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Allows jQuery animation transitions between marionette regions. Application — A Thorough Introduction To Backbone.Marionette (Part 1) Modules — A Thorough Introduction To Backbone.Marionette (Part 2) Advertisement In the first part of this series, we discussed Backbone.Marionette’s Application. This time around, we’ll discuss the module system that is included in Backbone.Marionette. Modules are accessible through the Application, but modules are a very large topic and deserve an article dedicated to them. What Are Modules? Before we get into the details of how to use Marionette’s module system, we should make sure we all have a decent definition of a module.

For this article, that’s about as much as we need to define modules, but if you want to learn more about writing modular code, plenty of resources are on the Internet, of which the “Maintainability Depends on Modularity” chapter of Single Page Apps in Depth is one of the better ones out there. The JavaScript language doesn’t currently have any built-in methods for defining modules (the next version should change that), but many libraries have arisen to provide support for defining and loading modules.

Module Definition Submodules. Backbone.js - Display a view using an existing rendered HTML with Backbone Marionette. Backbone.js - How to use Backbone.Marionette.ItemView with Mustache. Docs at master · marionettejs/backbone.marionette.