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Metal "MB" HotEnd for 1.75mm filament by rp_one_labs. Printrbot Nozzle Fabrication Toolbox by Jerrill. Universal Paste extruder - Ceramic, Food and Real Chocolate 3D Printing... Happy Easter Everyone, I'm a little late with this post, it's been a very busy month. This particular 3D printing adventure started last August (2011) after seeing a few news reports on 3D Chocolate printing, it had always been on my list of things to try, after reading the reports and looking at the rather over marketed video of a machine doing essentially nothing... I was really frustrated that the technology didn't seem that accessible or even that revolutionary considering they described it as the "worlds first Chocolate printer" It looked like the University of Exeter had decided not to show any videos of the printer actually doing anything to do with the printing process. - See the PR page and video Here. It does make a reasonable point about the end user specifying the custom design for themselves, much as we already see with 3D printing.

So they were giving no clues to how fast they had it running, or how long they cooled between layers etc. 3-way Quick-fit Extruder and Colour Blending Nozzle. Three extruder's and One Nozzle - RepRap material blending Hello everyone, I'm really excited about this one, I hope you like the results - Very first print.

3-way Quick-fit Extruder and Colour Blending Nozzle

It’s taken a while to get this post written up, but a few recent things have really spurred me on to get it finished. I started work on colour mixing earlier this year and had some promising results with a basic, manual setup. Things moved onto other 3D printing developments and I got sidetracked for a few months. Dual extrusion has been the focus for many machines, but this has some significant problems of alignment and oozing of the inactive hot-end and the fact you cant mix/blend materials with two separate hot-ends. I always wanted a single hot-end with multiple driven feeds, so that’s the focus of this particular development.Before I forget, the files for this project are up on Thingiverse here.

Stop-Start - That’s why I’m not calling this extruder a colour mixing setup. Introduction Video Part 1 - Building the Extruder's (X3) - 9.0 Wiring - Reprap Prusa Mendel Build Manual - Nextday Reprap - Instructions. Parts RequiredAssembled RAMPS 1.4 BoardStepper Motor Crimps and Connectors Everything has been pre connected and soldered other than the stepper motors which need to be crimped.

9.0 Wiring - Reprap Prusa Mendel Build Manual - Nextday Reprap - Instructions

(no soldering) Your Nema Stepper Motors will require the plastic molex connectors crimped and connected to the wires before you can attach them to your RAMPS hardware. The following instructions will guide you through the process. If you are experienced at this type of connection we recommend that you put small amount of solder on the crimps to ensure there longevity. Step 1 Take the four colored (Red, Blue, Green, Black) wires from the Nema Stepper Motor and strip 5mm of the plastic sheath from each of the wires.

Step 2 Take one of the Crimp connectors and place the Red stripped wire as shown below. Step 3 Now crimp down the smaller metal prongs. Step 4 Crimp the larger of the prongs around the sheathed part of the wire. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7. How to build Prusa 2. Prusa Mendel Documentation You will find a list of 24 videos on this page.

How to build Prusa 2

Each video was created to demonstrate the assembly process for the Prusa Mendel Iteration 2. It was intended to show every step from beginning to end without cutting out any parts. Thus the recordings account for 8 hours of videos. The videos may show more than you need, but that's alright, just skip to what you need to see. Here is a video showing the parts and tools you'll need: I'd like to say thank you to everyone who contributes their knowledge to the RepRap community.

I spent about 2 months working on these videos. If you happen to see something that should be corrected, please let me know. :) I want to be accurate. Thanks and have fun!