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The Venus Project. Reuse Eggshells – Things to Do with Egg Shells - Eggs. [In his ongoing but sporadic series Don't Throw That Away! , the Green Cheapskate shows you how to repurpose just about anything, saving money and the environment in the process. Send him your repurposing ideas and challenges, but whatever you do, Don't Throw That Away!] I love eggs, and not just because I love the way they taste. Of course, part of my eggophilia is also due to the fact that eggs are an affordable, high-quality protein, usually costing less than twenty cents apiece. Despite much publicized cholesterol warnings, more and more research is revealing the many health benefits of eating eggs -- everything from strengthening muscles to improving brain function -- with most research now showing that an egg or two a day is just fine for most people.

Plus, eggs have clever packaging. Take a crack at these eggshell reuses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Jeff Yeager is the author of the book The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches. About the Biodiversity Project « Joel Sartore. It started simply enough with endangered amphibians. I read an essay on amphibian decline and knew I needed to do something to show these species to the world before they were gone forever. How to Help Some support for the project is being provided by National Geographic. The zoos and rescue facilities I’ve worked at have all been incredibly generous with their time. One of the most important sources for funding, though, is individuals just like you. If you like this work and want to see more of it, please consider purchasing a print from the project. When you find a picture you like, there’s a “Buy This Print” button just to the right.

On a typical shoot, I go through half a roll of background paper and a few yards of black velvet. Another way you can support the Photo Ark is by visiting and patronizing your local zoo. Last but not least, learn more about your favorite animal. Click here to return to the Photo Ark gallery and pick a print. Why Studio Portraits? Why the Photo Ark? My No Poo Shampoo Story, I Went Shampoo Free &Took Pictures - StumbleUpon. EmailEmail “No Poo” is a nickname for going shampoo free… Everyone has a different experience when ditching shampoo. Here is Amber’s story…. And you can read mine here! So I decided to stop using shampoo and jump on this tiny “no poo shampoo” train that was starting. In theory it made sense to me, that commercially made hair washes strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils which makes your scalp freak out and produce more and more which makes you rely more heavily on soaps to clean it. Still. So this is when I decided to do a little experiment. Week One Okay, so this is bad.

Why baking soda? The first week was horrible (I wore a lot of ponytails) but I kept telling myself eventually my scalp and hair would detox and recalibrate. Week Two Okay, getting a little better but yes, my hair still looks like crap. However, another problem had cropped up. To my 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and the itch was gone immediately. Week Three Week Four Week Five Week Six every other week. News: Soy Surfboards Ride Waves of Future : Video. Green, Healthy, &Safe Product Ratings &Reviews | GoodGuide - StumbleUpon.