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Prog_guide:autorotation – cocos2d for iPhone. Cocos2D and orientation madness « ohm interactive. Cocos2d and UIViewControllers « The Brenwill Workshop. Help us continue to provide great software!

cocos2d and UIViewControllers « The Brenwill Workshop

If you find this software useful, please consider making a donation to help us continue to provide and support quality products like this. This cocos2d framework package is a wonderful framework for working with OpenGL ES within iOS. Since it focuses on high performance OpenGL ES code, for the most part cocos2d bypasses Apple’s Cocoa UIViewController hierarchy. This makes sense, since within iOS, OpenGL ES usually plays out on a single UIView, and typically in a single display orientation, so there’s usually not much to control. However, there are occasions where the functionality provided by UIViewController can be quite useful.