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Dipanjan Mukherjee

10 Branding Tips for Your Start-up. You’ve started a business. You must be having great dreams surrounding it. What are these dreams? Surely you want the startup to be the talk of the town. And make millions, if not billions, with it. Right? That’s possible. But you’ll have to understand one thing — it’s not a day’s work. You have to move slowly, but carefully, to ensure that your business is moving forward in the perfect direction. To ensure that you can make the most of your business, you must follow proper branding tips and create proper awareness about your brand.

Establishing a New Brand You must establish your business as a new brand. But that’s not something you have to worry about at the very beginning. Instead, you will have to learn quite a few things to start with. To begin with, brace yourself up for the process of spreading the word about your business with answers to a simple question: what, in the first place, is branding? So, branding is an integral part of your business — something your business can’t do without.