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Mike Ashby | HELLO MATERIALS BLOG. Karl T. Ulrich, Industrial design. Karl T. Ulrich - Home Page. Jonathan Ive / Winner of the Design Museum's inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003. The winner of the Design Museum's inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003 was JONATHAN IVE (1967-), senior vice-president of design at Apple whose innovations include the iPod, iMac, iPhone and iPad. As senior vice-president of design at Apple, Jonathan Ive has combined what he describes as “fanatical care beyond the obvious stuff? With relentless experiments into new tools, materials and production processes, to design such ground-breaking products as the iMAC, iBook, the PowerBook G4 and the iPod MP3 player.

He won the Design Museum's first Designer of the Year prize for the 2002 iMac and iPod. Born in London in 1967, Ive studied art and design at Newcastle Polytechnic before co-founding Tangerine, a design consultancy where he developed everything from power tools to televisions. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. In the early 1990s, I was living in London again and working with a number of clients in Japan, the US and Europe at Tangerine. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Damien Djaouti. Associate Teacher in Computer Science - University Montpellier II (France) Field of reseach : Design and use of videogames for purposes going beyond entertainment (Serious Games): education, communication, healthcare, politics, art... Study and development of theoretical methods and software tools that can help to design such videogames. Professional experience Since september 2012 Associate teacher in Computer Science. Teaching future teachers how to use ICT with their students for the IUFM of Montpellier (public french school for teachers).

Employeer: Université Montpellier II. From january 2012 to september 2012 Post-Doctoral fellowship in Computer Science. Pursuing the research work on "Serious Games" started with the PhD. Game And Learning Alliance (GALA), an european network of excellence dedicated to the use of (video)games for learning. PhD Student through an universty-industry parternship (CIFRE contract). The "Game Library" from "Odyssud" culturel centre (France). Since 2007 PhD Thesis.