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Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day. Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day Source Many of us are aware of the Mayan calendar but not many people truly understand what it means and how it works.

Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day

Yes the calendar does end on December 21, 2012, but what does that mean?


I Ching Online - the Online Book of Changes. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. 12 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate. There is so much in life that we just tolerate.

12 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate

Some of it we have to deal with (taxes, bad weather, traffic). But there’s a good portion of stuff that we tolerate even when we don’t have to. We step around things, overlook irritations, and mindlessly accept energy drains. Perhaps we’ve become so immune to these tolerations that we don’t recognize the negative impact they have on us.