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Political theory

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Anarchism? Is there anything still of interest in the political ideas of anarchism? Can anarchist thinking help contribute to solutions for the conundrums we face in light of some of the failures of electoral democracy we can see; some of the rampant abuses of corporate power that we experience; and the continuing exercise of authoritarian rule in various governments around the world? First, what is anarchism? If there is a defining thought within the anarchist tradition, it is the idea of social change effected freely by self-organizing groups of people without either states or hierarchical parties defining the agenda. Anarchism is opposed to hierarchy and organized coercion; it is in favor of free self-determination at every level.

So again -- can groups of free individuals self-organize on a genuinely voluntary basis? One piece of the answer is easy. So Scott's picture here doesn't seem to add up to a coherent political philosophy. Re-visioning Eurocentrism: A Symposium « The Disorder Of Things. The Disorder of Things is delighted to welcome a post from John M. Hobson, which kicks off a blog symposium on his new book The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics: Western International Theory, 1760-2010.

Over the next few weeks there will be a series of replies from TDOT’s Meera and Srdjan, as well as special guest participant Brett Bowden, followed finally by a response from John himself. [Images by Meera] Update: Meera’s response, Srjdan’s response and Brett’s response are now up. Introduction As I explain in the introduction to The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics, my book produces a twin-revisionist narrative of Eurocentrism and international theory.

The second narrative rethinks international theory as it has developed across a range of disciplines. However, while many non-IR specialists might well have an interest in thinking more deeply about Eurocentrism, equally though, they might well be put off from reading a book that appears to be aimed at an IR audience. I. 1. The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics. Western International Theory, 1760–2010 John M. Hobson, University of Sheffield. Registration open for ‘Materialism and World Politics’ « Millennium: Journal of International Studies. Materialism and World Politics 20-22 October, 2012 Download the registration form (.doc) here. Send inquiries to: Scheduled Speakers: Keynote: The ontology of global politicsWilliam Connolly (Johns Hopkins University) Opening Panel: What does materialism mean for world politics today? John Protevi (Louisiana State University)Alberto Toscano (Goldsmith’s University) Closing Panel: Agency and structure in a complex worldColin Wight (University of Sydney)Erika Cudworth (University of East London)Stephen Hobden (University of East London)Diana Coole (Birkbeck, University of London) ANT/STS Workshop keynote:Andrew Barry (University of Oxford) ANT/STS Workshop roundtable: TBC The annual conference for volume 41 of Millennium: Journal of International Studies will take place on 20-22 October, 2012 at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The theme of this year’s conference is on the topic of materialism in world politics. Panels include: Like this: Violence and Social Orders. Structuring Politics. Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis Edited by: Sven Steinmo, University of Colorado, Boulder Edited by: Kathleen Thelen, Princeton University, New Jersey Edited by: Frank Longstreth, University of Bath Kathleen Thelen, Sven Steinmo, Bo Rothstein, Ellen Immergut, Peter A. Hall, Colleen A. Dunlavy, Victoria C. Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution. Democracy - reading... Political thought.

Political theory - curators..

Isaiah Berlin. Foreign Affairs Live: The Future of History. Comment Stagnating wages and growing inequality will soon threaten the stability of contemporary liberal democracies and dethrone... On March 22, Foreign Affairs Editor Gideon Rose led a conversation with renowned political scientist and author Francis Fukuyama on themes from his decades of research and writing, and the conclusions he drew in "The Future of History," Fukuyama's most recent contribution to the magazine. Watch them discuss the history and future of the liberal democractic order, and the factors -- from technology and biomedicine to popular uprisings in the East and socioeconomic disparity -- that will determine the arc of history. Terms of use: We or our licensors own all content and materials on, including, without limitation, all trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, and copyrights. Terms of use. Le libéralisme, une philosophie sociale - Arnault Skornicki, article Philosophie.

Le libéralisme, apologie du laisser-faire et individualisme débridé ? Loin de se réduire à ces slogans, il s’agit d’une tradition morale et politique vieille de trois siècles, aussi plurielle que contrastée, aussi riche que contestée, mais soudée par quelques idées-forces. Depuis la dernière crise économique mondiale, il semble qu’un nouveau spectre hante le monde : celui du libéralisme. Ce n’est cependant pas la première turbulence que ce dernier traverse au cours de sa longue histoire, et il n’est pas dit qu’il ne puisse à nouveau survivre à celle-ci.

Cette capacité de rebond n’est pas sans rapport avec la richesse et la fertilité d’un courant de pensée qui ne peut guère se réduire à une apologie du libre marché ou une défense sans condition des droits imprescriptibles d’individus atomisés. Revenons préalablement sur quelques idées reçues tirées de la vulgate (aussi bien libérale qu’antilibérale). Quelques idées reçues Arnault Skornicki.