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FML: Your everyday life stories. Letters to crushes. I smile a lot.

letters to crushes

And, if I'm being honest, it's more out of habit than anything. I smile when a teacher calls on me and I don't know the answer, and I smile at the pretty girls with their bright red lipstick hanging on to the boys with the slicked over hair, and I smiled during my grandfather's funeral while I starred blankly at his closed casket, because his body was too deterriorated by disease to be seen. You were the only one to ask me why I smile. You didn't say it in an intrusive way, just a slightly curious one, despite the fact I hardly knew you at the time, just sharing a class once a week. I had never really seen you smile before, and to be honest I never really wanted to; you always wore a smirk, and it just seemed to fit your face better, just looked a bit more natural. But, regardless, you asked me, looking at me as if I held this secret to the universe, as if I was going to unlock something within you with some unworldly advice.

Short Stories to Get Your Juices Flowing. Telescopic Text © Joe Davis 2008. Top 10 des prédictions de Retour vers le Futur 2 qui ne se sont pas (encore) réalisées. Dans son voyage futuriste au sein de la lointaine année 2015, Marty MacFly découvrait le 21 octobre les nouveautés et les spécificités du monde moderne, marqué par une avancée technologique spectaculaire et par une évolution stylistique difficilement prévisible.

Top 10 des prédictions de Retour vers le Futur 2 qui ne se sont pas (encore) réalisées

L'heure des comptes est arrivée : il reste (un peu moins de) trois ans aux matières grises les plus éminentes de la planète pour se mettre à la hauteur de l'univers 2015 imaginé par Robert Zemeckis. État des lieux... L'Hoverboard Moyen de transport favori de Marty MacFly dans le deuxième opus de Retour vers le futur, ce skate planeur qui permet à son usager de demeurer en altitude à quelques centimètres du sol, a dépassé la fiction et pénétré dans le monde de la réalité grâce à l'Université Paris-Diderot qui a créé un objet semblable en octobre 2011 (voir la vidéo). Source photo : geekosystem Et vous, vous avez hâte à 2015 ? Sources : 11 points et Geekosystem, et pocket-lint Crédits photo (creative commons) : Monsieur Marty. Hello Poetry.

Online Rhyming Dictionary for Poetry and Songwriting. 100 words you should know to pass an advanced vocabulary exam. 100 Most beautiful words in the English language*


Awesomeness. Choosing fabric for a skirt. Week 1 Alright team.

choosing fabric for a skirt

Let's make a skirt. And the best place to start is to talk about fabric. For this project you'll need about 3.3 yards (3 metres) of fabric. This gives you plenty of fabric to work with and probably lots left over. Ah, but what about the kind of fabric? Cotton or cotton mix - Poplin, polycotton A very light fabric. Sheer fabric - chiffon, taffeta Romantic. Wool mix Warm. Silk or silk mix Light. And if your not sure where to go, some great places to find fabric (and dangerous places to browse!)

(and be sure to pick up some matching thread, a 9 inch (22cm) zipper, a hook and eye closure, and 2 yards (1.8 metres) of 1 inch (2.5 cm) petersham ribbon - other goodies you'll need for this project). Loving this series? Week 1 / choosing fabric for a skirt Week 2 / make your own skirt pattern Week 3 // easy guide to cutting fabric for a skirt Week 4 // the easiest pocket tutorial (ever) Week 5 / sew a killer skirt with pockets Week 6 / add a perfect zipper in 8 steps. LEEKSPIN DOT COM. I watched Ned RiddlyDiddlying for 65 Sec.