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6 Depraved Sexual Fetishes That Are Older Than You Think | Crack. Bizarre sexual fetishes are a staple of the human psyche--most everyone has them, and with the arrival of Internet porn, all the walls came crumbling down. Suddenly, everyone everywhere could share their sick, nasty fantasies with the entire world, safe under a veil of anonymity. But the Internet by no means invented these things. As it turns out, they've been around way longer than that stain in your Honda. Tentacle Rape - Late 18th Century We love to mock "tentacle porn," and Japan for inventing it.

If this is your first day on the Internet, just know tentacle porn is one of the Internet's most beloved methods of making young people terrified of sex, and it is precisely what it sounds like: women being raped by tentacles (usually in cartoons). Bet they regret that. For men, the fetish appeals to those who enjoy seeing women humiliated and subjugated by something that isn't even human. While Maeda may have created the modern tentacle rape, he wasn't the inventor--not even close. 7 Sex Tips from Cosmo That Will Put You in the Hospital | Cracke.

You've walked innocently past issues of Cosmopolitan magazine a thousand times, every time you've checked out at a grocery store. If you glanced at the covers then you know it's all about sex, and helping girls bring out the sexual animal in their man. Not that kind. But littered amongst their mildly kinky and often impractical advice ("wear a wet t-shirt to bed!

") you get horrifying tips that border on genital mutilation. Think we're kidding? As we speak, Cosmo is advising women to... Bite the Family Jewels From: Cosmo's website. Here's something mankind has known about intercourse since the very, very first sexual act was performed: If in describing the act, the words "bite" and "scrotum" appear in the same sentence, something went catastrophically wrong. To put this in context, when kangaroos fight each other, they use the claws on their hind legs to tear at their opponent's scrotum. Cosmopolitan Vol. 237, Issue 1, page 106. We always knew there was something sexy about Yahtzee! Bullshit. 6 Ridiculous History Myths (You Probably Think Are True) | Crack. Everybody knows that people in the past were insane. They wore funny hats, used words like "wherefore," and don't get us started on the pants. But some of the historic anecdotes we love repeating again and again simply aren't true.

As convenient as it may be to think of our ancestors as murder-happy torture enthusiasts, they were crazy, but they weren't that crazy. Gun Fights in the Violent Wild West The Insanity: A gloriously mustached man sits at a card game in an old saloon, surrounded by cowboys and surprisingly fresh-faced prostitutes. The cowboys and prostitutes go back to their drinks, well-accustomed to this sort of random violence, as the man nonchalantly twirls his pistol and says: "Guess he couldn't read my poker face.

" A typical western saloon, moments before everyone in the room shot each other. A hundred years of Westerns have taught us that this is how you lived and died in the Wild West. But in Reality... How many murders do you suppose these old western towns saw a year? 6 Ridiculous Sex Myths (That Are Actually True) The only thing more awesome than an urban legend turning out to be true is if that same legend involves some sort of nefarious sex or groin related hilarity. Luckily, all of these qualify. The Legend: "Dude, I can totally tell he's gay! Look at his fingers!

" This sounds like one of those playground urban myths that adolescent males use as an excuse to punch each other. Yeah, right. The Truth: Incredibly, this is a real thing. Apparently if you have a longer ring finger, it means you got more testosterone as a fetus and are more likely to be hyperactive, aggressive and disgusted by anything featuring Hugh Grant. A longer index finger, on the other hand, means more estrogen, making you more neurotic and sensitive. Actually, no. So... how far into this entry did you get before you stopped to look at your fingers?

The Dong Stuck in a Pool Filter So you're swimming around the pool and you pass by the humming filter, sucking debris out of the water. "I bet I'll never have to touch some dude's dong. " 17 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped | Cracked.c. This is the fourth installment of our series where we prove that sometimes, real life is stranger than Photoshop (see Part One, Part Two and Part Three).

So enjoy our continuing chronicle of jaw-dropping pics that make you shout "FAKE! " the moment you see them, but in fact are not. Even if, in some cases, we really wish they were ... A Glitch in the Matrix That car rendered from what looks like vector graphics from an old-school arcade game is a wire-frame sculpture by artist Benedict Radcliffe. And we mean an actual frame made of wires. Reportedly, it received a ticket for being illegally parked, though if we had been there we'd have quickly gotten another ticket for climbing inside, picking it up and running down the street making engine sounds. And in Season 6 of Lost, They Reveal That the Island is Actually an Ocean What appears to be the background for a cheesy 80s album cover is actually an untouched photo from Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the largest salt flat in the world.

Why? 17 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped | Cracked.c.