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IMMUNE-MEDIATED THROMBOCYTOPENIA in dogs - Chinaroad Lowchens of Australia. A platelet is a cloud-shaped blood cell, neither related to the red blood cell line nor the white blood cell line. Platelets act in the clotting of blood in that they home to damaged areas of blood vessels, and “aggregate” there, meaning that they pile onto each other and bind, forming a small plug to seal the hole in the leaking blood vessel. Of course, large tears are too big for platelets to seal and there are other blood clotting mechanisms besides platelet aggregation but when it comes to small bleeds and normal blood vessel wear and tear, platelets are the star of the show.

There is a saying that “platelets are vascular integrity and vascular integrity is platelets.” A small bleed unstaunched by a platelet aggregation quickly becomes a large bruise. Spontaneous bruising (in other words visible bruising from the normal wear and tear of one’s body) is a sign of reduced platelet numbers or poor platelet function. The usual patient is a middle-aged dog. Marvista Vet. Platelet Disorders: Hemostatic Disorders: Merck Veterinary Manual. Disorders of platelets can be divided into acquired or congenital thrombocytopenias and acquired or congenital functional disorders (thrombocytopathias), with acquired thrombocytopenia being the most common. Congenital Thrombocytopenia Hereditary Macrothrombocytopenia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels This benign, inherited giant platelet disorder affects ~50% of dogs in the breed. It is characterized by thrombocytopenia with macrothrombocytes in 30% of cases and variable platelet aggregation in response to adenosine diphosphate, depending on the platelet count.

No correlation has been found between macrothrombocytopenia and age, gender, neuter status, coat color, weight, or heart murmur status. Cyclic Hematopoiesis in Gray Collie Dogs This autosomal recessive disorder is characterized by 12-day cycles of cytopenia. Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia This disorder occurs when maternal antibodies are produced against a paternal antigen on fetal platelets. Rickettsial Diseases. Platelet Disorders: Hemostatic Disorders: Merck Veterinary Manual. Disorders of platelets can be divided into acquired or congenital thrombocytopenias and acquired or congenital functional disorders (thrombocytopathias), with acquired thrombocytopenia being the most common.

Congenital Thrombocytopenia Hereditary Macrothrombocytopenia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels This benign, inherited giant platelet disorder affects ~50% of dogs in the breed. It is characterized by thrombocytopenia with macrothrombocytes in 30% of cases and variable platelet aggregation in response to adenosine diphosphate, depending on the platelet count. No correlation has been found between macrothrombocytopenia and age, gender, neuter status, coat color, weight, or heart murmur status. The disorder is detected by a routine CBC. Affected dogs have normal coagulation protein activity. Cyclic Hematopoiesis in Gray Collie Dogs This autosomal recessive disorder is characterized by 12-day cycles of cytopenia.

Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Acquired Thrombocytopenia Other. Hematology: platelet count | Dogs | Vetstream. Thrombocyte Dr Kathleen P Freeman Vetlexicon Canis ISSN: 1757-8256 This article is available in full to registered subscribers Sign up nowfor a 30 day trialor log in Overview Uses Alone Assessment of platelet numbers. In combination As part of routine hematological screen. Result data Normal (reference) values 200-500 x 10*9/l. <100 x 10*9/l significant. Abnormal values Increased [platelet] (thrombocytosis) Associated with iron deficiency anemia . Errors and Artifacts False decrease Platelet aggregation (clumping) occurs rapidly and produces false low values. Sorry, we couldn't find that content. Clotting Disorders of the Platelets in Dogs. Thrombocytopathies are defined as disorders of the blood platelet and abnormal functioning of the platelets. Thrombocytopathic animals are those which typically have normal platelet counts on examination, but have spontaneous or excessive bleeding due to a failure of the platelets to bind to each other, or clot normally.

Bleeding from the mucous membranes – nose, mouth ears, anus – is the most common sign. Thrombocytopathies may first become apparent in young animals when excessive bleeding occurs with the loss of baby teeth. Thrombocytopathies can be acquired or hereditary; they affect the main functions of platelets: activation, adhesion and aggregation.

Symptoms and Types Spontaneous bleedingNosebleeds (epistaxis)Bleeding is often from mucosal surfaces (nose, mouth, gums, etc.)Basset hounds with hereditary thrombopathia develop auricular hematomas (blood build-up in the ear flap)Prolonged bleeding in some animals during diagnostic or surgical procedures Causes Acquired thrombocytopathy. High Platelets in Blood Count, what does it mean? - Questions & Answers | VetInfo/QA. Why Are My Dog Or Cat's Blood Platelet Counts Abnormal. Ron Hines DVM PhD Lots of my articles are plagiarized and altered on the web to market products and services. There are never ads running or anything for sale with my real articles - other than my time.

Try to stay with the ones with in the URL box or find all my articles at ACC.htm. Your Pet's Blood Platelets = Thrombocytes aka PLT, Thrombos The Estimated Number or Actual Count A thrombocyte (blood platelet) count is one of a group of tests that investigate your pet’s blood clotting mechanism. You veterinarian might order it if he/she is suspicious that you pet is bleeding excessively due to a faulty clotting mechanism. Because the clotting of blood is such a complex process (the coagulation cascade) with many different stages and the interplay of many chemicals, mediators and cells; a series of tests is often required to determine exactly what is wrong. Reasons Why Your Pet’s Platelet Count Might Be Low (thrombocytopenia) :

Help! High platelets count - what steps to take? - Pet Forums Community. One of my cats, Lucky (2 years old, female, spayed, indoor, 3.25kg), was recently treated for a stomach bug which left her not eating or drinking, she was on a drip for a few days and finally started eating and drinking again, thank goodness! While she was sick she had a blood test done, which found a high platelet count (847 K/uL - normal range 175-600) with platelet aggregates detected and abnormal distribution.

Vet at that point thought it could be at least partly down to dehydration. Anyway, now she's fully recovered from her stomach bug, I took her back to the vets for another blood test to see if everything had returned to normal. This time, the results said that her platelets count was "over 593", with again platelet aggregates detected and abnormal distribution.

The only other out-of-range result was a slightly low neutrophil count. What I need to know is what are the possible causes? Platelet count | eClinpath. Thrombocytopenia - Cat. Feline blood smear. The small anucleated discoid-shaped cells with purple granules are normal cat platelets. Wright's stained; 100 x objective. Feline blood smear. There is a large macroplatelet present in the left center of the field. Feline blood smear. Thrombocytopenia, a reduction in circulating thrombocytes (<300,000 platelets per microlitre), is a rare primary blood disorder of cats. Its opposite disorder, thrombocytosis also occurs in cats. Thrombocytopenia causes reduced blood clotting and results in increased bleeding tendencies. Causes Causes of thrombocytopenia in cats include: - viruses - Panleukopenia, FIP, FeLV, FIV, FCV - protozoans Mycoplasma haemofelis, M. haemominutum, Ehrlichia risticii, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia felis, Cytauxzoon felis, Histoplasma spp Clinical signs Primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia is difficult to diagnose, because spontaneous bleeding is rare in cats.

Diagnosis In cats, decreased platelet counts are a common laboratory finding. Treatment.