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Overcoming Limiting Financial Beliefs – Steve Pavlina. What limiting financial beliefs are holding you back from achieving all the wealth and abundance you deserve?

Overcoming Limiting Financial Beliefs – Steve Pavlina

The Million Dollar Experiment has yielded a surge of emails containing stories of how participants have uncovered and broken through self-limiting financial beliefs. Even those who haven’t manifested any money yet have told me how the simple act of focusing on attracting greater wealth and abundance (for the highest good of all) has caused internal resistance to surface. And then such resistance can be dealt with consciously. Making Unpopular Decisions – Steve Pavlina. If you’re committed to learning and growing, you’ll need to get used to making decisions that others disagree with.

Making Unpopular Decisions – Steve Pavlina

It’s inevitable that you’ll eventually face decisions that are opposed by some social resistance. Maybe you’d love to pursue the path of entrepreneurship, but your family thinks it’s a bad idea. Maybe you’d like to upgrade your diet, but your friends keep trying to talk you out of it. Achieving Goals by Improving Your Character – Steve Pavlina. Often a change in character is a crucial part of shifting your identity to become more congruent with your goals and intentions.

Achieving Goals by Improving Your Character – Steve Pavlina

For example, suppose you want to become more successful in your career, and you set a goal to reach a certain position. Maybe the main reason you haven’t yet reached that position is that your character attributes are out of sync with it. Beyond Self-Delusional Positive Thinking – Steve Pavlina. A common criticism of positive thinking is that it’s self-delusion.

Beyond Self-Delusional Positive Thinking – Steve Pavlina

Images of Saturday Night Live’s Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley come to mind: “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” I happen to think this criticism is perfectly valid. I don’t do daily affirmations or recommend them to others because I think they’re a waste of time. How to Clean Your Money’s Energy – Steve Pavlina. In this simple article, I’ll share a perspective and a tool for improving your financial life.

How to Clean Your Money’s Energy – Steve Pavlina

If you resonate with the perspective herein, consider testing the associated process I’ll share. If you don’t resonate with the perspective, there’s no need to read beyond the first three paragraphs. Conscious Success – Steve Pavlina. In the mid-2000s, most of my income came from advertising.

Conscious Success – Steve Pavlina

The Google Adsense ads on my website were bringing in $9-10K per month, and it was totally passive income. I focused on writing new articles, and Google took care of selling and serving up the thousands of ads that were displayed each day. Honoring Your Future Self – Steve Pavlina. This is my 61st day in a row of blogging, so I’m flowing along nicely with the daily blogging challenge for this year.

Honoring Your Future Self – Steve Pavlina

My biggest concern with this challenge isn’t that I’ll intentionally skip a day or give up. I’m more concerned with accidentally missing a day, especially since I like to blog with the flow of inspiration, which often means writing at different times each day. It feels good to honor this challenge. Most days it’s no problem, but I will say that it isn’t easy to do this every day. How to Defeat Kolrami – Steve Pavlina. One of the most potent lessons I’ve ever learned (and would love to impart to you) is just how powerful a seemingly simple perspective shift can be.

How to Defeat Kolrami – Steve Pavlina

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” I hope you realize just how profound that statement is. But just in case you don’t, let me share a personal story about it. How to Build a Stronger Ego – Steve Pavlina. There’s a notion that’s been spread around the spiritual side of the self-help field that suggests one of our primary aims in life should be ego-less enlightenment, a state where we achieve near-perfect inner peace, where we’re one with everything but attached to nothing, and where nothing in the physical world can knock us off balance.

How to Build a Stronger Ego – Steve Pavlina

This creates some personal challenges for me because whenever I write about anything remotely spiritual in nature (and sometimes even when I don’t), some readers assume I’m one of the guys promoting this same sort of ideal. Then they question why my behavior doesn’t seem consistent with it. Tidying Up Your Trust Clutter – Steve Pavlina. I listened to Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up audiobook this week.

Tidying Up Your Trust Clutter – Steve Pavlina

I know it’s a super popular book, but this is the first time I’ve checked it out. I liked it! It also strikes me that the way she relates to possessions would be an interesting way to handle trust wounds as well, as both can be resolved through a decluttering process. The problem with both areas that creates stuckness is that such a process isn’t usually done thoroughly enough to fully fix the recurring problem (recurring clutter or recurring trust wounds). Clarity From Resistance – Steve Pavlina. Why bother with clarity at all? Why focus on goals and directions? Isn’t this a form of attachment? Why not adopt a more flexible and open attitude towards life? Why not just allow all things to be possible in each moment and leave it at that? Tolerance Is Resistance to Love – Steve Pavlina.

One of the traps that’s easy to fall into is filling your life with too many incompatibilities — people, places, objects, circumstances, and activities that just don’t mesh with the person you are on the inside. When your external reality is out of sync with your inner self, your inner self will resist it. This creates the feeling of wanting to escape your circumstances. You may feel powerless to make big changes, but deep down you’ll still sense a strong desire to “get out” and leave parts of your reality behind. You’ll fantasize about quitting your job, moving out, or ending a relationship. It’s easy to lose years of your life while surrounded by incompatible energies. Honoring Negative Predictions – Steve Pavlina. There are situations in life where we develop fairly consistent negative predictions regarding how those situations will turn out, but then we don’t actually honor those predictions.

For instance, suppose you’ve had some corporate jobs, and they’ve never turned out well for you. You never really liked them. They’ve never put you in situations where you’ve deeply enjoyed your work each day and where you’ve felt aligned with the company’s purpose. Suppose that something about these jobs always felt off to you. And suppose that currently you find yourself unemployed and wanting some income. A Simple Abundance Mini-Challenge – Steve Pavlina. In Conscious Growth Club, some members are embarking upon a 30-day money manifestation challenge for the month of July. I thought it would be fun to share a related mini-challenge here, one that I found helpful in moving from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. This challenge is fairly easy, and it tends to be more beneficial than you might initially expect, so I encourage you to give it a try. 10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion – Steve Pavlina. While consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it.

In this article I’ll share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest. Since Christianity is currently the world’s most popular religion, I’ll slant this article towards Christianity’s ubiquitous failings. However, you’ll find that most of these points apply equally well to other major religions (yes, even Buddhism). 1.

Spirituality for dummies. Don’t Pay Your Bills – Steve Pavlina. Diet and Energy – Steve Pavlina.