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After Barry’s fall: Anti-politics, authority & corruption - Left Flank. They’re all bad guys now. They’re all in it for themselves to the point they don’t even know — or simply can’t remember — when they’re breaching our trust. Clearly that’s not true at an individual level, but it doesn’t have to be if it becomes received wisdom. In short, we’re witnessing the slow motion desecration of the whole idea of politics. —Waleed Aly, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 April The spectacular termination of Barry O’Farrell’s premiership over a “forgotten” gift from a Liberal Party associated lobbyist and fundraiser being investigated by ICAC, Nick Di Girolamo, has led to much astonishment and confusion within the Right of the political class and its media hangers on. For the second time since it was set up by the conservatives, the Commission’s investigations have led to the resignation of a Liberal premier.

Put this partisan whining from the Right aside, the more important question starting to be raised is how such infractions can be so politically destructive. Antipolitics MarchInMarch.