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Angular 2 CLI - Build Angular 2 apps using command line interface. Angular 2 CLI aka Command Line Interface is developed to get started quickly for building Angular 2 apps, especially when the entire community felt that setting up Angular 2 development environment was cumbersome.

Angular 2 CLI - Build Angular 2 apps using command line interface

With introduction of Angular CLI, it’s now easier than ever to create, run builds, do E2E (end to end) tests, run apps and deploy Angular 2 application. In this article, I will build a very basic Angular 2 application exclusively using CLI. So lets started. What we will learn here? Installing Angular 2 CLI using NPM.Creating an Angular 2 application using command line interfaceExamine CLI created project structure.Serve or Run Angular 2 application.Create models and services to work with data.Create Dashboard page using router.

Component Based Thinking in AngularJS. Introduction The following post should reflect on the advantages and possible pitfalls when creating component based directives in AngularJS and is inspired by a number of excellent posts and articles around the subject, including "Thinking in React" and "How I've Improved My Angular Apps by Banning ng-controller".

Component Based Thinking in AngularJS

AngularJS comes with directives out of the box, just think ng-repeat or the form tag. Angular color generator. Ng-conf May 4th - 6th 2016 - The World's Original Angular Conference.