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How the Stock Market and Economy Really Work - Kel Kelly. "A growing economy consists of prices falling, not rising.

How the Stock Market and Economy Really Work - Kel Kelly

" The stock market does not work the way most people think. A commonly held belief — on Main Street as well as on Wall Street — is that a stock-market boom is the reflection of a progressing economy: as the economy improves, companies make more money, and their stock value rises in accordance with the increase in their intrinsic value. A major assumption underlying this belief is that consumer confidence and consequent consumer spending are drivers of economic growth. A stock-market bust, on the other hand, is held to result from a drop in consumer and business confidence and spending — due to inflation, rising oil prices, high interest rates, etc., or for no reason at all — that leads to declining business profits and rising unemployment. The Fundamental Source of All Rising Prices.

Some Thoughts on Supply-side Economics - Richard M. Ebeling. [Libertarian Forum, 1980] When Keynes's General Theory was published in 1936 there was no reason to believe that it would soon serve as the framework for 40 years of economic theory and policy.

Some Thoughts on Supply-side Economics - Richard M. Ebeling

Almost to a man, every important economist of that era condemned the book and its message as confused, inconsistent and dangerous. Online economics textbooks.