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Woolwich Dental Group

The Woolwich Dental Group offers the best dental services ranging from family dentistry, general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, dental implants, orthodontics, and additional dental services. You can also rely on Woolwich Dental Group for emergency oral services. To achieve optimal dental hygiene for you and your loved ones, visit the Woolwich Dental Clinic in Ontario. Website:

Differentiation Between A Root Canal and Tooth Extraction. Dental Fillings in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Congratulations, if you have never had a cavity!

Dental Fillings in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group

You are not alone if you have had one. On average 78% of humans have had at minimum one cavity by the age of 17, according to a 2000 report by the U.S. Surgeon General. A dental filling can help treat a cavity. Fillings do just what their name implies — seals a small hole in your tooth, i.e. cavity, caused by tooth decay. Types of Fillings There are two categories of dental fillings that range from metal filling to tooth-colored fillings.

Metal Fillings Amalgam — The classic “silver” filling has been in use for over a century, dental amalgam is an alloy made up of mercury, silver, tin and copper. Tooth-Colored Fillings Composite — This is a very popular choice for those who don’t want their filling to show, it a mixture of glass and plastic, which bonds to the rest of the tooth. What to Expect After Getting a Filling The local anesthesia should wear off within a couple of hours. Related Articles. Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. In most people, the third set of molars, generally called “wisdom teeth,” start coming in around age 17-25.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group

However, the arrival of these teeth is often far from trouble-free. The extraction (removal) of one or more third molars is a relatively common procedure, performed on some 5 million patients every year. After a thorough examination and diagnostic tests such as x-rays or a CT scan, you may be told that you should have your wisdom teeth extracted. Here are some typical reasons why: Whether it is aimed at preventing future problems or needed to alleviate a condition you already have, the extraction of wisdom teeth can be an effective treatment. The Extraction Procedure. 5 Tips To Straighten Your Smile.

5 Best Tips To Prevent Oral Cancer. 3 Self-Care Tips For A Quicker Recovery After Root Canal Therapy. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds.. 3 Self-Care Tips For A Quicker Recovery After Root Canal Therapy PowerPoint Presentation.

3 Self-Care Tips For A Quicker Recovery After Root Canal Therapy

What are the biggest causes of tooth sensitivity. How to Maintain Good Oral Health - Woolwich Dental Group. What does good oral hygiene mean to you: Flashing a pearly-white smile?

How to Maintain Good Oral Health - Woolwich Dental Group

Having fresh smelling breath? Feeling that squeaky-clean sensation all around your teeth and tongue? All of these are important indicators about the state of your oral health — and they're often the first thing people notice when they meet you. But getting your teeth, gums and mouth really clean, and maintaining that healthy state throughout the day (and in the months between professional dental cleanings) can be challenging. Of course, there's much more to oral hygiene than just a bright smile. Dental Health During Pregnancy. You probably know that many physical and emotional changes you will experience during pregnancy result from an increase in the levels of certain hormones — the chemicals that regulate many important processes in the body.

Dental Health During Pregnancy

But what you may not realize is that these hormonal variations can affect your oral health — and usually not for the better. In fact, surges in the female hormones estrogen and progesterone can dilate (expand) the tiny blood vessels in your gums, increasing blood flow. This makes gums more sensitive to the bacteria (and associated toxins) found in the sticky dental plaque that accumulates on teeth every day. Pregnant women commonly notice that their gums may become red and swollen, and even bleed when they floss or brush their teeth, a condition known as “pregnancy gingivitis.” Similar gum inflammation can result from taking birth control pills that contain a type of synthetic progesterone, or even from the normal hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle. Preventive Dentistry in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. You've no doubt heard it said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Preventive Dentistry in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group

In dentistry, you might say it's worth two pounds. Maybe even thousands of dollars. That's because dental problems can become exponentially more expensive — and painful — the longer they go unaddressed. Fortunately, modern dentistry has many easy and relatively inexpensive ways to make sure that today's minor annoyance does not turn into tomorrow's major headache. Preventive dentistry describes all the procedures used to arrest tooth decay and other diseases in the earliest stages. The Benefits of Regular Dental Visits in Guelph. The Effects of Stress on Your Oral Health. Teeth grinding and clenching are common habits, but that doesn't mean they are harmless.

The Effects of Stress on Your Oral Health

Stresses from the powerful forces generated by grinding and clenching (also known as “bruxing”) can wear down teeth or even loosen them. Teeth that have enamel worn away or scraped off from this repeated rubbing action may become sensitive to hot or cold. And dental work such as crowns and fillings may get damaged. The Most Common Signs of Gum Disease. Best Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy & Strong. Diabetes & Oral Health: How They are Related. Diabetes is a group of chronic inflammatory diseases that affect the body's ability to process sugar.

Diabetes & Oral Health: How They are Related

If you have diabetes, it is particularly important to maintain excellent oral health. That's because diabetics are more prone to oral infections such as periodontal (gum) disease, which can result in tooth loss if left untreated. Conversely, the presence of gum disease can make it harder for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. Periodontal disease is a chronic ailment that is also associated with an elevated level of systemic (whole-body) inflammation. Like diabetes, it may have wide-ranging consequences outside the mouth — possibly increasing a person's chance of experiencing major cardiovascular events (such as heart attack or stroke) or adverse pregnancy outcomes (low birth weight and pre-term delivery). Dental Hygiene Tips for Your Child.

Whiten Your Traumatized Teeth in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments — and it's easy to see why.

Whiten Your Traumatized Teeth in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group

Having whiter teeth can make you look years younger, and the procedure itself is among the most conservative (and cost-effective) cosmetic treatments dentistry offers. Sometimes, however, achieving a pleasing, even shade of lightness can be challenging; this is particularly true when a tooth that needs to be lightened has been subjected to an injury (dental trauma) in the past. Dental trauma encompasses any damage to the tooth that's caused by an external agent, whether accidental or intended. It may be due to a fall, a sports injury — or even a past orthodontic procedure. According to some studies, around a quarter of Americans aged 6 to 50 years old have experienced some traumatic dental injury, with most occurring before age 19. Root Canal Surgery (Apicoectomy) in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Occasionally, root canal treatment proves unsuccessful at resolving an infection in the tissues near a tooth's roots.

Root Canal Surgery (Apicoectomy) in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group

That's when a minor surgical procedure called an apicoectomy may be recommended. Because this procedure is often performed with the aid of a microscope and other small specialized tools, it's considered a type of endodontic microsurgery. Probably the most common type of root canal surgery, an apicoectomy involves removing a small portion of the apex (tip) of the tooth's root, along with any surrounding hard or soft tissue that may be infected. What would cause you to need an apicoectomy? There could be several reasons, including a canal that is blocked or inaccessible, an anatomical irregularity, or a fracture or crack in the tooth's roots. The Apicoectomy Procedure. Combined Root Canal & Gum Problems – Get Treatment Today. When you experience pain in your mouth, it's sometimes abundantly clear which tooth is causing it. At other times, the sensation of discomfort is more diffuse, generalized or hard to pinpoint.

On occasion, it can even be challenging to determine exactly what problem or combination of problems is causing the symptoms you're experiencing. This may be the case when an infection exists in the root canals of a tooth as well as the gum tissue adjacent to it. In this situation, the infection may have begun in the pulp of the tooth itself; or, it may have started in the gums. Over time, it has spread from one location to the other — and now it's causing a confusing set of symptoms that are difficult to sort out. Confusing Symptoms From time to time, many people experience oral discomfort that's dull or intermittent. How to Straighten Your Smile?

Difference Between a Root Canal and Tooth Extraction. Dental Fillings in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Restore Your Teeth with Inlays & Onlays – Woolwich Dental Group. There are times when a tooth suffers damage (from decay, for example) that is too extensive to be treated with a simple filling — but not extensive enough to need a full-coverage crown. In these cases, the best option for restoring the tooth may be an inlay or onlay. Both inlays and onlays are considered “indirect” fillings, meaning that they are fabricated outside the mouth (generally at a dental laboratory), and then bonded to the tooth by the dentist.

This is in contrast to a “direct” filling, which is applied directly to the cavity by the dentist in one office visit. An indirect filling is considered an “inlay” when it fits within the little points or “cusps” of a back (premolar or molar) tooth. It is an “onlay” if it covers one or more of these cusps. Tooth Wear, Its Types and Treatment. With proper care, your teeth can last a lifetime. But some amount of wear as we age is normal. By “wear,” we mean loss of tooth structure. Wear starts with loss of the hard, translucent enamel that forms the outer covering of teeth, and might, in more serious cases, progress to the softer inner tooth structure known as dentin. Best Tips to Prevent Oral Cancer. Whitening for Traumatized Teeth - Woolwich Dental Group. Get Rid of Your Gummy Smile - Woolwich Dental Group.

Some people feel self-conscious about smiling because they believe their gums are too prominent. Though we each have our own definition of what makes a smile beautiful — including how much gum is too much — a smile will usually be perceived as “gummy” when 4 millimeters (just over an eighth of an inch) of gum tissue shows. If your smile looks gummy to you, it's important to figure out exactly what's causing this. Only then can the appropriate cosmetic dental or periodontal (gum) procedures be recommended to give you a more pleasing appearance of the gums and teeth. Causes Gummy smiles may be caused by one or more factors relating to the gums themselves, the teeth, or even the lip or jaw. Gums. Professional Teeth Whitening in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. Tooth Contouring & Reshaping – Cosmetic Dentist Guelph. Sometimes little defects in teeth can attract more than their fair share of attention. The eye often seems drawn to the tiny chip in a front tooth; the slight mismatch in tooth size among adjacent teeth; the extra-pointy canine.

If you find yourself staring at these subtle yet distracting features in your own smile, help is available — often with a minimally invasive, relatively inexpensive procedure known as tooth contouring (reshaping). Reasons to Get Your Teeth Whitened. How to Stop Teeth Grinding? Replace Your Metal Braces & Straighten Your Smile Invisibly with Invisalign – Woolwich Dental Group. Contact Us - Comprehensive Dental Clinic in Guelph. What is the Role of a Dentist in Oral Cancer Treatment? A visit to a local dentist in Guelph and elsewhere is pretty straightforward, right? You come in and the dentist thoroughly scans your mouth for cavities so he can treat them. Facts About Periodontal Disease. Gum or periodontal disease is one of the most common reasons for tooth loss among adults in Canada.

All forms of this disease begin with a condition called gingivitis, characterized by reddening and bleeding of the gums when brushing. How Your Overall Health Affects Your Oral Health. The word “oral” refers to anything that relates to the mouth. This includes your gums, tongue, jawbone, supporting tissues, and most of all, your teeth. That said, good oral health doesn’t only mean you have shiny white, perfectly aligned teeth—you likewise need to ensure that the rest of your mouth is well-taken care of as well. After all, oral health affects your entire body, so maintaining good oral health is essential to the maintenance of your total well-being. Recreate the Natural Look of Your Teeth with Veneers. Bad Breath 101: Learn All You Need to Know. As much as nobody likes bad breath (halitosis), it is unfortunately quite common. Although precise epidemiological data is a bit scarce, several studies have suggested that bad breath may fall close behind dental cavities and gum disease as the foremost reasons for visiting a dentist in Guelph and nearby areas.

Bad breath isn’t exactly a pressing medical problem, per se. Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment. Invisalign for Teens – Woolwich Dental Group. There's a new technology that's (literally) putting a smile on plenty of young faces: A system of clear, removable aligners made especially for teens called Invisalign Teen®! The Dangers of Thumb Sucking - Woolwich Dental Group. 5 Reasons to Get an Oral Cancer Screening. Why Choose Dental Implants for Missing Teeth. Learn Proper Flossing Technique - Woolwich Dental Group. You always brush twice a day, avoid sugary snacks between meals, and go to the dentist regularly. Do you still have to floss your teeth? The short answer: Yes, at least once a day.

Flossing is probably your single most important weapon against plaque, the clingy bacterial biofilm that sticks to the surfaces of your teeth. Plaque is the principal cause of tooth decay; but it is also the cause of periodontitis (gum disease), bad breath, and other maladies. Brushing is a good start — but flossing removes plaque in places a brush can't reach, like the small gaps between teeth and under the gums. Some people may think they don't have time to floss, but once you get the hang of it, flossing only takes few minutes. Early Orthodontic Treatment for Children - Woolwich Dental Group. You probably know that it's never too late to begin orthodontic treatment — but when it comes to your youngster's teeth, did you know that earlier may be better than later? According to the American Association of Orthodontists, kids should have an initial orthodontic screening at age 7.

What makes early evaluation — and potentially, early treatment — so important? There are several ways that kids can benefit from an orthodontic evaluation at an early age. Root Canal Treatment in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. How to Brush Your Teeth Properly. If you're like most people, you probably learned how to brush as a child… and chances are, you haven't thought about it much since then. That's understandable — but there may come a point when we find our oral hygiene techniques could use improvement. The Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth. 5 Advantages of Composite Tooth Fillings. Sedation Dentistry in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. Complete Dental Services in Guelph Woolwich Dental Group. Why You Need to Take Your Child to a Pediatric Dentist. Professional Teeth Cleanings in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. Difference Between Dental Veneers and Crowns. Why You Should Get Your Teeth Whitened? Restore Your Smile and Confidence with Dental Implants in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group.

Bad Breath Treatment in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. 5 Reasons to Choose Porcelain Veneers for Your Smile. Root Canal Retreatment in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group. Professional Teeth Whitening in Guelph, Ontario - Book Your Free Smile Analysis Today! Complete Cosmetic & General Dentistry Services in Guelph, Ontario. Woolwich Dental Group - Dental Staff in Guelph, Ontario. Everything You Need to Know about Periodontal (Gum) Disease.

5 Main Benefits of Root Canal Therapy. 4 Reasons to Choose Cosmetic Dentistry. Save Your Overall Health and Examine for Oral Cancer Before It’s Too Late. Missing Teeth? Get A Permanent Solution for Tooth Loss with Dental Implants. Dental Staff in Guelph, Ontario- Woolwich Dental Group. Gum Disease: 7 Things You Should Know about Periodontal Disease. Save Your Infected Tooth With Root Canal Therapy in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. Orthodontic Treatment in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group. Recreate the Natural Look of Your Teeth with Veneers. Best Dentist in Guelph - Woolwich Dental Group. 5 Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment. Learn About Periodontal Flap Surgery. Periodontal Therapy in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group. Cosmetic Dentistry in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group.

Smile Makeover in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group. 5 Reasons to Take Your Child to a Pediatric Dentist. Hidden Consequences of Losing Teeth – Woolwich Dental Group. Invisalign for Teens – Woolwich Dental Group. Boost Your Confidence with a Smile Makeover in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Best Dental Services in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Why do Teeth Turn Yellow? 7 Effects of Stress on Your Oral Health. Achieve a Beautiful White Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry Services – Woolwich Dental Group. Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Treatment. Root Canal Treatment for Children in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Best Tips to Help Your Kids Practice Good Oral Hygiene.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment in Guelph at Woolwich Dental Group. Tooth Extraction in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Children’s Dentistry in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. 7 Gum Disease Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore. Everything You Need to Know About Bone Grafting. Straighten Your Smile Invisibly with Invisalign – Woolwich Dental Group. Suffering from Tooth Sensitivity? Get the Treatment at Woolwich Dental Group. Mouthguards for Adults in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Removable Full Or Partial Dentures in Guelph – Woolwich Dental Group. Save Your Life and Examine for Oral Cancer Before It’s Too Late.