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Content Marketing Editorial Calendar. It is vital to plan, manage, and optimize your content marketing initiatives. The pressure to publish timely, engaging, content has never been higher. Brands have evolved into media companies that must think like publishers. Today’s portfolio of content channels — websites, blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, SlideShare, Flickr, etc. — is constantly growing. Each one requires constant care and feeding, and content is at the core of every conversation. But despite the overwhelming trend toward content marketing and measuring its effectiveness, most brands haven’t addressed content on either a strategic or tactical level.

One reason for this is that managing the workflow is very challenging. You must understand your target audience, research keywords, and publish/distribute interesting content regularly on each channel that attracts and retains your customers’ interest. How will this planning template aid your business? Connect: Authored by: How to Use Google+ as an Author Platform. Do you use Google Plus? Publishing has gone through dramatic changes during the last few years. Never before has it been easier for writers to reach a wide audience and directly connect with their readers. I’m the author of eight books — two self-published and six commercially published — over a twenty year span. I self-published my last book and was able to keep it on Amazon’s top ten list for its category for two years.

How? Since that time, I’ve turned my social media success into an online training business and seen many tools come and go. In this post, I’ll be outlining the top tactics for writers to use Google+ to brand themselves, reach their target audience, and create an author platform. Start by Creating a Google+ Account Everyone begins on Google+ by creating an account that has a personal profile. Link your new Google+ personal profile to your website or blog and any other social media accounts you have, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or YouTube. Already have a blog? The Copyblogger Content Marketing Codex. 11 Ways to Make Social Media Marketing Less of a Time Suck. Social media marketing : tweet a hashtag, post a picture of my lunch, like a photo in my news feed. Nailed it. Uh, not really. And if you're doing social media marketing -- real social media marketing -- you know that.

Thing is, if you add up all the hours you spend doing social media marketing in a week, it's likely not that much time compared to all your other marketing activities. But because of the pace at which social media operates, our minds (and cursors) always seem to be floating over to one social media network or another. Luckily, we've found ways to minimize the distraction social media marketing leaves us all open to , and we'd like to share some of those efficiency tips with you. 1) Compose your updates in advance. Let's say you have to update your company's Twitter account with new content every hour during the business day. Click here to download the social media publishing schedule template you see featured above. 2) Maintain a content repository. Copywriting. Keyword Research: A Comprehensive Guide. Relationship Marketing Series #6, Connect With One Person.

Even though (with any luck) you’re marketing to lots and lots of people, no one wants to be a faceless speck in a crowd. Maybe it’s a result of the industrial age. Yes, we like to be in tribes, but tribes are small, intimate things. A tribe might be 8 people or 80, but it’s not 80,000. The greater the scale we have to deal with in our jobs, our commutes, our grocery stores, or even our churches, the more we look for one-to-one relationships. We’re born alone. (Even twins can’t manage that one side-by-side.) And we all secretly think we have problems that no one else has. Know Who You’re Talking To Marketing 101 tells you to know your market. Demographics are collections of traits. Talk to One Person Whether you’re writing a blog or an email newsletter or a set of postcards or a yellow pages ad, you need to be thinking about Cynthia. What can you help her out with? What’s not working for Cynthia right now? How Do You Find Cynthia? You’ll be able to find Cynthia by paying attention.