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More on Next Generation HR (Talking HR 022) ~ HR to HR 2.0 and H. Tonight’s Talking HR show (#022) took the CIPD’s New Generation HR research that I’ve discussed before for a deeper and fuller review. However, although I tried to be positive, my reactions to the research report remained largely the same. Krishna seemed to think very much the same as me as well. And it looks as if you agree with us too – 24 of you have responded to my survey asking about what you believe provides the basis for Next Generation HR in your organisation. These are the results with 20 hours to go: Sustainable Organisational Performance (CIPD) 4 (16%) Human Capital Management 9 (37%) The Social Business 5 (20%) Behavioural HR 4 (16%) Externally Focused HR 3 (12%) Green HR 2 (8%) HR 2.0 6 (25%) Imagination Based HR 4 (16%) Evidence Based HR 4 (16%) Strengths Based HR 2 (8%) Other 1 (4%) I’m really interested and impressed that Human Capital Management and HR 2.0 top your votes (have you see these two things mentioned anywhere else recently???

Find the show here. Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web. Gen Y is taking over. The generation of young adults that's composed of the children of Boomers, Generation Jones, and even some Gen X'ers, is the biggest generation since the Baby Boomers and three times the size of Gen X. As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes root in the workplace, we're going to see some big changes ahead, not just at work, but on the web as a whole. There's some contention over where exactly Gen Y starts and stops - some say those born 1983-1997, others think 1982-1997.

In this week's Entertainment Weekly, Gen Y is defined as "current 13 to 31 year-olds" and BusinessWeek says they can be as young as five. How They're Different They're Plugged In: The term "digital native" applies to most Gen Y'ers. TV Isn't King: Although you'll find some Gen Y'ers obsessing over the latest episode of "The Hills," and other shows, they aren't watching TV as much as other generations do.

They're Socially Conscious: Gen Y cares about the world. Gen Y & Technology. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Mais que veulent les ‘Digital Natives’ de la génération Y ? Selon Wikipedia : “La Génération Y comprend les enfants nés entre 1979 et 1994. Pour ce qui est de l’Europe, on considère que les enfants qui n’ont aucune mémoire de dictature ou de communisme sont des “Y”, puisque les autres montrent habituellement un caractère attribuable à la génération X. Ils ont confiance en eux, sont optimistes, indépendants, orientés sur les objectifs, maîtres d’Internet et des ordinateurs personnels (PCs), instruits et perspicaces.” Pour faire simple, disons que la génération Y représente la relève, ces fameux “jeunes” qui vont remplacer les baby boomers qui partent à la retraite. Beaucoup spéculent sur leurs aspirations mais peu le font aussi bein que Don Tapscott. Lors d’une récente conférence, le Don en question a ainsi très bien résumé l’état d’esprit de cette “net generation“ (Don Tapscott discusses the “net” generation) : Voilà en quelques lignes les traits de caractère principaux de cette nouvelle génération d’employés.

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