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J. Allen Hynek. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

J. Allen Hynek

Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986) était un astronome, professeur et ufologue américain. Il est célèbre pour avoir été conseiller scientifique du projet Blue Book entre 1951 et 1969. J. Google Traduction. Tiki ou Enki ? Vers 2500 AEC, un dieu nommé Enki quitte Sumer pour gagner les terres outremer, dit le mythe Sumérien.

Tiki ou Enki ?

Vers 2500 AEC, un dieu blanc arrive dans les Andes, venant de l’est. C’est un dieu bienveillant, il enseigne tout aux sauvages qui vivent là. Dirait-on pas que les deux ne font qu’un ? Tiki, le dieu blanc des Andes est Enki, le dieu blanc de Sumer. Et nous allons voir pourquoi. Or que nous disent les Andins ? On suppose que le Fuente Magna aurait été façonné par des Sumériens qui se seraient installés en Bolivie aux environs de 2500 AEC. » Encore cette date ! Le mythe sumérien n’en fait pas de mystère : tandis que Enlil et ses fils reçoivent la terre de Sumer et ses environs, leurs rivaux Enki et ses fils reçoivent « les terres d’outremer » nommées Amenta.

Pendant ce temps, utilisant la voie souterraine, Enki gagne les Amériques où il entreprend de démarrer une civilisation jumelle. Les mystères de la Fuente Magna, Bolivie. Les mystères de la Fuente Magna, Bolivie Le Bol de la Fuente Magna.

Les mystères de la Fuente Magna, Bolivie

Tiki ou Enki ? Denis Roger DENOCLA » Blog Archive » Mythes et réalités des ANUNNAKI, des Reptiliens, de Nibiru et des Pléiadiens. Denis Roger DENOCLA with the friendly assistance from Anton PARKS – © Could the ANUNNA possibly be aliens?

Denis Roger DENOCLA » Blog Archive » Mythes et réalités des ANUNNAKI, des Reptiliens, de Nibiru et des Pléiadiens

Swfrancfort.png (PNG Image, 594 × 346 pixels) The 14 Tablets Of Enki The Anunnaki. By In5D You may want to bookmark this page for future reference.

The 14 Tablets Of Enki The Anunnaki

Included is a series of fascinating videos that you may consider listening to when you go to bed. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Try to learn the valuable lessons from these tablets so we can prevent this current paradigm from happening again. Scroll down for the summary of each chapter. The below videos and the information contained within are very shocking. The 14 Tablets of Enki (Former Anunnaki Leader of Planet Earth)

By John R.

The 14 Tablets of Enki (Former Anunnaki Leader of Planet Earth)

Deahl, via In5D You may want to bookmark this page for future reference. Included is a ... by John R. Deahl, via In5D You may want to bookmark this page for future reference. Zecharia Sitchin's Legacy. EVIDENCE VALIDATES SUMERIAN TALES OF “GODS” FROM NIBIRU. Sumerians display rocket route maps and verbal descriptions they say the gods dictated of planets and their orbits beyond eye-range.


Dark dwarf star Nemesis’ orbit plus the orbit of the Nibiran planetary complex brings Nibiru from some 1000 astronomical units away to the vicinity of Earth, on a 30degree plane to Earth’s orbit , between Mars and Jupiter. This view of Earth, from the outer planets of the inner solar system to the inner showed Nibirans the orbits of our planetary system. Nibiru acted “as a spacecraft that sailed past all the other planets, gave them a chance at repeated close looks.”

They labeled the inner planets from the farthest from the sun (Pluto) to the closest (Mercury) from one to twelve, Earth, seven–counting the sun and Earth’s moon as planets, hence Sitchin’s title, The Twelfth Planet [Genesis: 19, 46]. Mexican Government Disclose Proof And Art Of E.T.’s And Ancient Space Travel. Newly released Mayan documents, shows artifacts, dating back at least 1300-year and might reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely visited earth for quite some time. 1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA “Deep Impact”. [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.

Mexican Government Disclose Proof And Art Of E.T.’s And Ancient Space Travel

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe - The Mind Awakened. Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara.

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe - The Mind Awakened

The Hidden History Of Egypt: Khemitology. Piri Reis Map - Evidence of Ancient Technology? On October 9, 1929, a German theologian named Gustav Adolf Deissmann was cataloguing items in the Topkapi Palace library in Istanbul when he happened across a curious parchment located among some disregarded material.

Piri Reis Map - Evidence of Ancient Technology?

On the gazelle skin parchment was a map, now referred to as the Piri Reis map. Ancient Explorers. Sumerian Texts: Do These Tablets Reveal Secrets About Alien Life? EmailShare 11.1KEmailShare Trilingual cuneiform inscription of Xerxes at Van Fortress in Turkey, written in Old Persian, Akkadian, and Elamite In 1849, Sir Austen Henry Layard, English Archaeologist and global explorer, found himself among the ruins of ancient Bablyon in southern Mesopotamia.

It was there he discovered the first pieces of what would eventually become one of Archaeology’s most controversial puzzles: Cuneiform Tablets. Within this incredible ancient text are stories that have an uncanny resemblance to the Biblical stories of creation, deities, and even a reference to a great flood and a giant ark to survive it. Specialists have spent decades trying to decipher these intricate symbols. Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever. (Before It's News) For many generations, it has been questioned and debated. Les reptiliens Égyptiens et la magie incubatoire : révélation sur les créateurs des pyramides. John Lash, dans son étude, dresse un parallélisme entre les "planeurs " de Castaneda et les Archontes de la tradition gnostique. Le 12 e mensonge de sitchin : le mythe Annunaki. Les annunaki, tirent toutes leurs sources des livres de Zecharia Sitchin.

M. Sitchin semble lui-même s'être librement inspiré des idées d'Immanuel Velikovsky, ainsi que des conjectures de certains astronomes qui croyaient qu'une autre planète se trouvait dans le système solaire. Je ne suis pas astronome, je ne commenterai donc pas ces conjectures d'astronomes, mais plutôt ce qui suit : Ce M.