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Wes-williams/Sherlock-IOT. Project Spark. Data, Data Everywhere: Mobile APIs Act As A Spur To Innovation. Guest author Nolan Wright is the CTO of Appcelerator. Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink. ~ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1798. If we replace the Coleridge Mariner’s “water” with “data,” you have the lament of today’s mobile apps. Our world may be swimming in data, but little of it is optimized for mobile consumption. Mobile poses a unique challenge for developers to acquire and activate data. What worked in the era of Web 2.0 will not necessarily work for the new era of ubiquitous mobile computing, especially for enterprise-oriented business. Companies need to learn how to tap into this data and create flexible application programming interfaces (APIs) that ultimately give developers a platform to do something amazing. Want Mobile Innovation? Mobile has seen an explosion in data sources.

See also: Why The HTML5 Vs. Your Developers Want to Innovate: Let Them Seeding an App Ecosystem. MINED!Me. Developer Guide. For Websites. As mentioned, the code above uses the common defaults for the options available when initializing the SDK. You can customize some of these options, if useful. Changing SDK Language In the basic setup snippet, the en_US version of the SDK is initialized, which means that all the dialogs and UI will be in US English.

You can change this language by changing the js.src value in the snippet. Take a look at Localization to see the different locales that can be used. <script> (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script> Disabling Login Status Check By setting status to true in the FB.init() call, the SDK will attempt to get info about the current user. Setting status to false can improve page load times, but you'll need to manually check for login status using FB.getLoginStatus.