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PowerPoint Object Model Reference. 16진수 헥사, 2진수, 10진수, 8진법 변환 계산기; Hex Calc. 숫자 진법 변환기입니다. 아래의 색깔 있는 입력 칸들 중의 아무 칸에나 해당되는 진법의 정수 숫자를 입력하면, 즉시 다른 진법으로 자동 변환됩니다. 진법의 중요도 순으로, 10진수, 16진수, 2진수, 8진수를 지원합니다. 프로그래밍 등에서 16진수가 많이 사용되고, 비트 연산 등에서는 2진수도 사용됩니다. 8진수는 별로 사용되지 않는 진법입니다. 10진수: Dec16진수: Hex 2진수: Bin 8진수: Oct 문자: ASCII / Unicode Char 메시지: 그 숫자에 해당하는 문자 코드의 문자 1개도 출력됩니다. 색깔 있는 입력 칸들의 우측 끝에 있는 하얀 칸들은, 그 숫자들의 자릿수를 표시합니다. 위의 계산기는 입력한 숫자들을 "부호 없는 32비트 정수 (unsigned int)"로 간주합니다. unsigned int의 최대값은 10진수로 4294967295이고, 16진수로는 FFFFFFFF입니다. 2진수로는11111111111111111111111111111111입니다. 주의: 음수(Negative Number)는, 위의 계산기로 변환할 수 없습니다. ☞ 각종 온라인 계산기 Calculator | 변환기 컨버터 Converter.

What's the complete range for Chinese characters in Unicode. ▩컴퓨터자격증 세상으로 떠나요▩ - MOS(excel)강좌 - 주석, 행 이어 쓰기, 복수 명령문, 진수의 표기 /mos자격증 /mos지정학원/mos | Daum 카페. Getting Started with VBA in Office 2010. You might think that writing code is mysterious or difficult, but the basic principles use every-day reasoning and are quite accessible. The Office 2010 applications are created in such a way that they expose things called objects that can receive instructions, in much the same way that a phone is designed with buttons that you use to interact with the phone.

When you press a button, the phone recognizes the instruction and includes the corresponding number in the sequence that you are dialing. In programming, you interact with the application by sending instructions to various objects in the application. These objects are expansive, but they have their limits. They can only do what they are designed to do, and they will only do what you instruct them to do.

For example, consider the user who opens a document in Word 2010, makes a few changes, saves the document, and then closes it. In the world of VBA programming, Word 2010 exposes a Document object. The Object Model Methods Properties. If...Then...Else Statement (Visual Basic) Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. ' Multiple-line syntax: If condition [ Then ] [ statements ] [ ElseIf elseifcondition [ Then ] [ elseifstatements ] ] [ Else [ elsestatements ] ] End If ' Single-line syntax: If condition Then [ statements ] [ Else [ elsestatements ] ] condition Required.

Expression. If the expression is a Nullable Boolean variable that evaluates to Nothing, the condition is treated as if the expression is not True, and the Else block is executed. Then Required in the single-line syntax; optional in the multiple-line syntax. statements Optional. Elseifcondition Required if ElseIf is present. Elseifstatements Optional. Elsestatements Optional. End If Terminates the If...Then...Else block. Multiple-Line Syntax When an If...Then...Else statement is encountered, condition is tested. The ElseIf and Else clauses are both optional. In the multiple-line syntax, the If statement must be the only statement on the first line.