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List of High-Tech Employers in Silicon Valley. The Zappos Founder Just Told Us All Kinds Of Crazy Stories – Here's The Surprisingly Candid Interview. The story of Zappos, as it's told nowadays centers on the company's wacky culture, and Tony Hsieh's stewardship. But, before it gained that reputation, and before it was gobbled up by Amazon, it had many lean years of just barely scrapping by. We spoke with founder Nick Swinmurn about the process of building the company.

New Business Model Redefines Giving, Profit. An increasingly popular business model lets participating companies give to charity while making a profit.

New Business Model Redefines Giving, Profit

But the approach is blurring the lines between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and raising questions about the real drivers behind this business model. One of the balloon rides offered by Great American Days of Atlanta, Georgia (File)
