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Teeanbaugebiete in Japan. Teeanbaugebiete | China | Formosa (Taiwan) | Japan | Indien | Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Buddhistische Mönche haben den Tee vor 1000 Jahren nach Japan gebracht. Bis heute spielt Tee im Alltag der Japaner eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Von 47 Provinzen sind Shizuoka, Kagoshima und Mie die größten Tee-Anbaugebiete. Shizuoka, das malerisch zwischen dem heiligen Berg Fuji und der Pazifik Küste westlich von Tokio liegt, ist Japans produktivste Teeregion.

Ca. 110.000 Tonnen überwiegend Grüner Tee werden in Japan jährlich produziert, aber nur 2 % davon werden exportiert. Die wichtigsten Teesorten Japans: Sencha Sencha ist der bekannteste und meist getrunkenste Grüner Tee in Japan. Matcha (Maccha) Tencha-Blätter werden für Matcha (maccha) in Steinmühlen zu feinem Pulver zermahlen.

Teeanbau_in_Japan_Teeanbau_in_Japan_Kabuse_Cha_Halbschattentee,1187. Hangzhou's 18 Imperial Dragon Well Tea Trees. Hangzhou - Hangzhou, China Travel Blog. » Visit to Longjing Tea Plantation. Xi Hu Long Jing-TOP10 Chinese Tea Series. The best tea cultivar for Longjing is cultivar No.43. The Longjing produced using this cultivar gives distinguishing character: the appearance is flat, smooth and sleek, straight with sharp-tips and bud, with delicate green color, and yellowish edge. When brewed, it gives a long-lasting delicate fragrance with mellow taste. Besides, the sprouting occurs simultaneously and uniformly, the bud and leaf gives an even color and size.

This is important for making high grade tea with remarkable neat appearance. Furthermore, every year, the sprouting season of Cultivar No. 43 shifted to 7-10 days earlier than other cultivars. In China, the earlier the Longjing appears on the market, the better the selling price. Drinking the earliest tea during spring is the culture which people are fond of. Therefore, this cultivar is highly appreciated by farmers.

The Longjing cultivar No.43 passes the assessment at national level, and is recognized as a fine breed. The length of bud is 2.5-3.0 cm. » Blog Archive » China’s Legendary Green Teas by Mary Lou Heiss. How To Make Cold-Brewed Teas | Tea Blog | Samovar Tea Lounge | Samovarlife. Taiping Houkui : Green Tea : HOJO TEA. 拣尖 (Jian-jian) - Picking When all the tea leaves have been plucked, they are sent to the production area, the stringent picking is carried out to select every twig in a meticulous manner. The standard of picking is to select the twig (one twig = 1 bud and 3 leaves) which is robust and well grown, and from every twig, only one bud and two leaves remain – at 1/3 of the distance below the second leaf from bud, the third tea leaf is plucked and removed.

The first and second tea leaf must be almost the same height as the bud on top, i.e. 6 cm in overall. In any event, one kilogram of product consists of 20,000 buds. In such a strict manner, the picked leaves with even length and appearance resemble the finest tea of its group (i.e. the sharp-shaped green tea 尖形绿茶 Jian-xing Lü-cha). 殺青 (Sha Qing) – Pan Frying – Inactivation of Enzyme (Blanching) The purpose of 殺青 is to inactivate oxidative enzyme such as polyphenol oxidase (PPO) with heat.

初烘 (Chu Hong) - 1st Heating – The formation of shape. Hou Kui Tea,history,producing area of monkey king tea. What's Hou Kui Tea Taiping Hou Kui (simplified Chinese: 太平猴魁; pinyin: tàipínghóukuí.) tea also called Monkey King is grown at the foot of Huangshan Mountain in Taiping County, Anhui Province. The tea was first made at the beginning of the 20th century in a small village named Hou Keng (猴坑). In 1915,Hou Kui Tea won Gold Prize along with Keemun Tea, another famous tea produced in Huangshan area,in the Expo held at Panama.

Hou Kui Tea is renown for its "two knives and one pole": two straight leaves clasping the enormous bud with white hairs. The oven-made leaves are deep green in color with red veins underneath. The leaf of Hou Kui Tea measures up to 60 mm. As the production area is very small and demand is huge, falsification of hou kui tea is rampant. Hou Kui Tea's History As one of historically famous tea in China,hou kui tea was first made in Qing Dynasty in Anhui Province. It is said that the production of sharp-shaped tea (尖茶Jian-cha) bloomed during the Qing Dynasty. Consistency. Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea (Monkey Chief) - An Insider's Guide. Tai Ping Hou Kui tea is not widely known in the West, but for those who have tried, it is a real treat. Facebook Tweet Email What does the name of this fascinating tea mean?

Tai Ping is the name of the county. The tea is named after houkeng, the place where the tea was first made famous. The word "Kui" comes from the name of the tea farmer - Wang Kui Chen - who invented it in the early 19th century. Kui also means large or chief. Tai Ping Hou Kui tea gained celebrity status in 1915, when it won the gold medal in Panama Pacific International Exposition.

It went on to be one of China's 10 famous teas in 1955. Today, the best Tai Ping Hou Kui tea comes from the Sanhe village in the Yellow Mountain area. It is renowned for its "two knives and one pole": two straight leaves clasping the enormous bud with white hairs. The tea shoots can be as long as 15 centimeters. The tea has an orchid fragrance. Yellow Mountain Houkeng forms part of the northern range of Yellow Mountain or Huangshan.

» Tai Ping Hou Kui Green Tea » Seven Cups Fine Chinese Teas. About Tai Ping Hou Kui Green Tea Like most famous green teas grown in Anhui province, Tai Ping Hou Kui comes from the Yellow Mountain (Huang Shan) range. The soil and climate of the mountain range are considered good for tea growing and the region has a history of tea production extending into the song dynasty. Tai Ping Hou Kui is grown in the western reaches of Huang Shan’s mountain range in three villages in the Tai Ping prefecture: Hou Keng, Hou Gan, Yan Jia. These villages surround a large lake that is kept full with a dam and sits at an altitude of 700M above sea level. Here there is big difference in temperature between day and night, a condition that is said to make a special flavor in tea. Over 80% of the bushes grown in Tai Ping Hou Kui’s historic growing region are Shi Da Zhong type, a robust tea plant that is resistant to cold weather.

The flat and long shape of Tai Ping Hou Kui’s finished leaf is described as “Jian Cha” or “Pointy tea.” By 1912 Mr. Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea. Monkey King Tea At first glance, Tai Ping Hou Kui tea stands out. The tea comes from a special variety of tea tree which produces long leaves. The processed tea leaves are long and thin. They can be up to 15cm in length. The tea is one of the 10 most famous Chinese Teas and its name comes with an interesting story.

Left: Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea Trees Right: Freshly picked leaves The tea grows at altitudes of up to 700 meters. Right: Processed Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea leaves Left: A glass of Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea History The tea was first invented in the early 19th century. Fake Teas Like all famous teas, there is more fake Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea than authentic. Visit our other Chinese Tea Varieties' pages:Dragon Well Tea , Bi Luo Chun Tea , Huangshan Mao Feng Tea , Liu An Gua Pian Tea , Xin Yang Mao Jian Tea , Click here to go to our Green Tea pageClick here to return to our Home Page Click here for the finest Tea Ware for brewing Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea. Sencha. Hojicha Hojicha ist eine japanische Teespezialität, die erst relativ spät erst in den zwanziger Jahren des 20. Jhd. entwickelt wurde. Die Teeblätter werden über relativ großer Hitze ähnlich wie Kaffee geröstet.

Dabei entsteht ein sehr starker nussig karamelliger Duft, der charakteristisch ist für Hojicha. Anbau Anders als Matcha oder Gyokuro wird der Teestrauch, aus dem Sencha und Hojicha gewonnen wird, niemals als Schattentee angebaut. Ernte Die Tee Ernte richtet sich noch heute nach dem alten Mondkalender, der für die Landwirtschaft von größerer Bedeutung ist, als der neue westliche Sonnenkalender. Darum wird in Japan auf dem Land in den Tageszeitungen immer noch das Datum des Mondkalenders angegeben. Während der Zeit des Chatsumi, des Teepflückens, sieht man überall in Uji die Frauen in ihren traditionellen Gewändern, die sie bei der Teernte tragen.

Dämpfen Anders als chinesische Grüntees wird der japanische Grüntee gedämpft. Trocknen und Rollen Sortieren und Rösten.


DarjeelingTeaXpress. Wo Tee ein Zuhause hat. Tee kaufen oder serviert bekommen | Tee Heimat – guten Tee geniessen. Karte Teeanbauregionen auf Ceylon. Gärten & Anbaugebiete. Mei Jia Wu Longjing Tea Culture Village. Die 10 besten Tees aus China. Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden so viele Teesorten angebaut wie in China. Etwas vergleichbares mit dem Teeanbau in China ist vielleicht nur der Anbau des Weins. So wie jedes Chateau in Frankreich sein Weinlabel pflegt, pflegt jede Anbauregion in China seinen Teenamen. Damit der Teetrinker überhaupt eine Orientierung beim Teekauf hat, werden in China regelmäßig Tee-Wettbewerbe veranstaltet. Mit der Zeit hat sich eine Liste von Teesorten herauskristallisiert, die sehr häufig zu den Gewinnern bei den Wettbewerben zählten.

Inoffiziell gibt es deshalb eine "Liste der 10 besten Teesorten Chinas". Dass gerade diese 10 Teesorten als die besten Tees Chinas gelten, wird durch viele Faktoren bestimmt. Was man aber bei dieser Liste beachten muss, ist, dass ein Name auf der Top 10-Liste noch lange nicht gleichzusetzen ist mit dem besten Teegenuss. Im folgenden werden die 10 besten Tees aus China einzeln vorgestellt, wenn möglich mit einem Bild des Tees. Grüntees 1. Abb. 1: Lung Jing 2. 3. 4. Oolongs. Darjeeling Schwarztee FTGFOP1 SOOM - Tee Hamburg Online Tee Shop Grüner Tee Schwarzer Tee Teeversand Porzellan Keramik.

Japanese tea after the disaster - Bon Teavant. No one seems to know the parameters of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan that continues to play out in northern Honshu, about 150 miles north of Tokyo. Recently given the the highest rating for a nuclear crisis--a Level 7-- experts suggest that it will take decades to understand what has taken place and how it will effect the health of the planet--including human health--in Japan and elsewhere. For those of us who are avid tea imbibers, there is an obvious question lurking: Should we buy or drink Japanese teas in the coming months and years? How about teas from neighboring parts of Asia like China and Taiwan? I don't think anyone yet has an answer, but what are the issues we can consider in order to make sense of it?

To offer some confidence, food safety monitoring agencies around the world are on high alert for possible radiation contaminants in Japanese exports. The U.S. In the meantime, relax and enjoy your tea. Phoobsering | Teevilla - Das Portal rund um Tee. Cold Brew Oolong Tea - Making Cold Brew Oolong Tea with Tea from Taiwan. Oolong tea is usually prepared with hot water, but cold-water brewing is an intesting alternative, especially during the hot days of summer. And cold-water brewing has some advantages - you end up with less caffeine, theine, and catechins for a sweeter, tastier drink that won't cause sleeplessness. Cold Tea Brewing It's very easy to make cold brew tea - just let some tea leaves sit in cold water for about 4 hours. Amost any type of tea can be brewed this way, but you will get the best taste from lighly oxidized oolong teas.

However, you can also try it with darker oolongs or even with black tea. The method is simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Use about 6 - 8 grams of loose tea leaves for every liter of water (a heaping tablespoon per quart of water). The tea can be left refrigerated for up to 5 days, but if it becomes cloudy or acquires a sticky texture, it has become contimated with bacteria and should be thrown away. Other articles about Tea in Taiwan. Lu Gu Township - Home of Dong Ding Oolong Tea. Home of Dong Ding Oolong Tea The island of Taiwan is divided into 15 counties.

All but one border the sea. This landlocked county, Nantou, is the most productive tea county of Taiwan with more than 8,000 hectares of tea plantations. Nantou county has 12 townships including Lu Gu (home of the famous Dong Ding oolong tea), Jhushan, Renai, Shueili, and Mingjian. Nantou is best-known for its oolong tea, but black tea is also produced in Yuchih county near Sun-Moon Lake. Lu Gu Township (also spelled "Luku") has been producing tea commercially since the mid 19th century. Dong Ding oolong tea is grown on Dong Ding Mountain (also spelled "Tong Ting" and means "Frozen Peak").

Lu Gu is the single largest tea-producing township in Taiwan and has built a healthy side industry in tea tourism. The township has retained a feeling of the past by preserving many of the old buildings. Other articles about Tea in Taiwan. The 10 Famous Chinese Tea. Teewelt - Der Tee-Blog. DarjeelingTeaXpress. Tea History | Nick Bastone. Matcha Green Tea is Part of an Anti-Cancer Diet. Free Matcha Tea Samples. Ali Shan Oolong Tea – Tea isn’t just about drinking…it’s an adventure! Fall is here. The leaves are changing, the sun comes up later, and the mornings are cooler. Although I drink hot tea year round, it is during this time of the year that a hot cup of tea is even more appealing. As my grandmother used to say… “it warms my bones,” which is wonderful since, I tend to be cold all the time.

The hot mug warms my hands and the liquor embraces the chest, spreading the warmth throughout my body. Today, I’m enjoying a cup of Ali Shan Oolong also known as Taiwan Wu Long. Composition: Oolong tea from Taiwan. Dry Visual: Bright green with hint of yellow tightly rolled leaves. Dry Aroma: Fresh, clean, sweet smell with floral hints. Flavor: I admit, I am biased. Ali Shan Oolong is naturally sweet and requires no sweetener. Liquor: A bright green hue. Brewing Time: Canton Tea Company recommends steeping 1 tsp Ali Shan Oolong Tea for for 1 – 2 minutes in water with a temperature around 90°C (194°F). Manufacturer: Canton Tea Company Caffeine: Yes. Grüner Tee - Grüner Tee sogar als Therapieergänzung gegen Bluthochdruck und Altersdiabetes: Immer mehr Mediziner und Heilpraktiker empfehlen den Genuss des koffeinhaltigen Getränks, das anders als Kaffee oder schwarzer Tee anregt, aber nicht aufregt.

Schon vor vier Jahrtausenden erkannte man in China die Heilkräfte des grünen Tees, der den Fluss der Lebensenergie Qi regulieren soll. Forscher des Max-Delbrück-Centrums für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) in Berlin-Buch haben herausgefunden, dass bestimmte Bestandteile des Grüntees schädliche Eiweißablagerungen in den Zellen abbauen können. Die Wissenschaftler sehen zwischen diesen Eiweißablagerungen und der Entstehung von Morbus Parkinson und Alzheimer-Demenz einen Zusammenhang, so dass regelmäßiger Genuss von grünem Tee den Ausbruch dieser Krankheiten erschweren kann.

Allerdings kann nur regelmäßiger Teegenuss sich positiv auf die Gesundheit auswirken. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die verschiedenen. Organic Tea Farmer Interview: Part I. Kinezuka Toshiaki is an organic tea farmer in Shizuoka, Japan. In the 1970s, he founded a collective of organic tea farmers, and over the years he became a vocal advocate for the environmental benefits of organic farming.

During a recent trip to Japan, we had the opportunity to ask him about his experiences as an organic tea farmer. Here is part one of our conversation. Check back next week for part two of this discussion of organic tea farming in Japan. Art of Tea: You’ve said originally switched to organic production in search of better tasting tea. Kinezuka: Organic tea has a deeper, richer taste.

Art of Tea: When did you make the switch to organic tea production? Kinezuka: In 1976. If we go back to the earliest history of agriculture, we cannot find any time with such a high dependency on chemicals. Art of Tea: What kind of environmental destruction? Kinezuka: When I was little, farmers used a very strong chemical in the rice fields.

At the same time, the fish disappeared. Geschichte, Teepflanze, Ayurvedische Tees, Darjeeling, Assam Wellness. Tea Masters.


Gesundheit. Teebeutel der Sorte Mighty Leaf · Das · Neuigkeiten, Gedanken und Entdeckungen rund um den Tee. KJ #71. O-cha, Japanischer Tee - Wagashi Maniac. Matcha Zubereitung | Der Tee-Blog. Tee und Koffein | Der Tee-Blog. Was ist ein Tee-Event? Autumn Tie Guanyin | Chinese Tea Files. Der Teemarkt 2010-die Leiden eines Teehändlers. Würzen mit Tee - Servicezeit :Essen & Trinken. Tea Preparation. TeeSchnack aus der teeKüche « atai.TEA.

The Hacker’s Guide to Tea. Menglin Chou und die Blätter vom Teeweg · Das · Neuigkeiten, Gedanken und Entdeckungen rund um den Tee. Fragen an Teefreunde – Teil 6: Tanja Berlin · Das · Neuigkeiten, Gedanken und Entdeckungen rund um den Tee. Tee-Blog | Geschichten aus der Welt des Tee und eines Tee-Portals. Tee statt Wein setzt sich immer öfter in Restaurants durch. Puerh Cha - Serving the Pu-erh Connoisseur & the Adventurous Tea Drinker. Junshan Silver Needle (君山银针)