of transition to agroecological food systems. Enough with the vertical farming fantasies: There are still too many unanswered questions about the trendy practice. This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

Enough with the vertical farming fantasies: There are still too many unanswered questions about the trendy practice

Five-plus years after the publication of Dickson Despommier’s book The Vertical Farm: Feeding Ourselves and The World in the 21st Century, his dream — originally conceived as the production of food in the interior of tall urban buildings — is gaining momentum, despite many unanswered questions about its feasibility. Although the fanciful skyscrapers depicted in countless architectural renderingsof vertical farms have never materialized in the real world, less ambitious indoor food-growing operations have been popping up in cities on every continent. A Global Wiki of Perennial Crops, Polycultures, and Food Forest Sites. Designing perennial polycultures (guilds) can be a big challenge.

A Global Wiki of Perennial Crops, Polycultures, and Food Forest Sites

It can be hard to find information on perennial crops and support species. There is a need for information, sample polycultures, and design templates. Le revenu agricole est de plus en plus soumis à la volatilité des prix. Section 2 : L’instabilité des revenus agricoles. Choices Magazine Online. Kevin Patrick, Ryan Kuhns, and Allison Borchers JEL Classifications: Q12, Q14, Q15 Keywords: Agricultural Land Ownership, Farm Income, Farm Sector Balance Sheet,Farm Sector Finances, Financial Indicators.

Choices Magazine Online

The world food crisis: what is behind it and what we can do - World Hunger. Eric Holt-Giménez (October 23, 2008) The World Food Program’s description of the global food crisis raises the specter of a natural disaster surging over an unaware populace that is helpless in the face of massive destruction.

The world food crisis: what is behind it and what we can do - World Hunger

With billions of people at risk of hunger, the current food crisis is certainly massive and destructive. But the reasons so many people have limited access to food are anything but “natural.” Average EU consumer wastes 16% of food; most of which could be avoided - EU Science Hub. A new study analysing available statistics on consumer food waste has estimated that Europeans waste an average of 123 kg per capita annually, or 16% of all food reaching consumers.

Average EU consumer wastes 16% of food; most of which could be avoided - EU Science Hub

Almost 80% (97 kg) is avoidable as it is edible food. Averaged for all EU citizens, this translates into 47 million tonnes of avoidable food waste annually. The JRC scientists who carried out the research also calculated the water and nitrogen resources associated with the avoidable food waste, by means of the water and nitrogen footprint concepts. Sols - CERES. Organic Farmers Are Not Anti-Science but Genetic Engineers Often Are. Can Urban Agriculture Feed the World's Growing Cities? Living in a city puts everything at your fingertips: From fashion and movies to social movements and political experiments, residents of urban areas experience most everything before it trickles through the suburbs and into rural communities.

Can Urban Agriculture Feed the World's Growing Cities?

The same can’t be said for food; even the most devoted locavore depends on produce that flows up the cultural stream, making its way from the countryside back to the urban core. But as more of those rural residents follow that food, making new lives in urban communities, should vegetables, like film premieres, emanate from cities too? There are more people living in cities now than ever, and population growth is expected to center on urban areas. According to the United Nations, by 2030 nearly 5 billion people will be living in cities, much of them in Africa and Asia. Local agriculture and short food supply chains. Local agriculture and short food supply chains have economic, social and cultural benefits for farmers, consumers and rural areas in general.

Local agriculture and short food supply chains

This sector increases the income of farmers and the consumption of fresh and relatively unprocessed food, brings consumers and farmers closer, engages public institutions in its promotion, helps to strengthen rural-urban linkages (particularly in the case of peri-urban agriculture) and contributes to sustainable development. The sector is growing across Europe to meet rising consumer demand. Circuits courts alimentaires, dynamiques relationnelles et lutte contre l’exclusion en agriculture. Permacultural Organic Market Gardening and Economic Performance Report. Written by: Sacha Guégan (Sylva Institute), François Léger (UMR SADAPT), Gauthier Chapelle (Biomimicry Europa) & Charles Hervé-Gruyer (Ferme du Bec Hellouin and Sylva Institute) Ferme biologique du Bec Hellouin 1, sente du Moulin au Cat 27800 LE BEC HELLOUIN 02 32 44 50 57 – Translation provided by Marcus Busby.

Permacultural Organic Market Gardening and Economic Performance Report

Status Report # 2 July 2013 Abstract: Chaque année, 1,3 milliard de tonnes de nourriture gaspillée. L'agriculture biologique, plus productive qu'on ne le pense. Tempête à l’INRA autour d’un rapport sur l’agriculture biologique. Agriculture Bio: Polémique sur un rapport de l’Inra. OpenLandscapes - Ecosystem Theories - Thermodynamics. University of Kiel, Ecology Centre, Msc Environmental Science, a seminar paper 1st version completed 10/30/2009 by Antje Chiu Werner and Claudia Lorena Quan Rodas ( and 2nd version (adapted, changes) 2010 by Trang Huynh ( 3rd version (adapted, changes) 2011 by Friederike Lübben Status: completed "A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability.

openLandscapes - Ecosystem Theories - Thermodynamics

Therefore the deep impression that classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown, within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts. " Organic farming blows conventional farming out of the water - Alliance for Natural Health International. By Sophie Middleton and Adam Smith A 30-year long study comparing organic with conventional farming was carried out by the Rodale Institute in the USAOrganic farming produces bigger yields, and was superior in years of droughtOrganic farming proved to be more profitableOrganic farming is better for the environment, and the industry is hiringOur Calls to Action: vote with your fork!

Organic farming blows conventional farming out of the water - Alliance for Natural Health International

The good will always prevail Following this thread, we bring you some very positive – and, let’s face it, expected – results from a 30-year-long study called ‘The Farming Systems Trial’ (FST). The trial was carried out by the Rodale Institute, Pennsylvania, USA, and compared conventional with organic farming methods. And guess what? Loss Of Biodiversity. Biodiversity plays an important role in the way ecosystems function and in the many services they provide, including nutrients and water cycling, soil formation and retention, resistance against invasive species, pollination of plants, regulation of climate, as well as pest and pollution control by ecosystems.

Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition through its influence on world food production, as it ensures the sustainable productivity of soils and provides the genetic resources for all crops, livestock, and marine species harvested for food. There is growing concern about the health consequences of biodiversity loss and change. Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause political conflict. The threats to biodiversity can be summarized in the following main points: 2015 International Year of Soils. The Golden Age of Pesticides during the 1950s. The Golden Age of Pesticides The 50s were the golden age of pesticides. But by the end of the 60s, the Golden Age had started to tarnish. In the 50s, new and amazing products were being discovered, quickly tested and introduced to farmers and the general public.

In these early days, there were no downsides to pesticides. After all, the public could see the miracles happening before their eyes. The Mean-spirited and Empty Land of Giant Agriculture. On May 26, 2013, a friend and I ventured into the alien world of the Imperial Valley of California where “farming” engulfs the Salton Sea. In the bright hot sun I struggled to make sense of endless stretches of arid land peppered by huge green fields irrigated by subsidized and imported water. I could not see any fences or borders or houses anywhere.

Ditches sliced the infinite land. I felt disoriented. And knowing that the toxic waste of the Imperial Valley ends in the Salton Sea where it poisons thousands of birds did not make matters any better. How to Be Curious About the Green Revolution. Social media is alive with folks’ thoughts on Michael Specter’s recent New Yorker piece. As the controversy fades, I worry that people will be left with three ideas. Vandana Shiva is unreliable therefore all critiques of GMOs are too.Farmer suicides aren’t about GMOs so we can stop worrying about them.The Green Revolution is worth repeating, because what we need to feed the world is yet another boost in food production. All three of these ideas ought to be banished from your mind. Specter’s ad hominem isn’t a substitute for good argument.Farmer suicides are a serious problem, in India and elsewhere, and have much to do with farmer debt.

If you’re interested, Stuffed and Starved has a whole chapter on how suicides from the US to the UK to India are linked, and have much to do with the modern food system. Seeds of Doubt. Early this spring, the Indian environmentalist Vandana Shiva led an unusual pilgrimage across southern Europe. Beginning in Greece, with the international Pan-Hellenic Exchange of Local Seed Varieties Festival, which celebrated the virtues of traditional agriculture, Shiva and an entourage of followers crossed the Adriatic and travelled by bus up the boot of Italy, to Florence, where she spoke at the Seed, Food and Earth Democracy Festival. After a short planning meeting in Genoa, the caravan rolled on to the South of France, ending in Le Mas d’Azil, just in time to celebrate International Days of the Seed. Shiva’s fiery opposition to globalization and to the use of genetically modified crops has made her a hero to anti-G.M.O. activists everywhere.

The purpose of the trip through Europe, she had told me a few weeks earlier, was to focus attention there on “the voices of those who want their agriculture to be free of poison and G.M.O.s.” The global food supply is indeed in danger. Pasona : une ferme au cœur des gratte-ciel de Tokyo. Permaculture ou agriculture naturelle : l'avis d'un agronome. Farming the Business Manual - Grains Research & Development Corporation. We help farmers improve their business management. Pablo Tittonell. An incredible image shows how powerful countries are buying up much of the world’s land.

New UN report finds almost no industry profitable if environmental costs were included. Les trois quarts des Allemands seraient exposés au glyphosate. Vous prendriez bien un petit verre de Roundup ? Monsanto's Glyphosate Found in California Wines, Even Wines Made With Organic Grapes. URBAN GEOGRAPHIES: Cities / Places / Regions. Vertical Farms. Urban agriculture: introducing the office farm. TEEB%20Final%20Report%20 %20web%20SPv2. Why is it so hard for capitalism to go green? Solagro : Accueil. Afterre 2050, un scénario soutenable pour l’agriculture et l’utilisation des terres en France à l’horizon 2050.

Ecosystem functioning and maximum entropy production: a quantitative test of hypotheses. Ecological economics. Figure 3 : Terrestrial ecosystem carbon dynamics and climate feedbacks : Nature. The Agroforestry Research Trust. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems. E Hainzelin Principes d'agro ecologie. Griffon Michel. The Agroforestry Research Trust. Le biotope du Noyer - 1ère partie. Le noyer est-il si toxique? Vers la forêt comestible - Prise de Terre. Permaforêt: Le biotope du Noyer - 1ère partie. Le noyer est-il si toxique? L’homme qui faisait pousser des chaises naturellement. Comprendre les problèmes posés par les pesticides en 5 minutes. Open Food France, plateforme pour une alimentation durable.

Des paysans créent leur propre supermarché. Albi vise l'autosuffisance alimentaire grâce au bio et au gratuit ! Amazon. Eartheasy Blog » Can organic farming feed the world? Eartheasy Blog » 7 Ways Organic Farms Outperform Conventional Farms. Plateforme et ressources - ALIMENTERRE. Cela coûte (vraiment) moins cher de ne pas faire ses courses dans les supermarchés.

Ces fermes dans le ciel vont révolutionner l’agriculture urbaine. Le marché de la bio en France. Le marché des aliments bio pèsera presque 8 milliards en 2018 en France. Rapport Agricultures hautes performances. L’agriculture biologique en débat. Rapport Agricultures hautes performances. Synabio doc 360. ProtectingIndigenousKnowledge js f. Les moissons du futur reportage Marie Monique Robin. Final Natural Capital Impacts in Agriculture Supporting Better Business Descision Making v5.0. Trucost reveals $3.33 trillion environmental cost of farming. Alternative Farming Techniques for Sustainable Food Production. The benefits of alternative farming methods. New Graphics from DOE Illustrate the Energy-Water-Land Nexus. « La Terre » de Zola, une histoire biogéochimique de la Beauce au XIXe siècle.

Collecte et transformation du lait en France. Care for the earth - ethics and values as codes for living - Permaculture Principles. Urban Farming Is Booming In The US, But What Does It Really Yield? Businessinsider. URBAN AGRICULTURE A SIXTEENCITY SURVEY OF URBAN AGRICULTURE PRACTICES ACROSS THE COUNTRY. Mission 2014: Feeding the World. City Gardeners Track the Value of Urban Farming. 2 Sustainable Urban Agriculture NYSERDA. Urban farming is booming, but what does it really yield?