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Linux: Install a million games in one click! Linux: Install a million games in one click! Updated: December 16, 2009 Well, not really a million, but how about tens or hundreds? Good enough for you? Today, we will talk about two extremely useful applications that allow to you search for hundreds of games that run on Linux, sorted by category, popularity, license, or price, read game synopses, check out the screenshots, and then, should you decide that you like some of them, install them with a single mouse click. Do you know what this means? Djl homepage djl is an open-source game manager for Linux, written in Python and inspired by Steam Valve for Windows. Get djl The first thing you will have to do is download the installer script from the website.

Tar zxvf <archive-name> cd <extracted-archive-dir> chmod +x . When you run the script the first time, if you do not have the Python framework installed, you'll get an error. Run djl Once you have everything in place, run the application. Using djl Now comes the really cool part. Plugins. How to choose the best Linux distro for you. At the time of writing, there are three hundred and twenty three distributions being tracked on There's one called Ehad. And another is called Estrella Roja. Many include the letter 'X' in their name, and many feature hand-drawn mascots and disparate communities. Not all are Linux-based, and not all are actively developed, but the overwhelming majority are. This is the world of choice, and it's a world made possible by free and open source software. Choice is the best thing about Linux. The choice is yours We're going to look at the most common usage scenarios and make our own recommendations based on our experience.

We've tried each and every one of the distributions listed, and it's a testament to the breadth and the quality of distributions available that we've not had to repeat a single recommendation once. What kind of user are you? Before you embark on a distro adventure, it's worth giving some thought to the kind of Linux user you are. Software not distributions. OpenSUSE 11.1 [ISPConfig 3] - Page 5 | Howt. 12 MyDNS Install the MyDNS DNS Server.

Run: cd /tmp wget wget rpm -i mydns*.rpm rm -f mydns*.rpm chkconfig --add mydns 13 Install vlogger and Webalizer cd /tmp wget tar xvfz vlogger-1.3.tar.gz mv vlogger-1.3/vlogger /usr/sbin/ rm -rf vlogger* yast2 -i webalizer perl-DateManip 14 Install fail2ban rpm -i Warnings like "warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.SCm0TM: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5b00c76e" can be ignored. 15 Install jailkit cd /tmp wget tar xvfz jailkit-2.5.tar.gz cd jailkit-2.5 . 16 Synchronize the System Clock yast2 -i xntp chkconfig --add ntp /etc/init.d/ntp start. Integrating LDAP and Samba using openSUSE. User identification across windows and Unix shares Usually you would need a user database for many purposes, one of them is to give the same user the possibility to access information that is on SMB shares as well as NFS ones. The user would be able to access identify himself either using a Linux computer or a Windows one, accessing his personal folder in a transparent way, either from Samba when using a Windows computer, of through NFS when using a Linux computer.

This document will present you with the needed steps to integrate LDAP user database with many attributes, to be used by the Samba system to provide some shares. NFS would also be possible with the same set of users and files provided by Samba. It is assumed that you have a normal openSUSE default installation (tested with 10.3) and that you have root access. First you have to install some basic packages. Now select the pattern "Directory Server (LDAP) or the packages nss_ldap, openldap2 and yast-ldap-server. Press "Finish". Powermizer Switch - get the most out of your video card - Page 9.