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The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table) The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux.Last update: 16.07.2003, 31.01.2005, 27.05.2005, 04.12.2006, 07.07.2007, 25.11.2007, 29.12.2011 (in progress) You can always find the last version of this table on the official site: This page on other languages: Russian, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese, Bulgarian, Polish.

One of the biggest difficulties in migrating from Windows to Linux is the lack of knowledge about comparable software. Newbies usually search for Linux analogs of Windows software, and advanced Linux-users cannot answer their questions since they often don't know too much about Windows :). This list of Linux equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software is based on our own experience and on the information obtained from the visitors of this page (thanks!).

This table is not static since new application names can be added to both left and the right sides. Attention! Credits: Kate | Get an Edge in Editing - The Kate Editor Homepage. - Gimp - Lightning. Animation. GlTail.rb - realtime logfile visualization. The Technology Place For Nonprofits. Best of the Best: The Hive Five Winners. Thank you for this article, Adam. I have a few OS-centric comments. Yeah, I'm a Mac, and that may explain some of my comments, but others would apply even if I was a PC, which I am from 9-5. The Mac in me says [rant] what's up with all the Windows selections that dominate the first items in this article, and with the Windows specific categories towards the end of the article? [/rant] When I see Windows apps dominate I wonder what role is played by the fact that there are more PCs than Macs. When an OS X app wins, I wonder whether it had to clear a higher hurdle to overcome the fact that there are more PCs out there.

I assume that is the case and I can be OK with that, but if that is the case, it seems like an honorable mention is warranted under the circumstances. The Windows specific entries towards the end trigger the same reaction, only it feels like my Mac nose is being rubbed in it. Yeah, I said nothing about Linux in all of this. 60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP. Tweaking enables you to make Windows 7 do interesting and useful things that it doesn't necessarily do directly out of the box. Some tweaks are easier to action than others but all of them help you to customise your PC and make it run closer to the way you'd like. A simple tweak might be learning a keyboard shortcut you hadn't heard of before to perform a task you undertake regularly.

A more advanced tweak might be assigning a custom shortcut to a program that includes your most recent settings preloaded. An expert tweak may involve Registry editing. Go deeper Over the coming pages, we'll provide you with the advanced user manual that never came with Windows. Where we suggest Registry editing, it's important to have a recent backup. Remember that it's your computer, so don't be shy – claim it for yourself and make it work smarter. 20 Windows 7 free apps to download today 01. You can remove unwanted programs that appear on the Open with… list when you're trying to open an unknown program. 02.

Freeware Cataloging SoftwarePage 2. Free software downloads, freeware, shareware and free trials along with reviews here at Canadian Content Technology. The site is organized into over a hundred categories from utilities to windows customization, from games to video capture and from file organization to antivirus. It's all here. Use the categories under "Downloads" to find more or use the search function at the top right-hand side of this page. It is very important to note that our download site only contains software which has been thoroughly tested by our editing staff. Some of the best software we feature included those in the categories of Free anti-virus software downloads Free full version software downloads Burning software downloads and best of all, freeware software downloads To help you decide which software is safe to download and worth an install, all of our free software download titles has a trust rating out of 10 that we like to call TrustRank.

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And as a bonus, I'm including a review of an extra, for-pay, try-before-you-buy download that can help your network as well. 5 Sites To Play Old Computer Games Once Again. I don’t know about you but I’m not much into fancy-pants 3D first person shooters. I can’t be bothered to build a massive gaming rig, blow $500 on a video card, and figure out what custom weights give me the best mouse response. I’ve got a WII, and I love it, and one of the big reasons I do is for the emulation. Sadly however, I can’t bring my WII to work or to the coffee shop down the street – but I can bring my laptop, jump on their WiFi and fire up these four awesome sites for a quick old school gaming fix! VirtualApple (Apple II and Apple IIGS) I don’t know about you but every now and then I get a craving to hunt square rabbits, hire unfit workers, make them walk too far and then lose three days because I’ve got scurvy. (Commodore 64) My family’s first computer was the UPS-brown Commodore 64, so this one really takes me back. (Nintendo Entertainment System) (Nintendo Entertainment System) GetBack.Com Arcade What about you? nForce4 Driver Archive. Siphon Synchronizes Firefox Add-Ons Simply. Ninite Easy PC Setup - Silent Unattended Install Multiple Programs At Once. Six open source projects you should be using | Enterprise architecture. The IT world has overcome much of its skittishness regarding the use of open source projects.

It obviously wasn't always that way, and plenty of IT shops still refuse to consider open source alternatives to commercial solutions. But most folks have come around to the fact that open source tools are a great asset to any organization and won't actually set fire to your data center or ransack the break room, no matter what the sales droids say. In many cases, the use of open source tools starts in the skunkworks of the IT organization, where a few individuals leverage open source projects to perform a specific task that is either unfunded or underfunded.

Once the proverbial camel's nose is in the tent, more open source applications and frameworks find their way into critical IT systems. Nagios: Open source network and system monitoring and notificationI've been a fan of Nagios for a long time. The Web interface is easy to use, and most anything that uses SNMP can be monitored. Online Backup Software | Carbonite.

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OpenTable If you like to eat out, you’ve probably heard of OpenTable. Readitlater Have you ever found yourself wanting to read an online article or blog post, but without the time to actually read it? Manual. Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery charge, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit. You are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Getting started with Rainmeter After downloading and installing Rainmeter, the very next stop should be Getting Started. Getting Started is a new user introduction to Rainmeter, covering both how to use the application, and starting guides and tutorials for creating and editing skins.

Using the rest of this documentation, and the experience of using and learning Rainmeter, will be much easier and more enjoyable with the overview Getting Started provides. Using the Rainmeter application Creating and editing skins More information. 61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For.