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Royalty Free Music - Sound Effects - Stock Audio. Splice. Grundlagen der Musik / Theorie. Royalty Free Music - Sound Effects - Stock Audio. 10 Examples of Amazing Blogs All Created Using Wix. Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to start a blog?

10 Examples of Amazing Blogs All Created Using Wix

If you said ‘yes,’ it’s probably because you know the benefits of blogging are well established. Start a blog and you’ve got a great way to regularly create new content online (which Google loves) and keep your target market up to date with all that’s new in your business. Blogs are a place to share personal stories, showcase pictures of new projects or launch debates that are relevant to your business. Wix. Soundcloud playlist - wix. Slider Overview. Slider Showcase your best photos, videos, events, and banners in this easy-to-use, fully-customizable Multi Slider!

Slider Overview

Free Features: Zimbalam - Verzeichnis. Musik online verkaufen. Digital Music distribution & music promotion. It doesn’t matter what kind of musical style you produce – in the world wide web you’ll find the right target group to sell your music.

Digital Music distribution & music promotion

Whether Rock, Pop, HipHop, Techno, Klassik or Folk Music – all you need is confidence in your music. And marketing support from We bring your release to all relevant online shops. This includes download stores such as iTunes and Amazon, as well as streaming platforms like Spotify, Deezer, Rhapsody, Pandora, Apple Music and many more. digital music distribution with isn’t just simple but also fair. Because a great deal of income goes to the artist and you don't have to pay any running costs.

Jade Analogic mit wix music. Harmonielehre - Intro. Pop up fenster - wix. To create a pop-up effect on your Wix site, do the following: 1.

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Duplicate the page on which the pop will appear. Wix Feature: Full-Width Strips_für bestimmte Zwecke. Looking for that wow factor?

Wix Feature: Full-Width Strips_für bestimmte Zwecke

Wix’s newest design element is on trend for good reason: it’s a visual stunner. Whether you’re just about to create a website or looking to freshen up your current site’s look, the full-width strips feature is more than worth considering (especially if you have a long scrolling website). It lets you structure your site into clean, horizontal sections, organizing your content in serious style. And to make it even easier, there are 9 preset options waiting for you in the Wix website editor. Something tells us you’ll use more than one. AGB für eBay: Kostenlos, selbst erstellt und Gratis Muster? Anleitungen für verschiedene Domainanbieter. Shoot Amazing Video on Your Phone for Your Site Background. One of the most exciting features to recently enter the Wix treasure box is the ability to upload your own videos as your website’s background.

Shoot Amazing Video on Your Phone for Your Site Background

Video backgrounds create a vibrant and dynamic user experience, drawing site visitors in while transmitting information clearly to them. All in all, a feature with mad star quality. Of course, if you are going to use a video on such a prominent piece of website real estate as the background, you want to be positively sure that it meets certain quality standards and represents your site and your brand properly. Fortunately, producing legit videos for your website does not have to involve professional production teams and advanced videography gear. How to Get More Online Exposure for Your Music. It’s 2015, and even the most ‘old school’ music fan has come to accept that the internet has turned the music industry on its head.

How to Get More Online Exposure for Your Music

Sure, Tower Records have been replaced with iTunes, but have you ever stopped to think about what it takes for new music to be spread online? Music insiders know that there’s a whole underground of online spots that music-makers must utilize to expose their tunes to new fans. 10 Best Places to Promote Your Music Online. It’s no earth-shattering news that the internet has changed the music industry for good.

10 Best Places to Promote Your Music Online

Technologies like file sharing, streaming, social media and eCommerce are giving artists more opportunities to expose their music to larger audiences and increase their fan base. The downside of having so many options is that choosing the best ways to promote your music online can be challenging. So, to help you make good choices, we put together a list of the 10 most popular and most effective online hangouts you should join to get the word out about your tunes.

When it comes to promoting your music online, Wix Music doesn’t skip a beat. Downloadprodukte und Bezahlsystem - Anfrage wix. GOOGLE Play for Artists: Sell your original music. Bandcamp. Spotify Explained. Spotify was designed from the ground up to combat piracy.

Spotify Explained

Founded in Sweden, the home of The Pirate Bay, we believed that if we could build a service which was better than piracy, then we could convince people to stop illegal file-sharing, and start consuming music legally again. A key part of this has been in ensuring that Spotify has a free tier. By offering this free tier, Spotify is able to compete with piracy on cost and bring music consumers into the legal framework.

From there, Spotify does a very effective job at converting those users into Premium subscribers.This theory that ‘given a free and legal alternative, people will pirate less’ has been proven over the last 5 years with significant reductions in piracy across the territories where Spotify is established. This chart shows the % of each age group who choose to pirate less content when given a free and legal alternative. Erecht24-5-schritte-abmahnsicherer-onlineshop.pdf. Online Music Notation Software - Maestro Online.

Accessive Tools Soundtorch: Ein Segen für Sample-Messies. Audiodateien verwalten, konvertieren und mehr mit Breezer. Scores. How to Create an Impressive Long Scrolling Website. If you’ve been surfing the web recently (which we kind of assume you have), you may have noticed that more and more websites have long scrolling home pages.

How to Create an Impressive Long Scrolling Website

From Pinterest and Flickr to your Facebook newsfeed, you’ll find this trend everywhere you look. That’s because web designers know that more of their visitors are viewing websites from mobile devices where vertical navigation rules the road. How to Get More Online Exposure for Your Music. Stiff competition out there for musicians trying to get heard! Many musicians are taking advantage of social media tools and music streaming apps to gain attention and get their music played. Since you probably want to focus more on playing your music and less on publicity work, here are a few ways to get max results for your time invested: Upload Your Music to Soundcloud Besides having a community of over 10 million listeners at your disposal, the other main advantage of using Soundcloud is that you get a unique URL for each song, which you can post and stream wherever you like.

4 Musicians Who Are Advancing their Careers with their Own Websites. Making ends meet as a musician is tougher than ever. Artists interested in sustaining themselves with careers are learning need to take matters into their own hands. This means booking your own gigs, nurturing your own fan communities, handling your own publicity, publishing your own recordings and selling your own products. Following several years of declining sales, labels and agencies have removed “artist development” from their areas of expertise and are focusing on promotions for shrinking stables of existing and aging superstars only.

With a do-it-yourself work ethic now relevant to the vast majority of the music industry, musicians are left scratching their heads. After all, didn’t you choose this line of work because you wanted to spend your time creating and playing music? Showcase: Amazing Music Websites. Showcase of Websites Based on Wix's 'My Band Website' Music Template. “My Band Website” has been designed with the specific needs of music sites in mind. One of the most distinctive looking templates available on Wix, “My Band Website” has been designed with the specific needs of musicians in mind. Today’s musicians are happy to find solutions that allow them to control their own careers and branding without spending huge amounts of time bogged down in non-music matters. Thinglink media. You can embed several types of rich media tags to your images. Interacting with the following services is now possible from within a single image. Using the ThingLink Rich Media Tags is as simple as copying the URL into the Link field of the Thinglink tag editor. The link you embed into the image will be checked for Open Graph tags. The simplest way to create your own Rich Media Tag for your site is to ensure that you have the Open Graph metadata set up for your site. Technically, we will look only at the og:title and the og:image properties of your site for now.

Chirbit - Record, Upload and Share Audio Easily - Social Audio. Soundcloud integration. Wix music player. Top 5 Wix Apps for Music Websites. Musicians want to get their music out there, promote it to a large audience and expose as many people as possible to their sound. Creating a professional music website is an absolute must on the path to achieving this goal. It’s difficult to talk about “music websites” in general, because obviously a heavy metal band and a classical oboe soloist will have totally different ideas about how their sites should look like.

Still, when the main attraction of the website is music, there are tools that any musician can use and you can find those tools right on Wix. The following apps from the Wix App Market can help amplify music websites of all styles and kinds. Have a look, give them a try and put the volume on: 5 Features Every Musician Needs On Their WebSite. What is Harmony? Harmonic Series Activity by Sarah Tulga. Teoria - Tutorials. Relative Minors on the Circle of Fifths. Teil 1 - Akkorde - Dur & Umkehrungen. Harmonie. Eckart Altenmüller.