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Novel Scenes. By E.

Novel Scenes

A. Hill ©2010 Scenes. They’re the anchors for your characters, allowing them to experience adventures undreamed of. Scenes are the visual elements that, strung together, make navigating your story entertaining and logical. Scenes are the pulse of your novel. We all know what it’s like to be interrupted when we’re at the good part. Scenes. Write them. They’re what’s vibrant about your story. Events happening in a specific place.

Don’t tell us Max did this and Sally did that and Mortimer did a little of both. School report. Your characters into a specific time, a specific locale, and give them a task. And once you write your scene, don’t fill pages with delay, describing the route to an event and then the décor once we get there. Get to the point. Dump us into action. Paint us a picture of someone doing something somewhere. Think of a series of events, as in a movie. Yes, thinking can be an event. Give your readers events and action they can dive into. Think place. What I did on vacation. How to Make Readers Feel Emotion. On January 30th, 2011 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill and last modified on February 8, 2011 I wrote an article on the importance of creating emotions in readers, but I’ve noticed that writers are looking for specifics on how to accomplish that.

How to Make Readers Feel Emotion

So, this article complements that first one, presents practical tips on how to stir the reader’s emotions. Readers like to be touched, moved, by story. They like to imagine themselves in worlds and situations that challenge them, that give them opportunity to do and be something other than what they do or are in their real lives. Fiction, whether in book or film or games, allows people to not only step into other worlds, but to experience those worlds. Since readers want to immerse themselves in other worlds and other lives, what can writers do to make that experience authentic, to make the fictional world real for a few hours?

But how can a writer accomplish this? 1. This is a major key for rousing reader emotions. Articles on Writing Fiction. This is a list of links to articles on writing—craft, technical issues, writing tips.

Articles on Writing Fiction

These articles are typically longer than what you’d find on a blog page and since they’re already online at my Web site, I thought linking would be the best way to make the information available. Check for updates to this page. Article links will take you to A Novel Edit , my editing Web site. A link in the navigation bar there will return you to The Editor’s Blog. Writing Scenes for Your Novel —Novels are a series of connected scenes. Story-specific Words —Choose words that have meaning for your story.

A Novel Ending —The way you end you novel is as important as the way you begin it. Writing for the Emotions —Don’t cheat your readers out of feeling as they read your work. Show and Tell —Learn how to bring the reader into the story instead of holding him at a distance from the action and emotion. Punctuation —Proper punctuation is vital for clear communication. Advice on writing. Reading and writing.