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IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. Easy2Hire. Our intuitive dashboard makes it easier for you to be ready with all information, without having to click or browse through files or spreadsheets.


Check your business development efficiency, follow up with today's / tomorrow's interview, browse current job openings, number of CVs delivered, interview schedule, current month’s joining, ToDo lists, & a lot more. Smart IVF. About IVF. Question : What is IVF?

About IVF

Answer : IVF means In Vitro (Greek means “outside body”) Fertilization. It is also called test tube baby treatment. Question : What are the indications of IVF? Facilities. Andrology. IVF Success Rate seems to be increasing rapidly. Today, infertility is a common factor, according to experts; India has witnessed a 20 to 30% increase in infertility rates, in the last few years.

IVF Success Rate seems to be increasing rapidly

IVF process is to treat couples with infertility problems. The result of the IVF treatment is not the same for all, every result is different. Let us look into the factors that will help ascertain the success rate. The first factor is Age. Cryopreservation / Vitrification. Mini IVF. The prevalence and management of Endometriosis. I recommend that you probably don't need to see a fertility doctor about infertility issues unless you have been trying regularly to conceive for at least one year.

The prevalence and management of Endometriosis.

Surrogacy. Nutrition and Medications We procure the medications, give them under supervision and also ensure that their daily needs are met with.


Our dietician on board, supervises the daily food and advises what is best for SM. Stay, clinic, and Transport Surrogate Mother (and her family) are usually provided with special accommodation and a maid for daily routines during her stay. If required, we admit the surrogates in our two clinics for observation and care, equipped with delivery room. Continuous monitoring(antenatal care) Our staff will continuously monitor the surrogates medically and also at the accommodation provided by us close to the hospital where they will be registered. IVF Treatments in Ahmedabad - WIngs Hospitals.IVF. True Facts of IVF treatment in today’s era. I am sharing my personal experience today that to make sure that certain wrong things are not implemented in IVF treatments.

True Facts of IVF treatment in today’s era.

Polycystic ovary patient with one time ovarian hyper stimulation should not happen in today’s era. Because of the previous hyper stimulation patient should not accept egg donation.Early move towards IVF treatment is a future in PCOS patients. Limit number of IUI to not more than 3 attempts.When patient is having 0 count in semen analysis, they should not accept sperm donation straight forward without biopsy. 50 percent men can retrieve sperm. Micro Tesa and Micro Pesa is the latest advancement in technology. Transferring embryos repeatedly will not improve pregnancy rate. Don’t accept egg donation quickly at any low AMH levels. Ask The Expert. Recurrent IVF Failure. Patient Friendly IVF. Infertility and Yoga. Time Lapse Imaging. Egg Freezing. Fertility preservation: It is the demand of the future society.

Egg Freezing

As some people choose their career & make it priority, they want to delay parenting & for that preservation of eggs & sperm is required. Even it is a need in some patient especially in cancer patients & even in auto immune disorder in patient. We freeze eggs on following criteria: Therapeutic freezing: Prior to chemotherapy & radio therapy in Breast cancer like all cancer treatments in femaleAll autoimmune diseaseSocial freezing: Want to delay parenting because of careerMarriage uncertainty at later age Message: It is always better to freeze eggs at younger age <37 to 40, because increasing age will decrease genetic quality of eggs.

Advanced Male Infertility Procedures. Blastosyst Culture. What is personalized approach in IVF? Cryopreservation / Vitrification. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnostics. When and where to start the IVF treatment? Patients are confused about the time to start the IVF treatment.

When and where to start the IVF treatment?

Should the age be considered as the parameter or the duration of the treatment? In Indian female, age beyond 35, IVF will be a better option. More than 5 years of infertility period again strongly indicates IVF treatment. At any point, if AMH is less than 2.0, IVF is strongly indicated. In the era of IVF treatments, 3 IUI attempts are enough.

Due to lack of regulations, patients are confused where to start the IVF treatment. There are no set parameters to indicate which is the best centre for IVF treatments. . • More than 5 years of specialty infertility experience of the doctor. • Most latest technology with 0.3 micron clean air modular lab. • In-house and more than 5 years experience of embryology team. • Atleast one triple gas bench incubator. WINGS Hospitals - #Openup. Advance maternal age and infertility - wings Hospitals. I recommend that you probably don't need to see a fertility doctor about infertility issues unless you have been trying regularly to conceive for at least one year.

Advance maternal age and infertility - wings Hospitals

However see your doctor, If you are a Woman and: • You are aged 35 to 40 and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer • You are over the age of 40 • You menstruate irregularly or not at all • Your periods are very painful • You've been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflam-matory disease • You've had multiple miscarriages • You've undergone treatment for cancer When should a male patient see a doctor? Endoscopy. Hysteroscopy provides a way for your doctor to look inside your uterus.


A hysteroscope is a thin, telescope-like instrument that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. This tool often helps a doctor diagnose or treat a uterine problem. Hysteroscopy is minor surgery which is performed either in your physician’s office without anesthesia or in an Operation Theatre setting. It can be performed with local, regional, or general anesthesia–sometimes no anesthesia is needed. Hysteroscopic surgery: –When an operation is performed in side the uterine cavity Office Hysteroscopy is a procedure performed to evaluate the internal architecture of the uterine cavity through direct visual inspection- procedure described as Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and to remove surface lesions that protrude into the cavity (e.g., polyps, adhesions, a septum, or to pass a thin catheter through one or both fallopian tubes- described as Operative hysteroscopy. Infertility: when to meet a Fertility Doctor?

Mini IVF. Natural Cycle of IVF. Obstetrics/Gynaecology. Are repeated attempts a reality in IVF? Can it be avoided using the latest techniques? YES! Usage of good quality injections assist in producing good quality of eggs which ever lead to better embryo formation. Also, high-end techniques like IMSI are required to set qualitative sperm especially in cases with relation to the male factor. But all of the abc techniques require the doctors and embryology team to have more than 5 years of experience Usually all Day 5 embryos will not lead to 9 months pregnancy.

So we need to ensure to the best grade embryo is transferred to increase the chances. Gardener's grading system now a benchmark to find out the most competitive embryo. Choosing of the normal uterus with 8-9 mm Endonietrial lining which is considered as a thumb rule. Surrogacy. IVF with own eggs ( Egg Donation) Third Party Donation.

A donor is ineligible if either screening or testing indicates the presence of a communicable disease or of a risk factor for a communicable disease. A comprehensive medical questionnaire to evaluate the health of a donor and review his family medical history is the primary focus in selecting a donor. Particular attention is paid to the potential donor’s personal and sexual history to exclude those males who are at high risk for communicable disease including HIV, hepatitis, and other sexually transmitted diseases. A family medical health history is obtained for at least two generations of family members. Prospective donors then undergo a physical examination with screening for visible physical abnormalities, as well as testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Routine blood analysis includes documentation of the donor’s blood type. ICSI. IVF. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. Obesity may be defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. It is a medical condition in which excess body fat builds up to the extent that the health of the individual becomes negatively affected. It is becoming increasingly common in both men and women in Western developed nations, including Australia and the US, and exerts significant financial pressure on health care systems.

Obesity is usually not caused by a single factor, although the genetic make-up of a person can influence the probability of developing the condition. The most significant contribution to the rise in obesity is thought to be the changes in behaviour and environment seen in modern society as a result of technological advances. In particular, the reduction in physical activity levels has been put forward as a major contributing factor in the development of the disease. Many health conditions are associated with obesity. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad. IVF Center in Ahmedabad, IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad.